import _ from 'underscore'; import { DatabaseWriter, SyncbackDraftTask, SyncbackMetadataTask, DatabaseStore, AccountStore, TaskQueue, Contact, Message, Account, Actions, Task, APIError, NylasAPI, NylasAPIRequest, } from 'nylas-exports'; const inboxError = { message: "No draft with public id bvn4aydxuyqlbmzowh4wraysg", type: "invalid_request_error", }; const testData = { to: [new Contact({name: "Ben Gotow", email: ""})], from: [new Contact({name: "Evan Morikawa", email: ""})], date: new Date(), draft: true, subject: "Test", accountId: "abc123", body: '123', }; const localDraft = () => new Message(_.extend({}, testData, { clientId: "local-id", })); const remoteDraft = () => new Message(_.extend({}, testData, { clientId: "local-id", id: "remoteid1234", threadId: '1234', version: 2, })); xdescribe('SyncbackDraftTask', function syncbackDraftTask() { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(AccountStore, "accountForEmail").andCallFake((email) => new Account({clientId: 'local-abc123', id: 'abc123', emailAddress: email}) ); spyOn(DatabaseStore, "run").andCallFake((query) => { const clientId = query.matcherValueForModelKey('clientId') if (clientId === "localDraftId") { return Promise.resolve(localDraft()); } if (clientId === "remoteDraftId") { return Promise.resolve(remoteDraft()); } if (clientId === "missingDraftId") { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.resolve(); }); spyOn(NylasAPI, 'incrementRemoteChangeLock'); spyOn(NylasAPI, 'decrementRemoteChangeLock'); spyOn(DatabaseWriter.prototype, "persistModel").andReturn(Promise.resolve()); }); describe("queueing multiple tasks", () => { beforeEach(() => { this.taskA = new SyncbackDraftTask("draft-123"); this.taskB = new SyncbackDraftTask("draft-123"); this.taskC = new SyncbackDraftTask("draft-123"); this.taskOther = new SyncbackDraftTask("draft-456"); this.taskA.sequentialId = 0; this.taskB.sequentialId = 1; this.taskC.sequentialId = 2; TaskQueue._queue = []; }); it("dequeues other SyncbackDraftTasks that haven't started yet", () => { // Task A is taking forever, B is waiting on it, and C gets queued. for (const t of [this.taskA, this.taskB, this.taskOther]) { t.queueState.localComplete = true; } // taskA has already started This should NOT get dequeued this.taskA.queueState.isProcessing = true; // taskB hasn't started yet! This should get dequeued this.taskB.queueState.isProcessing = false; // taskOther, while unstarted, doesn't match the draftId and should // not get dequeued this.taskOther.queueState.isProcessing = false; TaskQueue._queue = [this.taskA, this.taskB, this.taskOther]; spyOn(this.taskC, "runLocal").andReturn(Promise.resolve()); TaskQueue.enqueue(this.taskC); // Note that taskB is gone, taskOther was untouched, and taskC was // added. expect(TaskQueue._queue).toEqual = [this.taskA, this.taskOther, this.taskC]; expect(this.taskC.runLocal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("waits for any other inflight tasks to finish or error", () => { this.taskA.queueState.localComplete = true; this.taskA.queueState.isProcessing = true; this.taskB.queueState.localComplete = true; spyOn(this.taskB, "runRemote").andReturn(Promise.resolve()); TaskQueue._queue = [this.taskA, this.taskB]; // Since taskA has isProcessing set to true, it will just be passed // over. We expect taskB to fail the `_taskIsBlocked` test TaskQueue._processQueue(); advanceClock(100); expect(TaskQueue._queue).toEqual([this.taskA, this.taskB]); expect(this.taskA.queueState.isProcessing).toBe(true); expect(this.taskB.queueState.isProcessing).toBe(false); expect(this.taskB.runRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });