@import 'ui-variables'; // ============================ // Sidebar Base // ============================ // Make sidebar and corresponding toolbar match .column-RootSidebar, .account-sidebar, .toolbar-RootSidebar { height: 100%; background-color: @sidebar; // If NOT Retina display, subpixel-antialias fonts instead @media not screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), not screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 13/10), not screen and (min-resolution: 120dpi) { -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important; } } .notifications { box-shadow: none; } // Refactored this to make sure all items // in sidebar always align left with each other .account-sidebar { // make absolute elements (like compose button) // relate to the sidear, not the column position: relative; margin: @sidebar-margin; } .nylas-outline-view { margin-bottom: @sidebar-margin; } // Section headers .account-sidebar .heading { font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; color: fade(@sidebar-text, 50%); margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0; } // Down arrow icon .account-switcher { height: 14px; width: 16px; top: 0; right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; opacity: 0.5; transition: opacity 200ms; &:hover { opacity: 1; } } // Down arrow icon .account-switcher img { zoom: 1 !important; max-width: 10px; max-height: 6px; transform: none; background-image: none; background-color: @sidebar-text; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); } .account-sidebar .item, .account-sidebar .item.selected { color: @sidebar-text; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 400; padding-right: 0; } .account-sidebar .item.selected { background: transparent; color: @active-sidebar-text; } // Item expansion icon wrapper .disclosure-triangle { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0; width: 15px; } // Item expansion icon .disclosure-triangle div { border-left-color: fade(@sidebar-text, 50%); border-top-width: 3px; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-left-width: 5px; transform-origin: 2px; } //==================================================== // Sidebar Icons //==================================================== .account-sidebar .item img.content-mask, .account-sidebar .add-item-button img { background-color: @sidebar-text; } .account-sidebar .item.selected img.content-mask { background-color: @active-sidebar-text; } .nylas-outline-view .item-container.dropping { background: transparent; } .nylas-outline-view .item-container.dropping .item { color: @accent; } .nylas-outline-view .item-container.dropping .item img.content-mask { background-color: @accent; } .nylas-outline-view .heading .add-item-button img { background: fade(@sidebar-text, 50%); } //==================================================== // Sidebar Count Badges //==================================================== .nylas-outline-view .item .item-count-box.alt-count { background: @accent; color: @sidebar; } .nylas-outline-view .item .item-count-box { color: @accent; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px fade(@accent, 50%); } //==================================================== // Scrollbar Base & Sidebar Scrollbar //==================================================== .scrollbar-track { background: transparent; border-left: none; width: 10px; } // transitioning background instead of opacity // so the location tooltip isn't affected .scrollbar-track .scrollbar-handle { background: fade(@sidebar, 20%); border: none !important; cursor: -webkit-grab; transition: background 300ms; } .scrollbar-track.dragging .scrollbar-handle { background: fade(@sidebar, 50%); cursor: -webkit-grabbing; } @keyframes slideInRight { from { opacity: 0; transform: translateX(-50px); } to { opacity: 1; transform: translateX(-15px); } } .scrollbar-track .scrollbar-handle .tooltip .scroll-tooltip { transform-origin: center right; animation: slideInRight 300ms; } .flexbox-handle-horizontal div { box-shadow: none; } // Removing overlap of scrollbar and handle .column-ThreadList .flexbox-handle-horizontal.flexbox-handle-right { right: -8px; padding: 0; } // we now offset the margin on scrollbar // in sidebar since it's position: relative .account-sidebar .scrollbar-track { margin-right: -@sidebar-margin; } // and lighten the handle background .account-sidebar .scrollbar-track .scrollbar-handle { background: fade(lighten(@sidebar, 50%), 40%); }