import _ from 'underscore'; import {AccountStore} from 'nylas-exports' import DeltaProcessor from './delta-processor' import NylasSyncWorker from './nylas-sync-worker'; export default class NylasSyncWorkerPool { constructor() { this._workers = []; AccountStore.listen(this._onAccountsChanged, this); this._onAccountsChanged(); } _onAccountsChanged() { if (NylasEnv.inSpecMode()) { return; } const accounts = AccountStore.accounts(); const workers =, this._workerForAccount); // Stop the workers that are not in the new workers list. // These accounts are no longer in our database, so we shouldn't // be listening. const old = _.without(this._workers, ...workers); for (const worker of old) { worker.cleanup(); } this._workers = workers; } _workerForAccount = (account) => { const worker = _.find(this._workers, c => c.account().id ===; if (worker) { return worker; } const newWorker = new NylasSyncWorker(account); const streams = newWorker.deltaStreams(); for (const name of Object.keys(streams)) { const stream = streams[name]; stream.onDeltas(DeltaProcessor.process); } this._workers.push(newWorker); newWorker.start(); return newWorker } }