/** @babel */ import _ from 'underscore'; import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'; import {DateUtils, Actions} from 'nylas-exports' import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import SnoozeActions from './snooze-actions' import {DATE_FORMAT_LONG} from './snooze-constants' const SnoozeOptions = [ [ 'Later today', 'Tonight', 'Tomorrow', ], [ 'This weekend', 'Next week', 'Next month', ], ] const SnoozeDateGenerators = { 'Later today': DateUtils.laterToday, 'Tonight': DateUtils.tonight, 'Tomorrow': DateUtils.tomorrow, 'This weekend': DateUtils.thisWeekend, 'Next week': DateUtils.nextWeek, 'Next month': DateUtils.nextMonth, } const SnoozeIconNames = { 'Later today': 'later', 'Tonight': 'tonight', 'Tomorrow': 'tomorrow', 'This weekend': 'weekend', 'Next week': 'week', 'Next month': 'month', } class SnoozePopoverBody extends Component { static displayName = 'SnoozePopoverBody'; static propTypes = { threads: PropTypes.array.isRequired, swipeCallback: PropTypes.func, closePopover: PropTypes.func, }; static defaultProps = { swipeCallback: ()=> {}, closePopover: ()=> {}, }; constructor() { super(); this.didSnooze = false; this.state = { inputDate: null, } } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.swipeCallback(this.didSnooze); } onSnooze(dateGenerator, label) { const utcDate = dateGenerator().utc(); const formatted = DateUtils.format(utcDate); SnoozeActions.snoozeThreads(this.props.threads, formatted, label); this.didSnooze = true; this.props.closePopover(); // if we're looking at a thread, go back to the main view. // has no effect otherwise. Actions.popSheet(); } onInputChange = (event)=> { const inputDate = DateUtils.futureDateFromString(event.target.value) this.setState({inputDate}) }; onInputKeyDown = (event)=> { const {value} = event.target; if (value.length > 0 && ["Enter", "Return"].includes(event.key)) { const inputDate = DateUtils.futureDateFromString(value); if (inputDate) { this.onSnooze(() => {return inputDate}, "Custom"); // Prevent onInputChange from firing event.stopPropagation() } } }; renderItem = (label)=> { const dateGenerator = SnoozeDateGenerators[label]; const iconName = SnoozeIconNames[label]; const iconPath = `nylas://thread-snooze/assets/ic-snoozepopover-${iconName}@2x.png`; return (
) }; renderRow = (options, idx)=> { const items = _.map(options, this.renderItem); return (
); }; renderInputRow = (inputDate)=> { let formatted = null; if (inputDate) { formatted = 'Snooze until ' + DateUtils.format(inputDate, DATE_FORMAT_LONG); } return (
); }; render() { const {inputDate} = this.state; const rows = SnoozeOptions.map(this.renderRow); return (
{rows} {this.renderInputRow(inputDate)}
); } } export default SnoozePopoverBody;