React = require "react/addons" ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils _ = require 'underscore' {NamespaceStore, Thread, Contact, Message} = require 'nylas-exports' ThreadListParticipants = require '../lib/thread-list-participants' describe "ThreadListParticipants", -> it "renders into the document", -> @participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType(@participants, ThreadListParticipants)).toBe true it "renders unread contacts with .unread-true", -> ben = new Contact(email: '', name: 'ben') ben.unread = true thread = new Thread() thread.metadata = [new Message(from: [ben], unread:true)] @participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) unread = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@participants, 'unread-true') expect(unread.length).toBe(1) describe "getParticipants", -> beforeEach -> @ben = new Contact(email: '', name: 'ben') @evan = new Contact(email: '', name: 'evan') @evanAgain = new Contact(email: '', name: 'evan') @michael = new Contact(email: '', name: 'michael') @kavya = new Contact(email: '', name: 'kavya') describe "when thread.messages is available", -> it "correctly produces items for display in a wide range of scenarios", -> scenarios = [{ name: 'single read email' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}] },{ name: 'single read email and draft' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(from: [@ben], draft: true), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}] },{ name: 'single unread email' in: [ new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), ] out: [{contact: @evan, unread: true}] },{ name: 'single unread response' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evan, unread: true}] },{ name: 'two unread responses' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@kavya]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evan, unread: true}, {contact: @kavya, unread: true}] },{ name: 'two unread responses (repeated participants)' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evan, unread: true}] },{ name: 'three unread responses (repeated participants)' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @michael, unread: true}, {contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}] },{ name: 'three unread responses' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@kavya]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @michael, unread: true}, {contact: @kavya, unread: true}] },{ name: 'three unread responses to long thread' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @michael, unread: true}, {contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}] },{ name: 'single unread responses to long thread' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}] },{ name: 'long read thread' in: [ new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]), new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]), ] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @michael, unread: false}, {contact: @ben, unread: false}] }] for scenario in scenarios thread = new Thread() thread.metadata = participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) expect(participants.getParticipants()).toEqual(scenario.out) # Slightly misuse jasmine to get the output we want to show if (!_.isEqual(participants.getParticipants(), scenario.out)) expect('correct') describe "when thread.messages is not available", -> it "correctly produces items for display in a wide range of scenarios", -> me = NamespaceStore.current().me() scenarios = [{ name: 'one participant' in: [@ben] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}] },{ name: 'one participant (me)' in: [me] out: [{contact: me, unread: false}] },{ name: 'two participants' in: [@evan, @ben] out: [{contact: @evan, unread: false}, {contact: @ben, unread: false}] },{ name: 'two participants (me)' in: [@ben, me] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}] },{ name: 'lots of participants' in: [@ben, @evan, @michael, @kavya] out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {spacer: true}, {contact: @michael, unread: false}, {contact: @kavya, unread: false}] }] for scenario in scenarios thread = new Thread() thread.participants = participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) expect(participants.getParticipants()).toEqual(scenario.out) # Slightly misuse jasmine to get the output we want to show if (!_.isEqual(participants.getParticipants(), scenario.out)) expect('correct')