import _ from 'underscore'; import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'; import {EditableList, NewsletterSignup} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import {RegExpUtils, Account} from 'nylas-exports'; class PreferencesAccountDetails extends Component { static propTypes = { account: PropTypes.object, onAccountUpdated: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {account: _.clone(props.account)}; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.setState({account: _.clone(nextProps.account)}); } componentWillUnmount() { this._saveChanges(); } // Helpers /** * @private Will transform any user input into alias format. * It will ignore any text after an email, if one is entered. * If no email is entered, it will use the account's email. * It will treat the text before the email as the name for the alias. * If no name is entered, it will use the account's name value. * @param {string} str - The string the user entered on the alias input * @param {object} [account=this.props.account] - The account object */ _makeAlias(str, account = this.props.account) { const emailRegex = RegExpUtils.emailRegex(); const match = emailRegex.exec(str); if (!match) { return `${str ||} <${account.emailAddress}>`; } const email = match[0]; let name = str.slice(0, Math.max(0, match.index - 1)); if (!name) { name = || 'No name provided'; } name = name.trim(); // TODO Sanitize the name string return `${name} <${email}>`; } _saveChanges = ()=> { this.props.onAccountUpdated(this.props.account, this.state.account); }; _setState = (updates, callback = ()=>{})=> { const updated = _.extend({}, this.state.account, updates); this.setState({account: updated}, callback); }; _setStateAndSave = (updates)=> { this._setState(updates, ()=> { this._saveChanges(); }); }; // Handlers _onAccountLabelUpdated = (event)=> { this._setState({label:}); }; _onAccountAliasCreated = (newAlias)=> { const coercedAlias = this._makeAlias(newAlias); const aliases = this.state.account.aliases.concat([coercedAlias]); this._setStateAndSave({aliases}) }; _onAccountAliasUpdated = (newAlias, alias, idx)=> { const coercedAlias = this._makeAlias(newAlias); const aliases = this.state.account.aliases.slice(); let defaultAlias = this.state.account.defaultAlias; if (defaultAlias === alias) { defaultAlias = coercedAlias; } aliases[idx] = coercedAlias; this._setStateAndSave({aliases, defaultAlias}); }; _onAccountAliasRemoved = (alias, idx)=> { const aliases = this.state.account.aliases.slice(); let defaultAlias = this.state.account.defaultAlias; if (defaultAlias === alias) { defaultAlias = null; } aliases.splice(idx, 1); this._setStateAndSave({aliases, defaultAlias}); }; _onDefaultAliasSelected = (event)=> { const defaultAlias = === 'None' ? null :; this._setStateAndSave({defaultAlias}); }; _reconnect() { const {account} = this.state; const ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer; ipc.send('command', 'application:add-account', account.provider); } _contactSupport() { const {shell} = require("electron"); shell.openExternal(""); } // Renderers _renderDefaultAliasSelector(account) { const aliases = account.aliases; const defaultAlias = account.defaultAlias || 'None'; if (aliases.length > 0) { return (
Default alias:
); } } _renderErrorDetail(message, buttonText, buttonAction) { return (
) } _renderSyncErrorDetails() { const {account} = this.state; if (account.syncState !== Account.SYNC_STATE_RUNNING) { switch (account.syncState) { case Account.SYNC_STATE_AUTH_FAILED: return this._renderErrorDetail( `Nylas N1 can no longer authenticate with ${account.emailAddress}. The password or authentication may have changed.`, "Reconnect", ()=>this._reconnect()); case Account.SYNC_STATE_STOPPED: return this._renderErrorDetail( `The cloud sync for ${account.emailAddress} has been disabled. Please contact Nylas support.`, "Contact support", ()=>this._contactSupport()); default: return this._renderErrorDetail( `Nylas encountered an error while syncing mail for ${account.emailAddress}. Contact Nylas support for details.`, "Contact support", ()=>this._contactSupport()); } } } render() { const {account} = this.state; const aliasPlaceholder = this._makeAlias( `alias@${account.emailAddress.split('@')[1]}` ); return (

Account Label


You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.
); } } export default PreferencesAccountDetails;