fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' request = require 'request' proc = require 'child_process' executeTests = (test, grunt, done) -> testSucceeded = false testOutput = "" testProc = proc.spawn(test.cmd, test.args) testProc.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> str = data.toString() testOutput += str console.log(str) if str.indexOf(' 0 failures') isnt -1 testSucceeded = true testProc.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> str = data.toString() testOutput += str grunt.log.error(str) testProc.on 'error', (err) -> grunt.log.error("Process error: #{err}") testProc.on 'close', (exitCode, signal) -> if testSucceeded and exitCode is 0 done() else testOutput = testOutput.replace(/\x1b\[[^m]+m/g, '') url = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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" request.post url: url json: username: "Edgehill Builds" text: "Aghhh somebody broke the build. ```#{testOutput}```" , (err, httpResponse, body) -> done(false) module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.registerTask 'run-spectron-specs', 'Run spectron specs', -> appPath = path.resolve('./N1.sh') done = @async() npmPath = path.resolve "./build/node_modules/.bin/npm" grunt.log.writeln 'App exists: ' + fs.existsSync(appPath) process.chdir('./spectron') grunt.log.writeln "Current dir: #{process.cwd()}" installProc = proc.exec "#{npmPath} install", (error) -> if error? process.chdir('..') grunt.log.error('Failed while running npm install in spectron folder') grunt.fail.warn(error) done(false) else executeTests cmd: npmPath, args: ['test', "APP_PATH=#{appPath}"], grunt, (succeeded) -> process.chdir('..') done(succeeded) grunt.registerTask 'run-edgehill-specs', 'Run the specs', -> done = @async() executeTests cmd: './N1.sh', args: ['--test'], grunt, done