fs = require 'fs' {Message, Actions, FileUploadStore, DraftStore} = require 'mailspring-exports' {Upload} = FileUploadStore msgId = "local-123" fpath = "/foo/bar/test123.jpg" fDir = "/foo/bar" uploadDir = "/uploads" filename = "test123.jpg" xdescribe 'FileUploadStore', -> beforeEach -> @draft = new Message() @session = changes: add: jasmine.createSpy('session.changes.add') commit: -> draft: => @draft spyOn(AppEnv, "isMainWindow").andReturn(true) spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForClientId").andReturn(Promise.resolve(@session)) spyOn(FileUploadStore, "_onAttachFileError").andCallFake (msg) -> throw new Error(msg) spyOn(AppEnv, "showOpenDialog").andCallFake (props, callback) -> callback(fpath) describe 'selectAttachment', -> it "throws if no headerMessageId is provided", -> expect( -> Actions.selectAttachment()).toThrow() it "throws if headerMessageId is blank", -> expect( -> Actions.selectAttachment("")).toThrow() it "dispatches action to attach file", -> spyOn(Actions, "addAttachment") Actions.selectAttachment(headerMessageId: msgId) expect(AppEnv.showOpenDialog).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(Actions.addAttachment).toHaveBeenCalled() args = Actions.addAttachment.calls[0].args[0] expect(args.headerMessageId).toBe(msgId) expect(args.filePath).toBe(fpath) describe 'addAttachment', -> beforeEach -> @stats = { size: 1234, isDirectory: -> false, } @upload = new Upload({ headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath, stats: @stats, id: 'u1', uploadDir: uploadDir }) spyOn(FileUploadStore, '_getFileStats').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@stats) spyOn(FileUploadStore, '_prepareTargetDir').andCallFake => Promise.resolve() spyOn(FileUploadStore, '_copyUpload').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@upload) spyOn(FileUploadStore, '_applySessionChanges').andCallThrough() it "throws if no headerMessageId or path is provided", -> expect(-> Actions.addAttachment()).toThrow() it 'throws if upload is a directory', -> @stats = { isDirectory: -> true } waitsForPromise -> FileUploadStore._onAddAttachment({headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath}) .then -> throw new Error('Expected test to land in catch.') .catch (error) -> expect(error.message.indexOf(filename + ' is a directory')).not.toBe(-1) it 'throws if the file is more than 25MB', -> @stats = { size: 25*1000000+1, isDirectory: -> false, } waitsForPromise -> FileUploadStore._onAddAttachment({headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath}) .then -> throw new Error('Expected test to land in catch.') .catch (error) -> expect(error.message.indexOf(filename + ' cannot')).not.toBe(-1) it "executes the required steps and triggers", -> waitsForPromise -> FileUploadStore._onAddAttachment({headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath}) runs => expect(FileUploadStore._getFileStats).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(FileUploadStore._prepareTargetDir).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(FileUploadStore._copyUpload).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(FileUploadStore._applySessionChanges).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@session.changes.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith({uploads: [@upload]}) describe 'removeAttachment', -> beforeEach -> @upload = new Upload({ headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath, stats: { size: 1234, isDirectory: -> false }, id: 'u1', uploadDir: uploadDir }) spyOn(FileUploadStore, '_deleteUpload').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@upload) spyOn(fs, 'rmdir') it 'removes the upload from the draft', -> @draft.uploads = [{id: 'u2'}, @upload] waitsForPromise => FileUploadStore._onRemoveAttachment(@upload) .then => expect(@session.changes.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith uploads: [{id: 'u2'}] expect(fs.rmdir).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'calls deleteUpload to clean up the filesystem', -> @draft.uploads = [@upload] waitsForPromise => FileUploadStore._onRemoveAttachment(@upload) .then => expect(FileUploadStore._deleteUpload).toHaveBeenCalled() describe '_getFileStats', -> it 'returns the correct stats', -> spyOn(fs, 'stat').andCallFake (path, callback) -> callback(null, {size: 1234, isDirectory: -> false}) waitsForPromise -> FileUploadStore._getFileStats(fpath) .then (stats) -> expect(stats.size).toEqual 1234 expect(stats.isDirectory()).toBe false it 'throws when there is an error reading the file', -> spyOn(fs, 'stat').andCallFake (path, callback) -> callback("Error!", null) waitsForPromise -> FileUploadStore._getFileStats(fpath) .then -> throw new Error('It should fail.') .catch (error) -> expect(error.message.indexOf(fpath)).toBe 0 describe '_copyUpload', -> beforeEach -> stream = require 'stream' @upload = new Upload({ headerMessageId: msgId, filePath: fpath, stats: { size: 1234, isDirectory: -> false }, id: null, uploadDir: uploadDir }) @readStream = stream.Readable() @writeStream = stream.Writable() spyOn(@readStream, 'pipe') spyOn(fs, 'createReadStream').andReturn @readStream spyOn(fs, 'createWriteStream').andReturn @writeStream it 'copies the file correctly', -> waitsForPromise => promise = FileUploadStore._copyUpload(@upload) @readStream.emit 'end' promise.then (up) => expect(fs.createReadStream).toHaveBeenCalledWith(fpath) expect(fs.createWriteStream).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@upload.targetPath) expect(@readStream.pipe).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@writeStream) expect(up.id).toEqual @upload.id it 'throws when there is an error on the read stream', -> waitsForPromise => promise = FileUploadStore._copyUpload(@upload) @readStream.emit 'error' promise .then => throw new Error('It should fail.') .catch (msg) => expect(msg).not.toBeUndefined() it 'throws when there is an error on the write stream', -> waitsForPromise => promise = FileUploadStore._copyUpload(@upload) @writeStream.emit 'error' promise .then => throw new Error('It should fail.') .catch (msg) => expect(msg).not.toBeUndefined()