import _ from 'underscore'; import {React, FeatureUsageStore, Actions, AccountStore, DatabaseStore, Message, CategoryStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import {FeatureUsedUpModal} from 'nylas-component-kit' import SnoozeUtils from './snooze-utils' import {PLUGIN_ID, PLUGIN_NAME} from './snooze-constants'; import SnoozeActions from './snooze-actions'; class SnoozeStore { constructor(pluginId = PLUGIN_ID, pluginName = PLUGIN_NAME) { this.pluginId = pluginId this.pluginName = pluginName this.accountIds = _.pluck(AccountStore.accounts(), 'id') this.snoozeCategoriesPromise = SnoozeUtils.getSnoozeCategoriesByAccount(AccountStore.accounts()) } activate() { this.unsubscribers = [ AccountStore.listen(this.onAccountsChanged), SnoozeActions.snoozeThreads.listen(this.onSnoozeThreads), ] } recordSnoozeEvent(threads, snoozeDate, label) { try { const timeInSec = Math.round(((new Date(snoozeDate)).valueOf() - / 1000); Actions.recordUserEvent("Threads Snoozed", { timeInSec: timeInSec, timeInLog10Sec: Math.log10(timeInSec), label: label, numItems: threads.length, }); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } } groupUpdatedThreads = (threads, snoozeCategoriesByAccount) => { const getSnoozeCategory = (accId) => snoozeCategoriesByAccount[accId] const {getInboxCategory} = CategoryStore const threadsByAccountId = {} threads.forEach((thread) => { const accId = thread.accountId if (!threadsByAccountId[accId]) { threadsByAccountId[accId] = { threads: [thread], snoozeCategoryId: getSnoozeCategory(accId).serverId, returnCategoryId: getInboxCategory(accId).serverId, } } else { threadsByAccountId[accId].threads.push(thread); } }); return Promise.resolve(threadsByAccountId); }; onAccountsChanged = () => { const nextIds = _.pluck(AccountStore.accounts(), 'id') const isSameAccountIds = ( this.accountIds.length === nextIds.length && this.accountIds.length === _.intersection(this.accountIds, nextIds).length ) if (!isSameAccountIds) { this.accountIds = nextIds this.snoozeCategoriesPromise = SnoozeUtils.getSnoozeCategoriesByAccount(AccountStore.accounts()) } }; onSnoozeThreads = (threads, snoozeDate, label) => { if (!FeatureUsageStore.isUsable("snooze")) { const featureData = FeatureUsageStore.featureData("snooze"); let headerText = ""; let rechargeText = "" if (!featureData.quota) { headerText = "Snooze not yet enabled"; rechargeText = "Upgrade to Pro to start Snoozing" } else { headerText = "All Snoozes used"; let time = "later"; if (featureData.period === "hourly") { time = "next hour" } else if (featureData.period === "daily") { time = "tomorrow" } else if (featureData.period === "weekly") { time = "next week" } else if (featureData.period === "monthly") { time = "next month" } else if (featureData.period === "yearly") { time = "next year" } else if (featureData.period === "unlimited") { time = "if you upgrade to Pro" } rechargeText = `You’ll have ${featureData.quota} more snoozes ${time}` } Actions.openModal({ component: ( ), height: 575, width: 412, }) return Promise.resolve() } this.recordSnoozeEvent(threads, snoozeDate, label) return FeatureUsageStore.useFeature('snooze') .then(() => { return SnoozeUtils.moveThreadsToSnooze(threads, this.snoozeCategoriesPromise, snoozeDate) }) .then((updatedThreads) => { return this.snoozeCategoriesPromise .then(snoozeCategories => this.groupUpdatedThreads(updatedThreads, snoozeCategories)) }) .then((updatedThreadsByAccountId) => { _.each(updatedThreadsByAccountId, (update) => { const {snoozeCategoryId, returnCategoryId} = update; // Get messages for those threads and metadata for those. DatabaseStore.findAll(Message, {threadId: =>}).then((messages) => { for (const message of messages) { const header = message.messageIdHeader; const stableId =; Actions.setMetadata(message, this.pluginId, {expiration: snoozeDate, header, stableId, snoozeCategoryId, returnCategoryId}) } }); }); }) .catch((error) => { SnoozeUtils.moveThreadsFromSnooze(threads, this.snoozeCategoriesPromise) Actions.closePopover(); NylasEnv.reportError(error); NylasEnv.showErrorDialog(`Sorry, we were unable to save your snooze settings. ${error.message}`); }); }; deactivate() { this.unsubscribers.forEach(unsub => unsub()) } } export default SnoozeStore;