_ = require 'underscore-plus' React = require "react" {Actions} = require 'inbox-exports' module.exports = SidebarFullContactDetails = React.createClass propTypes: contact: React.PropTypes.object fullContact: React.PropTypes.object render: ->


_renderActions: ->
_showSubheader: -> @_title().length > 0 or @_company().length > 0 _name: -> (@props.fullContact.contactInfo?.fullName) ? @props.contact?.name _title: -> org = @_primaryOrg() return "" unless org? if org.current and org.title? return org.title else if not org.current and org.title? return "Former #{org.title}" else return "" _company: -> location = @props.fullContact.demographics?.locationGeneral ? "" name = @_primaryOrg()?.name ? "" if name.length > 0 and location.length > 0 return "#{name} (#{location})" else if name.length > 0 return name else if location.length > 0 return "(#{location})" else return "" _primaryOrg: -> orgs = @props.fullContact.organizations ? [] org = _.findWhere orgs, isPrimary: true if not org? then org = orgs[0] return org _profilePhoto: -> photos = @props.fullContact.photos ? [] photo = _.findWhere photo, isPrimary: true if not photo? then photo = _.findWhere photo, typeId: "linkedin" if not photo? then photo = photos[0] if photo? and photo.url? return else return ""