--- --- # startSequence() # .then(step1) # .then(step2) # .then(step3) # .then(step4) # .then(step5) # # # show composer # step1 = -> # startStep() # .then(focusClient) # .then(doReply) # .then(typeReply) # .then(addImage) # .then(sendEmail) # # step2 = -> # startStep() # .then(addAccount) # .then(focusPicker) # .then(selectAccount) # .then(swapModes) # # step3 = -> # startStep() # .then(openLabelPicker) # .then(typeLabel) # .then(applyLabel) # # step4 = -> # startStep() # .then(openInspectorPanel) # .then(typeCommand) # .then(activateExtension) # # step5 = -> # startStep() # .then(fadeClient) # .then(showCta) animationContainerSize = [0,0] moveCursor = (start, end) -> try selection = document.getSelection?() return unless selection child = selection.anchorNode?.childNodes?[0] if child node = child else node = selection.anchorNode return unless node if selection.setBaseAndExtent selection.setBaseAndExtent(node, start, node, end) else if Range range = new Range start = Math.min(node.length ? 1000, start) end = Math.min(node.lengty ? 1000, end) range.setStart(node, start) range.setEnd(node, end) selection.removeAllRanges?() selection.addRange?(range) else return catch e console.error e return typeMe = (str, parent, {top, left}) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> el = $("
") parent.append(el) el.css {top, left} el.focus() sequence = Promise.resolve() accumulator = "" setTimeout -> _.each str.split(''), (char, i) -> delay = Math.random() * 120 + 10 sequence = sequence.then -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> accumulator += char el.html(accumulator) selection = document.getSelection() moveCursor(accumulator.length, accumulator.length) setTimeout(resolve, delay) sequence.then -> resolve() , 1500 addFramesToAnimationContainer = (frames, {wrapId}) -> i = 0 frameImgs = _.map frames, ({delay, callback}, frame) -> i++ "" frameImgs = frameImgs.join('') $("#animation-container").append("
") return runFrames = (frames) -> sequence = Promise.resolve() _.each frames, ({delay, callback}, frame) -> sequence = sequence.then -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> $("##{frame}").show() if callback then callback(delay, resolve) else setTimeout(resolve, delay) return sequence window.screencastSequence = -> # Need to know the dimensions of the images used in step 1 animationContainerSize = [1136,823] positionAnimationContainer() typeInReply = (delay, resolve) -> coords = top: 449 left: 608 typeMe("Wow! Iceland looks awesome.", $("#step1"), coords) .then -> setTimeout -> moveCursor(19, 26) $("#1-4-hovering-toolbar").addClass("pop-in") resolve() , delay markBold = (delay, resolve) -> setTimeout -> $("#editable").html("Wow! Iceland looks awesome.") len = $("#editable").html().length moveCursor(len, len) $("#1-4-hovering-toolbar").removeClass("pop-in").addClass("pop-out") setTimeout(resolve, 2*delay) , delay adjustTypedText = (delay, resolve) -> try if Audio a = new Audio a.src = "images/send.ogg" a.autoplay = true $("#step1").append(a) a.play?() catch console.log "Audio not supported" $("#editable").removeAttr("contenteditable") $("#editable").css top: 568, left: 607 setTimeout(resolve, delay) showMultiSelectToolbar = (delay, resolve) -> $toolbarWrap = $("
") $("#step2").append($toolbarWrap) $toolbarWrap.css "display": "block" "position": "absolute" "overflow": "hidden" "z-index": "7" "left": "266px" "top": "32px" setTimeout(resolve, delay) postArchiveUpdate = (delay, resolve) -> $("#toolbar").removeClass("slide-in-from-top").addClass("slide-out-to-top") $("#2-8-hover-archive").hide() $("#2-9-depress-archive").hide() $("#2-7-select-row-4").hide() $("#2-4-select-row-2").hide() setTimeout(resolve, delay) frames = step1: "1-1-initial-outlook-base": {delay: 3000} "1-2-depress-reply": {delay: 250} "1-3-show-reply": {delay: 500, callback: typeInReply} "1-4-hovering-toolbar": {delay: 1000, callback: markBold} "1-5-depress-send": {delay: 300} "1-6-sent-message": {delay: 2000, callback: adjustTypedText} step2: "2-1-initial-gmail-base": {delay: 2000} "2-2-select-row-1": {delay: 400, callback: showMultiSelectToolbar} "2-3-cursor-to-row-2": {delay: 400} "2-4-select-row-2": {delay: 400} "2-5-cursor-to-row-3": {delay: 250} "2-6-cursor-to-row-4": {delay: 400} "2-7-select-row-4": {delay: 800} "2-8-hover-archive": {delay: 1000} "2-9-depress-archive": {delay: 250} "2-10-updated-threadlist": {delay: 2000, callback: postArchiveUpdate} addFramesToAnimationContainer(frames.step1, wrapId: "step1") addFramesToAnimationContainer(frames.step2, wrapId: "step2") $("##{_.keys(frames.step1)[0]}").show() $("#step1").append("

N1 is fast, friendly, and easy to use

") return runFrames(frames.step1).then -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> $("#step2").append("

Fresh, yet familiar

") $("#step1").addClass("slide-out") $("#step2").addClass("slide-in") $("##{_.keys(frames.step2)[0]}").show() $("#step1").on "animationend", -> $("#step1").off "animationend" $("#step1").remove() runFrames(frames.step2).then -> $("#step2").removeClass("slide-in").addClass("slide-out") $("#step2").on "animationend", -> $("#step2").remove() return resolve() window.providerSequence = -> providers = [ "outlook" "exchange" "gmail" "icloud" "yahoo" ] imgs = providers.map (provider, i) -> "" .join('') os = "" header = "

Works everywhere for everyone

" $("#animation-container").html("
") positionAnimationContainer = -> winW = $(window).width() winH = $(window).height() - $("#nav").height() [w,h] = animationContainerSize leftoverH = Math.max(winH - h - 80, 0) scaleW = 1 - (Math.min(winW - w, 0) / -w) scaleH = 1 - (Math.min(winH - h, 0) / -h) scale = Math.min(scaleW, scaleH) $("#animation-container").css "width": "#{w}px" "height": "#{h}px" "margin-left": "-#{w/2}px" "margin-top": "#{leftoverH/2}px" "-webkit-transform": "scale(#{scale})" "-moz-transform": "scale(#{scale})" "-ms-transform": "scale(#{scale})" "-o-transform": "scale(#{scale})" "transform": "scale(#{scale})" # To allow for a fixed amount of bleed below the fold regardless of window # size. fixHeroHeight = -> Math.max(Math.min($("#hero")?.height($(window).height() + 200), 640), 1200) # To ensure that our overflowing, dynamically sized screenshot pushes the # remaining content down the correct ammount. fixHeroMargin = -> marginBottom = Math.max(($("#main-screenshot").height() + ($("#main-screenshot").offset().top - $("#hero").offset().top)) - $("#hero").height(), 0) $("#hero").css(marginBottom: marginBottom) # To ensure there's enough white-space between the watercolor images to # let the hero text show through. fixWatercolors = -> lCutoff = 0.55 rCutoff = 0.6 lWidth = $("#watercolor-left").width() rWidth = $("#watercolor-right").width() heroLeft = $("#hero-text").offset().left leftMove = Math.max(Math.min(heroLeft - (lWidth * lCutoff), 0), -lWidth * lCutoff) heroRight = $("#hero-text").offset().left + $("#hero-text").width() rightMove = Math.max(Math.min(heroRight - (rWidth * rCutoff), 0), -rWidth * rCutoff) $("#watercolor-left").css(left: leftMove) $("#watercolor-right").css(right: rightMove) fixStaticClientImages = -> overhang = 70 padding = 40 nominalScreenshot = 1280 nominalComposer = 615 innerWidth = $("#static-client-images").innerWidth() - padding - overhang scale = Math.min(1 - (nominalScreenshot - innerWidth) / nominalScreenshot, 1) $("#static-screenshot, #static-screenshot-wrap").width(nominalScreenshot * scale) $("#static-composer").width(nominalComposer * scale) onResize = -> fixHeroHeight() # fixHeroMargin() fixWatercolors() positionAnimationContainer() fixStaticClientImages() window.onresize = onResize window.onload = -> onResize() $("body").addClass("initial") $("#play-intro").on "click", -> $("#static-client-images").hide() $("body").addClass("start-animation").removeClass("initial") screencastSequence() .then(providerSequence)