'menu': [ { label: '&File' submenu: [ { label: '&New Message', command: 'application:new-message' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Add Account...', command: 'application:add-account' } { label: 'Clos&e Window', command: 'window:close' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Print Current Thread', command: 'core:print-thread' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Quit', command: 'application:quit' } ] } { label: '&Edit' submenu: [ { label: '&Undo', command: 'core:undo' } { label: '&Redo', command: 'core:redo' } { type: 'separator' } { label: '&Cut', command: 'core:cut' } { label: 'C&opy', command: 'core:copy' } { label: '&Paste', command: 'core:paste' } { label: 'Paste and Match Style', command: 'core:paste-and-match-style' } { label: 'Select &All', command: 'core:select-all' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Find', submenu: [ { label: 'Find in Thread...', command: 'core:find-in-thread' } { label: 'Find Next', command: 'core:find-in-thread-next' } { label: 'Find Previous', command: 'core:find-in-thread-previous' } ] } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Preferences', command: 'application:open-preferences' } { label: 'Change Theme...', command: 'window:launch-theme-picker' } { label: 'Install Theme...', command: 'application:install-package' } ] } { label: '&View' submenu: [ { label: 'Single Panel Mode', type: 'checkbox', command: 'application:select-list-mode' } { label: 'Two Panel Mode', type: 'checkbox', command: 'application:select-split-mode' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Toggle &Full Screen', command: 'window:toggle-full-screen' } ] } { label: 'Developer' submenu: [ { label: 'Run with &Debug Flags', type: 'checkbox', command: 'application:toggle-dev' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Reload', command: 'window:reload' } { label: 'Toggle Developer &Tools', command: 'window:toggle-dev-tools' } { label: 'Toggle Component Regions', command: 'window:toggle-component-regions' } { label: 'Toggle Screenshot Mode', command: 'window:toggle-screenshot-mode' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Open Activity Window', command: 'application:show-work-window' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Create a Plugin...', command: 'application:create-package' } { label: 'Install a Plugin...', command: 'application:install-package' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Run Plugin &Specs...', command: 'application:run-package-specs' } { label: 'Run &N1 Specs', command: 'application:run-all-specs' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Open Detailed Logs', command: 'window:open-errorlogger-logs' } ] } { label: '&Help' submenu: [ { label: "VERSION", enabled: false } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Nylas N1 Help', command: 'application:view-help' } ] } ] 'context-menu':[ ]