_ = require 'underscore' path = require 'path' React = require 'react' {RetinaImg, Flexbox} = require 'nylas-component-kit' {Actions, Utils, FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports' # Passed in as props from MessageItem and FileDownloadStore # This is empty if the attachment isn't downloading. # @props.download is a FileDownloadStore.Download object # @props.file is a File object {DragDropMixin} = require 'react-dnd' AttachmentDragContainer = React.createClass displayName: "AttachmentDragContainer" mixins: [DragDropMixin] statics: configureDragDrop: (registerType) => registerType('attachment', { dragSource: beginDrag: (component) => # Why is event defined in this scope? Magic. We need to use react-dnd # because otherwise it's global onDragStart listener will cancel the # drag. We don't actually intend to do a react-dnd drag/drop, but we # can use this hook to populate the event.dataTransfer DownloadURL = component.props.downloadUrl event.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL", DownloadURL) event.dataTransfer.setData("text/nylas-file-url", DownloadURL) # This is bogus we don't care about the rest of the react-dnd lifecycle. return {item: {DownloadURL}} }) render: ->
class AttachmentComponent extends React.Component @displayName: 'AttachmentComponent' @propTypes: file: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired download: React.PropTypes.object removable: React.PropTypes.bool targetPath: React.PropTypes.string messageLocalId: React.PropTypes.string constructor: (@props) -> @state = progressPercent: 0 render: =>
{@props.file.displayName()} {@_renderFileActions()}
_renderFileActions: => if @props.removable
else if @_isDownloading() and @_canAbortDownload()
_downloadProgressStyle: => width: "#{@props.download?.percent ? 0}%" _canAbortDownload: -> true _canClickToView: => not @props.removable and not @_isDownloading() _isDownloading: => @props.download?.state is "downloading" _renderRemoveIcon: -> _renderDownloadButton: -> _getDragDownloadURL: (event) => path = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(@props.file) return "#{@props.file.contentType}:#{@props.file.displayName()}:file://#{path}" _onClickView: => Actions.fetchAndOpenFile(@props.file) if @_canClickToView() _onClickRemove: (event) => Actions.removeFile file: @props.file messageLocalId: @props.messageLocalId event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView' _onClickDownload: (event) => Actions.fetchAndSaveFile(@props.file) event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView' _onClickAbort: (event) => Actions.abortDownload(@props.file, @props.download) event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView' _extension: -> @props.file.filename.split('.').pop() module.exports = AttachmentComponent