import {ComposerExtension, Actions, QuotedHTMLTransformer} from 'nylas-exports'; import plugin from '../package.json' import uuid from 'node-uuid'; const LINK_REGEX = (/(]*>)|(]*>)/g); const PLUGIN_ID = plugin.appId; const PLUGIN_URL = ""; class DraftBody { constructor(draft) {this._body = draft.body} get unquoted() {return QuotedHTMLTransformer.removeQuotedHTML(this._body);} set unquoted(text) {this._body = QuotedHTMLTransformer.appendQuotedHTML(text, this._body);} get body() {return this._body} } export default class LinkTrackingComposerExtension extends ComposerExtension { static finalizeSessionBeforeSending({session}) { const draft = session.draft(); // grab message metadata, if any const metadata = draft.metadataForPluginId(PLUGIN_ID); if (metadata) { const draftBody = new DraftBody(draft); const links = []; const messageUid = uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, ""); // loop through all elements, replace with redirect links and save mappings draftBody.unquoted = draftBody.unquoted.replace(LINK_REGEX, (match, prefix, url, suffix) => { const encoded = encodeURIComponent(url); const redirectUrl = `http://${PLUGIN_URL}/${draft.accountId}/${messageUid}/${links.length}?redirect=${encoded}`; links.push({url: url, click_count: 0, click_data: []}); return prefix + redirectUrl + suffix; }); // save the draft session.changes.add({body: draftBody.body}); session.changes.commit(); // save the link info to draft metadata metadata.uid = messageUid; metadata.links = links; Actions.setMetadata(draft, PLUGIN_ID, metadata); } } }