import { Actions, TaskQueue } from 'mailspring-exports'; import FeatureUsageStore from '../../src/flux/stores/feature-usage-store'; import IdentityStore from '../../src/flux/stores/identity-store'; describe('FeatureUsageStore', function featureUsageStoreSpec() { beforeEach(() => { this.fakeIdentity = { id: 'foo', featureUsage: { 'is-usable': { quota: 10, period: 'monthly', usedInPeriod: 8, featureLimitName: 'Usable Group A', }, 'not-usable': { quota: 10, period: 'monthly', usedInPeriod: 10, featureLimitName: 'Unusable Group A', }, }, }; spyOn(IdentityStore, 'identity').andReturn(this.fakeIdentity); spyOn(IdentityStore, 'saveIdentity').andCallFake(async ident => { this.fakeIdentity = ident; }); }); describe('isUsable', () => { it("returns true if a feature hasn't met it's quota", () => { expect(FeatureUsageStore.isUsable('is-usable')).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if a feature is at its quota', () => { expect(FeatureUsageStore.isUsable('not-usable')).toBe(false); }); it('returns true if no quota is present for the feature', () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); expect(FeatureUsageStore.isUsable('unsupported')).toBe(true); expect(AppEnv.reportError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('markUsed', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); }); afterEach(() => { TaskQueue._queue = []; }); it('immediately increments the identity counter', () => { const before = this.fakeIdentity.featureUsage['is-usable'].usedInPeriod; FeatureUsageStore.markUsed('is-usable'); const after = this.fakeIdentity.featureUsage['is-usable'].usedInPeriod; expect(after).toEqual(before + 1); }); it('queues a task to sync the optimistic changes to the server', () => { FeatureUsageStore.markUsed('is-usable'); expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('markUsedOrUpgrade', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(FeatureUsageStore, 'markUsed').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(Actions, 'openModal'); }); it("marks the feature used if it's usable", async () => { await FeatureUsageStore.markUsedOrUpgrade('is-usable'); expect(FeatureUsageStore.markUsed).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(FeatureUsageStore.markUsed.callCount).toBe(1); }); describe('showing modal', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.lexicon = { headerText: 'all test used', rechargeText: 'add a test to', iconUrl: 'icon url', }; }); it('resolves the modal if you upgrade', async () => { setImmediate(() => { this.fakeIdentity.featureUsage['not-usable'].quota = 10000; FeatureUsageStore._onModalClose(); }); await FeatureUsageStore.markUsedOrUpgrade('not-usable', this.lexicon); expect(Actions.openModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.openModal.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('pops open a modal with the correct text', async () => { setImmediate(() => { this.fakeIdentity.featureUsage['not-usable'].quota = 10000; FeatureUsageStore._onModalClose(); }); await FeatureUsageStore.markUsedOrUpgrade('not-usable', this.lexicon); expect(Actions.openModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.openModal.calls.length).toBe(1); const component = Actions.openModal.calls[0].args[0].component; expect(component.props).toEqual({ modalClass: 'not-usable', headerText: 'all test used', iconUrl: 'icon url', rechargeText: 'You can add a test to 10 emails a month with Mailspring Basic. Upgrade to Pro today!', }); }); it("rejects if you don't upgrade", async () => { let caughtError = false; setImmediate(() => { FeatureUsageStore._onModalClose(); }); try { await FeatureUsageStore.markUsedOrUpgrade('not-usable', this.lexicon); } catch (err) { expect(err instanceof FeatureUsageStore.NoProAccessError).toBe(true); caughtError = true; } expect(caughtError).toBe(true); }); }); }); });