_ = require 'underscore-plus' proxyquire = require 'proxyquire' Contact = require '../../src/flux/models/contact' ContactStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/contact-store' DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store' NamespaceStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/namespace-store' describe "ContactStore", -> beforeEach -> ContactStore._contactCache = [] ContactStore._fetchOffset = 0 ContactStore._namespaceId = null ContactStore._lastNamespaceId = null NamespaceStore._current = id: "nsid" it "initializes the cache from the DB", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve([]) ContactStore.init() expect(ContactStore._contactCache.length).toBe 0 expect(ContactStore._fetchOffset).toBe 0 describe "when the Namespace updates from null to valid", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(ContactStore, "_refreshCache") NamespaceStore.trigger() it "triggers a database fetch", -> expect(ContactStore._refreshCache.calls.length).toBe 1 describe "when the Namespace updates but the ID doesn't change", -> it "does nothing", -> spyOn(ContactStore, "_refreshCache") ContactStore._contactCache = [1,2,3] ContactStore._fetchOffset = 3 ContactStore._namespaceId = "nsid" ContactStore._lastNamespaceId = "nsid" NamespaceStore._current = id: "nsid" NamespaceStore.trigger() expect(ContactStore._contactCache).toEqual [1,2,3] expect(ContactStore._fetchOffset).toBe 3 expect(ContactStore._refreshCache).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when searching for a contact", -> beforeEach -> @c1 = new Contact(name: "", email: "1test@nilas.com") @c2 = new Contact(name: "First", email: "2test@nilas.com") @c3 = new Contact(name: "First Last", email: "3test@nilas.com") @c4 = new Contact(name: "Fit", email: "fit@nilas.com") @c5 = new Contact(name: "Fins", email: "fins@nilas.com") @c6 = new Contact(name: "Fill", email: "fill@nilas.com") @c7 = new Contact(name: "Fin", email: "fin@nilas.com") ContactStore._contactCache = [@c1,@c2,@c3,@c4,@c5,@c6,@c7] it "can find by first name", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("First") expect(results.length).toBe 2 expect(results[0]).toBe @c2 expect(results[1]).toBe @c3 it "can find by last name", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("Last") expect(results.length).toBe 1 expect(results[0]).toBe @c3 it "can find by email", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("1test") expect(results.length).toBe 1 expect(results[0]).toBe @c1 it "is case insensitive", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("FIrsT") expect(results.length).toBe 2 expect(results[0]).toBe @c2 expect(results[1]).toBe @c3 it "only returns the number requested", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("FIrsT", limit: 1) expect(results.length).toBe 1 expect(results[0]).toBe @c2 it "returns no more than 5 by default", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("fi") expect(results.length).toBe 5 it "can return more than 5 if requested", -> results = ContactStore.searchContacts("fi", limit: 6) expect(results.length).toBe 6