import {Message} from 'nylas-exports'; import OpenTrackingComposerExtension from '../lib/open-tracking-composer-extension' import {PLUGIN_ID, PLUGIN_URL} from '../lib/open-tracking-constants'; const accountId = 'fake-accountId'; const clientId = 'local-31d8df57-1442'; const beforeBody = `TEST_BODY
On Feb 25 2016, at 3:38 pm, Drew <> wrote:`; const afterBody = `TEST_BODY
On Feb 25 2016, at 3:38 pm, Drew <> wrote:`; const nodeForHTML = (html) => { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const node = document.createElement('root'); fragment.appendChild(node); node.innerHTML = html; return node; } xdescribe('Open tracking composer extension', function openTrackingComposerExtension() { describe("applyTransformsForSending", () => { beforeEach(() => { this.draftBodyRootNode = nodeForHTML(beforeBody); this.draft = new Message({ clientId: clientId, accountId: accountId, body: beforeBody, }); }); it("takes no action if there is no metadata", () => { OpenTrackingComposerExtension.applyTransformsForSending({ draftBodyRootNode: this.draftBodyRootNode, draft: this.draft, }); const actualAfterBody = this.draftBodyRootNode.innerHTML; expect(actualAfterBody).toEqual(beforeBody); }); describe("With properly formatted metadata and correct params", () => { beforeEach(() => { this.metadata = {open_count: 0}; this.draft.applyPluginMetadata(PLUGIN_ID, this.metadata); OpenTrackingComposerExtension.applyTransformsForSending({ draftBodyRootNode: this.draftBodyRootNode, draft: this.draft, }); this.metadata = this.draft.metadataForPluginId(PLUGIN_ID); }); it("appends an image with the correct server URL to the unquoted body", () => { const actualAfterBody = this.draftBodyRootNode.innerHTML; expect(actualAfterBody).toEqual(afterBody); }); }); }); describe("unapplyTransformsForSending", () => { it("takes no action if the img tag is missing", () => { this.draftBodyRootNode = nodeForHTML(beforeBody); this.draft = new Message({ clientId: clientId, accountId: accountId, body: beforeBody, }); OpenTrackingComposerExtension.unapplyTransformsForSending({ draftBodyRootNode: this.draftBodyRootNode, draft: this.draft, }); const actualAfterBody = this.draftBodyRootNode.innerHTML; expect(actualAfterBody).toEqual(beforeBody); }); it("removes the image from the body and restore the body to it's exact original content", () => { this.metadata = {open_count: 0}; this.draft.applyPluginMetadata(PLUGIN_ID, this.metadata); this.draftBodyRootNode = nodeForHTML(afterBody); this.draft = new Message({ clientId: clientId, accountId: accountId, body: afterBody, }); OpenTrackingComposerExtension.unapplyTransformsForSending({ draftBodyRootNode: this.draftBodyRootNode, draft: this.draft, }); const actualAfterBody = this.draftBodyRootNode.innerHTML; expect(actualAfterBody).toEqual(beforeBody); }); }); });