# This tests just quoted text within a contenteditable. # # For a test of the basic component itself see # contenteditable-component-spec.cjsx # _ = require "underscore" React = require "react/addons" ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils Fields = require '../lib/fields' Composer = require "../lib/composer-view", ContenteditableComponent = require "../lib/contenteditable-component", describe "ContenteditableComponent", -> beforeEach -> @onChange = jasmine.createSpy('onChange') @htmlNoQuote = 'Test HTML
' @htmlWithQuote = 'Test HTML
' @composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument() spyOn(@composer, "_onChangeBody") # Must be called with the test's scope setHTML = (newHTML) -> @$contentEditable.innerHTML = newHTML ReactTestUtils.Simulate.input(@$contentEditable, {target: {value: newHTML}}) describe "quoted-text-control toggle button", -> describe "when there's no quoted text", -> beforeEach -> @composer.setState body: @htmlNoQuote showQuotedText: true @contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body] @$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable')) it 'should not display any quoted text', -> expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote it "allows the text to update", -> textToAdd = "MORE TEXT!" expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote) ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(ev.target.value).toEqual(textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote) it 'should not render the quoted-text-control toggle', -> toggles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control') expect(toggles.length).toBe 0 describe 'when showQuotedText is true', -> beforeEach -> @composer.setState body: @htmlWithQuote showQuotedText: true @contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body] @$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable')) it 'should display the quoted text', -> expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote it "should call `_onChangeBody` with the entire HTML string", -> textToAdd = "MORE TEXT!" expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote) ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(ev.target.value).toEqual(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote) it "should allow the quoted text to be changed", -> newText = 'Test NEW 1 HTML
' expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote setHTML.call(@, newText) ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(ev.target.value).toEqual(newText) describe 'quoted text control toggle button', -> beforeEach -> @toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control') it 'should be rendered', -> expect(@toggle).toBeDefined() it 'prompts to hide the quote', -> expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Hide previous" describe 'when showQuotedText is false', -> beforeEach -> @composer.setState body: @htmlWithQuote showQuotedText: false @contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body] @$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable')) # The quoted text dom parser wraps stuff inertly in body tags wrapBody = (html) -> "#{html}" it 'should not display any quoted text', -> expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote it "should let you change the text, and then append the quoted text part to the end before firing `_onChangeBody`", -> textToAdd = "MORE TEXT!" expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote) ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0] # Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the # version withOUT a quote. expect(ev.target.value).toEqual(wrapBody(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote)) it "should let you add more html that looks like quoted text, and still properly appends the old quoted text", -> textToAdd = "Yo
I'm a fake quote
" expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote) ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0] # Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the # version withOUT a quote. expect(ev.target.value).toEqual(wrapBody(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote)) describe 'quoted text control toggle button', -> beforeEach -> @toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control') it 'should be rendered', -> expect(@toggle).toBeDefined() it 'prompts to hide the quote', -> expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Show previous"