import _ from 'underscore' import moment from 'moment' import Proposal from './proposal' import NylasStore from 'nylas-store' import SchedulerActions from './scheduler-actions' import {Event, Utils} from 'nylas-exports' import {CALENDAR_ID} from './scheduler-constants' // moment-round upon require patches `moment` with new functions. require('moment-round') /** * Maintains the creation of "Proposed Times" when scheduling with people. * * The proposed times are displayed in various calendar views. * */ class ProposedTimeCalendarStore extends NylasStore { DURATIONS = [ [30, 'minutes', '30 min'], [1, 'hour', '1 hr'], [1.5, 'hours', '1½ hr'], [2, 'hours', '2 hr'], [2.5, 'hours', '2½ hr'], [3, 'hours', '3 hr'], ] activate() { this._proposals = [] this._resetDragBuffer(); this._pendingSave = false; this._duration = this.DURATIONS[0] // 30 min this.unsubscribers = [ SchedulerActions.changeDuration.listen(this._onChangeDuration), SchedulerActions.clearProposals.listen(this._onClearProposals), SchedulerActions.addToProposedTimeBlock.listen(this._onAddToBlock), SchedulerActions.startProposedTimeBlock.listen(this._onStartBlock), SchedulerActions.endProposedTimeBlock.listen(this._onEndBlock), SchedulerActions.removeProposedTime.listen(this._onRemoveProposedTime), ] } pendingSave() { return this._pendingSave } deactivate() { this.unsubscribers.forEach(unsub => unsub()) } currentDuration() { return this._duration } _dragBufferAsEvent() { if (!this._dragBuffer.anchor) { return [] } const {start, end} = this._dragBuffer; const event = new Event().fromJSON({ title: "Availability Block", calendar_id: CALENDAR_ID, when: { object: "timespan", start_time: start, end_time: end, }, }) event.proposalType = "availability" return [event]; } proposalsAsEvents() { return, (p) => { const event = new Event().fromJSON({ title: "Proposed Time", calendar_id: CALENDAR_ID, when: { object: "timespan", start_time: p.start, end_time: p.end, }, }) event.proposalType = "proposal"; return event }).concat(this._dragBufferAsEvent()); } _convertBufferToProposedTimes() { const bounds = this._dragBuffer; const minMoment = moment.unix(bounds.start); minMoment.floor(30, 'minutes'); const maxMoment = moment.unix(bounds.end); maxMoment.ceil(30, 'minutes'); if (maxMoment.isSame(minMoment)) { maxMoment.add(30, 'minutes') } const overlapBoundsTest = {start: bounds.start, end: bounds.end - 1} this._proposals = _.reject(this._proposals, (p) => Utils.overlapsBounds(overlapBoundsTest, p) ) const blockSize = this._duration.slice(0, 2) blockSize[0] = blockSize[0] / 1; // moment requires a number const isMinBlockSize = (bounds.end - bounds.start) >= moment.duration.apply(moment, blockSize).as('seconds'); while (minMoment.isBefore(maxMoment)) { const start = minMoment.unix(); minMoment.add(blockSize[0], blockSize[1]); const end = minMoment.unix() - 1; if (end >= bounds.end && isMinBlockSize) { break; } this._proposals.push(new Proposal({start, end})) } } _resetDragBuffer() { this._dragBuffer = { anchor: null, start: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, end: 0, } } _updateDragBuffer(newT) { const {anchor, start, end} = this._dragBuffer this._dragBuffer = { anchor, start: Math.min(newT.unix(), anchor), end: Math.max(newT.unix(), anchor), } if (this._dragBuffer.start !== start || this._dragBuffer.end !== end) { this.trigger() } } _onStartBlock = (newT) => { this._resetDragBuffer(); this._dragBuffer.anchor = newT.floor(30, 'minutes').unix() } _onAddToBlock = (newT) => { this._updateDragBuffer(newT.round(30, 'minutes')); } _onEndBlock = () => { if (this._dragBuffer.anchor) { this._convertBufferToProposedTimes() this._resetDragBuffer(); this.trigger(); } } _onChangeDuration = (newDuration) => { this._duration = newDuration this.trigger() } _onClearProposals = () => { this._proposals = []; this.trigger(); } _onRemoveProposedTime = ({start}) => { const startInt = parseInt(start, 10); this._proposals = _.reject(this._proposals, (p) => p.start <= startInt && p.end > startInt ) this.trigger() } proposals() { return this._proposals } } export default new ProposedTimeCalendarStore()