exec = require('child_process').exec fs = require('fs') bundleIdentifier = 'com.inbox.edgehill' module.exports = class LaunchServices constructor: -> @secure = false getPlatform: -> process.platform available: -> @getPlatform() is 'darwin' getLaunchServicesPlistPath: (callback) -> secure = "#{process.env.HOME}/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices/com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist" insecure = "#{process.env.HOME}/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist" fs.exists secure, (exists) -> if exists callback(secure) else callback(insecure) readDefaults: (callback) -> @getLaunchServicesPlistPath (plistPath) -> tmpPath = "#{plistPath}.#{Math.random()}" exec "plutil -convert json \"#{plistPath}\" -o \"#{tmpPath}\"", (err, stdout, stderr) -> return callback(err) if callback and err fs.readFile tmpPath, (err, data) -> return callback(err) if callback and err try data = JSON.parse(data) callback(data['LSHandlers'], data) fs.unlink(tmpPath) catch e callback(e) if callback and err writeDefaults: (defaults, callback) -> @getLaunchServicesPlistPath (plistPath) -> tmpPath = "#{plistPath}.#{Math.random()}" exec "plutil -convert json \"#{plistPath}\" -o \"#{tmpPath}\"", (err, stdout, stderr) -> return callback(err) if callback and err try data = fs.readFileSync(tmpPath) data = JSON.parse(data) data['LSHandlers'] = defaults data = JSON.stringify(data) fs.writeFileSync(tmpPath, data) catch error return callback(error) if callback and error exec "plutil -convert binary1 \"#{tmpPath}\" -o \"#{plistPath}\"", -> fs.unlink(tmpPath) exec "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user", (err, stdout, stderr) -> callback(err) if callback isRegisteredForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) -> throw new Error "isRegisteredForURLScheme is async, provide a callback" unless callback @readDefaults (defaults) -> for def in defaults if def.LSHandlerURLScheme is scheme return callback(def.LSHandlerRoleAll is bundleIdentifier) callback(false) registerForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) -> @readDefaults (defaults) => # Remove anything already registered for the scheme for ii in [defaults.length-1..0] by -1 if defaults[ii].LSHandlerURLScheme is scheme defaults.splice(ii, 1) # Add our scheme default defaults.push LSHandlerURLScheme: scheme LSHandlerRoleAll: bundleIdentifier @writeDefaults(defaults, callback)