React = require 'react' {Actions} = require("nylas-exports") {ScrollRegion} = require("nylas-component-kit") SidebarDividerItem = require("./account-sidebar-divider-item") SidebarSheetItem = require("./account-sidebar-sheet-item") AccountSidebarStore = require ("./account-sidebar-store") AccountSidebarCategoryItem = require("./account-sidebar-category-item") class AccountSidebar extends React.Component @displayName: 'AccountSidebar' @containerRequired: false @containerStyles: minWidth: 165 maxWidth: 207 constructor: (@props) -> @state = @_getStateFromStores() componentDidMount: => @unsubscribe = AccountSidebarStore.listen @_onStoreChange # It's important that every React class explicitly stops listening to # atom events before it unmounts. Thank you event-kit # This can be fixed via a Reflux mixin componentWillUnmount: => @unsubscribe() if @unsubscribe render: =>
_sections: => return (section) =>
_itemComponents: (section) => section.items?.map (item) => if section.type is 'category' itemClass = AccountSidebarCategoryItem else if section.type is 'sheet' itemClass = item.sidebarComponent ? SidebarSheetItem else throw new Error("Unsure how to render item type #{section.type}") _onStoreChange: => @setState @_getStateFromStores() _getStateFromStores: => sections: AccountSidebarStore.sections() selected: AccountSidebarStore.selected() module.exports = AccountSidebar