import { APIError, Actions, AccountStore, DatabaseStore, DatabaseWriter, Message, Contact, Task, SendDraftTask, MailspringAPIRequest, SoundRegistry, SyncbackMetadataTask, } from 'mailspring-exports'; const DBt = DatabaseWriter.prototype; const withoutWhitespace = s => s.replace(/[\n\r\s]/g, ''); xdescribe('SendDraftTask', function sendDraftTask() { describe('assertDraftValidity', () => { it('rejects if no from address is specified', () => { const badTask = new SendDraftTask('1'); badTask.draft = new Message({ from: [], files: [], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, headerMessageId: '1', }); badTask .assertDraftValidity() .then(() => { throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed"); }) .catch(err => { expect(err.message).toBe('SendDraftTask - you must populate `from` before sending.'); }); }); it('rejects if the from address does not map to any account', () => { const badTask = new SendDraftTask('1'); badTask.draft = new Message({ from: [new Contact({ email: '' })], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, headerMessageId: '1', }); badTask .assertDraftValidity() .then(() => { throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed"); }) .catch(err => { expect(err.message).toBe( 'SendDraftTask - you can only send drafts from a configured account.' ); }); }); }); describe('performRemote', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.response = { version: 2, id: '1233123AEDF1', account_id: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, from: [new Contact({ email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL })], subject: 'New Draft', body: 'hello world', to: [ new Contact({ name: 'Dummy', email: '', }), ], }; spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake(options => { if (options.success) { options.success(this.response); } return Promise.resolve(this.response); }); spyOn(DBt, 'unpersistModel').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(DBt, 'persistModel').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(SoundRegistry, 'playSound'); spyOn(Actions, 'draftDeliverySucceeded'); }); // The tests below are invoked twice, once with a new this.draft and one with a // persisted this.draft. const sharedTests = () => { it('should return Task.Status.Success', () => { waitsForPromise(() => { this.task.performLocal(); return this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status).toBe(Task.Status.Success); }); }); }); it('makes a send request with the correct data', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(; expect(; const options =[0]; expect(options.path).toBe('/send'); expect(options.method).toBe('POST'); expect(options.accountId).toBe(TEST_ACCOUNT_ID); expect(options.body).toEqual(this.draft.toJSON()); }) ); }); it('should always send the draft body in the request body (joined attribute check)', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(; const options =[0]; expect(options.body.body).toBe('hello world'); }) ); }); describe('saving the sent message', () => { it('should preserve the draft client id', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(DBt.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled(); const model = DBt.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(model.headerMessageId).toEqual(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(; expect(model.draft).toEqual(false); }) ); }); it('should preserve metadata, but not version numbers', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(DBt.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled(); const model = DBt.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(model.pluginMetadata.length).toEqual(this.draft.pluginMetadata.length); for (const { pluginId, value } of this.draft.pluginMetadata) { const updated = model.metadataObjectForPluginId(pluginId); expect(updated.value).toEqual(value); expect(updated.version).toEqual(0); } }) ); }); }); it('should notify the draft was sent', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { const args = Actions.draftDeliverySucceeded.calls[0].args[0]; expect(args.headerMessageId).toBe(this.draft.headerMessageId); }) ); }); it('should queue tasks to sync back the metadata on the new message', () => { spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { let metadataTasks = => call.args[0]); metadataTasks = metadataTasks.filter(task => task instanceof SyncbackMetadataTask); expect(metadataTasks.length).toEqual(this.draft.pluginMetadata.length); this.draft.pluginMetadata.forEach((pluginMetadatum, idx) => { expect(metadataTasks[idx].headerMessageId).toEqual(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(metadataTasks[idx].modelClassName).toEqual('Message'); expect(metadataTasks[idx].pluginId).toEqual(pluginMetadatum.pluginId); }); }) ); }); it('should play a sound', () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andReturn(true); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(AppEnv.config.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('core.sending.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).toHaveBeenCalledWith('send'); }) ); }); it("shouldn't play a sound if the config is disabled", () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andReturn(false); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(AppEnv.config.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('core.sending.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) ); }); describe('when there are errors', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(Actions, 'draftDeliveryFailed'); jasmine.unspy(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run'); }); it('notifies of a permanent error of misc error types', () => { // DB error let thrownError = null; spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); jasmine.unspy(DBt, 'persistModel'); spyOn(DBt, 'persistModel').andCallFake(() => { thrownError = new Error('db error'); throw thrownError; }); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status[0]).toBe(Task.Status.Failed); expect(status[1]).toBe(thrownError); expect(Actions.draftDeliveryFailed).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(AppEnv.reportError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }) ); }); it("retries the task if 'Invalid message public id'", () => { spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake(options => { if (options.body.reply_to_message_id) { const err = new APIError({ body: 'Invalid message public id' }); return Promise.reject(err); } if (options.success) { options.success(this.response); } return Promise.resolve(this.response); }); this.draft.replyToHeaderMessageId = 'reply-123'; this.draft.threadId = 'thread-123'; waitsForPromise(() => { return this.task.performRemote(this.draft).then(() => { expect(; expect(; const req1 =[0].args[0]; const req2 =[1].args[0]; expect(req1.body.reply_to_message_id).toBe('reply-123'); expect(req1.body.thread_id).toBe('thread-123'); expect(req2.body.reply_to_message_id).toBe(null); expect(req2.body.thread_id).toBe('thread-123'); }); }); }); it("retries the task if 'Invalid message public id'", () => { spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake(options => { if (options.body.reply_to_message_id) { return Promise.reject(new APIError({ body: 'Invalid thread' })); } if (options.success) { options.success(this.response); } return Promise.resolve(this.response); }); this.draft.replyToHeaderMessageId = 'reply-123'; this.draft.threadId = 'thread-123'; waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote(this.draft).then(() => { expect(; expect(; const req1 =[0].args[0]; const req2 =[1].args[0]; expect(req1.body.reply_to_message_id).toBe('reply-123'); expect(req1.body.thread_id).toBe('thread-123'); expect(req2.body.reply_to_message_id).toBe(null); expect(req2.body.thread_id).toBe(null); }) ); }); it('notifies of a permanent error on 500 errors', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 500, body: 'err' }); spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status[0]).toBe(Task.Status.Failed); expect(status[1]).toBe(thrownError); expect(Actions.draftDeliveryFailed).toHaveBeenCalled(); }) ); }); it('notifies us and users of a permanent error on 400 errors', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 400, body: 'err' }); spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status[0]).toBe(Task.Status.Failed); expect(status[1]).toBe(thrownError); expect(Actions.draftDeliveryFailed).toHaveBeenCalled(); }) ); }); it('presents helpful error messages for 402 errors (security blocked)', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 402, body: { message: 'Message content rejected for security reasons', server_error: '552 : 5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential\n5.7.0 security issue. Please visit\n5.7.0 to review our message\n5.7.0 content and attachment content guidelines. fk9sm21147314pad.9 - gsmtp', type: 'api_error', }, }); const expectedMessage = ` Sorry, this message could not be sent because it was rejected by your mail provider. (Message content rejected for security reasons) 552 : 5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential 5.7.0 security issue. Please visit 5.7.0 to review our message 5.7.0 content and attachment content guidelines. fk9sm21147314pad.9 - gsmtp `; spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status[0]).toBe(Task.Status.Failed); expect(status[1]).toBe(thrownError); expect(Actions.draftDeliveryFailed).toHaveBeenCalled(); const msg = Actions.draftDeliveryFailed.calls[0].args[0].errorMessage; expect(withoutWhitespace(msg)).toEqual(withoutWhitespace(expectedMessage)); }) ); }); it('presents helpful error messages for 402 errors (recipient failed)', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 402, body: { message: 'Sending to at least one recipient failed.', server_error: "<>", type: 'api_error', }, }); const expectedMessage = 'This message could not be delivered to at least one recipient. (Note: other recipients may have received this message - you should check Sent Mail before re-sending this message.)'; spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status[0]).toBe(Task.Status.Failed); expect(status[1]).toBe(thrownError); expect(Actions.draftDeliveryFailed).toHaveBeenCalled(); const msg = Actions.draftDeliveryFailed.calls[0].args[0].errorMessage; expect(withoutWhitespace(msg)).toEqual(withoutWhitespace(expectedMessage)); }) ); }); describe('checking the promise chain halts on errors', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(this.task, 'sendMessage').andCallThrough(); spyOn(this.task, 'onSuccess').andCallThrough(); spyOn(this.task, 'onError').andCallThrough(); this.expectBlockedChain = () => { expect(this.task.sendMessage).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.task.onSuccess).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.task.onError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }; }); it('halts on 500s', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 500, body: 'err' }); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => this.expectBlockedChain())); }); it('halts on 400s', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 400, body: 'err' }); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => this.expectBlockedChain())); }); it('halts and retries on not permanent error codes', () => { const thrownError = new APIError({ statusCode: 409, body: 'err' }); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => this.expectBlockedChain())); }); it('halts on other errors', () => { const thrownError = new Error('oh no'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andReturn(Promise.reject(thrownError)); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => this.expectBlockedChain())); }); it("doesn't halt on success", () => { // Don't spy reportError to make sure to fail the test on unexpected // errors jasmine.unspy(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(MailspringAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake(options => { if (options.success) { options.success(this.response); } return Promise.resolve(this.response); }); waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(status => { expect(status).toBe(Task.Status.Success); expect(this.task.sendMessage).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.task.onSuccess).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.task.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) ); }); }); }); }; describe('with a new draft', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.draft = new Message({ version: 1, headerMessageId: 'client-id', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, from: [new Contact({ email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL })], subject: 'New Draft', draft: true, body: 'hello world', files: [], }); this.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('pluginIdA', { tracked: true }); this.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('pluginIdB', { a: true, b: 2 }); this.draft.metadataObjectForPluginId('pluginIdA').version = 2; this.task = new SendDraftTask('client-id'); this.calledBody = "ERROR: The body wasn't included!"; spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(this.draft)); }); sharedTests(); it('should locally convert the draft to a message on send', () => { waitsForPromise(() => this.task.performRemote().then(() => { expect(DBt.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled(); const model = DBt.persistModel.calls[0].args[0]; expect(model.headerMessageId).toBe(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(; expect(model.draft).toBe(false); }) ); }); }); describe('with an existing persisted draft', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.draft = new Message({ version: 1, headerMessageId: 'client-id', id: 'server-123', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, from: [new Contact({ email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL })], subject: 'New Draft', draft: true, body: 'hello world', to: [ new Contact({ name: 'Dummy', email: '', }), ], files: [], }); this.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('pluginIdA', { tracked: true }); this.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('pluginIdB', { a: true, b: 2 }); this.draft.metadataObjectForPluginId('pluginIdA').version = 2; this.task = new SendDraftTask('client-id'); this.calledBody = "ERROR: The body wasn't included!"; spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(this.draft)); }); sharedTests(); }); }); describe('hasCustomBodyPerRecipient', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.task = new SendDraftTask('client-id'); this.task.draft = new Message({ version: 1, headerMessageId: 'client-id', id: 'server-123', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, from: [new Contact({ email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL })], subject: 'New Draft', draft: true, body: 'hello world', to: [ new Contact({ name: 'Dummy', email: '', }), ], files: [], }); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('open-tracking', true); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('link-tracking', true); this.applySpies = (customValues = {}) => { let value = { provider: customValues['AccountStore.accountForId'] || 'gmail' }; spyOn(AccountStore, 'accountForId').andReturn(value); value = customValues['AppEnv.packages.pluginIdFor'] || (name => name); spyOn(AppEnv.packages, 'pluginIdFor').andCallFake(value); value = { length: customValues['draft.participants'] || 5 }; spyOn(this.task.draft, 'participants').andReturn(value); }; }); it('should return false if the provider is eas', () => { this.applySpies({ 'AccountStore.accountForId': 'eas' }); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if the open-tracking id is null', () => { const fake = name => { return name === 'open-tracking' ? null : name; }; this.applySpies({ 'AppEnv.packages.pluginIdFor': fake }); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if the link-tracking id is null', () => { const fake = name => { return name === 'link-tracking' ? null : name; }; this.applySpies({ 'AppEnv.packages.pluginIdFor': fake }); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if neither open-tracking nor link-tracking is on', () => { this.applySpies(); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('open-tracking', false); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('link-tracking', false); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(false); }); it('should return true if only open-tracking is on', () => { this.applySpies(); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('link-tracking', false); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(true); }); it('should return true if only link-tracking is on', () => { this.applySpies(); this.task.draft.directlyAttachMetadata('open-tracking', false); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if there are too many participants', () => { this.applySpies({ 'draft.participants': 15 }); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(false); }); it('should return true otherwise', () => { this.applySpies(); expect(this.task.hasCustomBodyPerRecipient()).toBe(true); }); }); });