/* eslint global-require: 0 */ /* eslint prefer-template: 0 */ /* eslint quote-props: 0 */ const packager = require('electron-packager'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const tmpdir = path.resolve(require('os').tmpdir(), 'nylas-build'); const fs = require('fs-plus'); const glob = require('glob'); const babel = require('babel-core'); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); const symlinkedPackages = []; module.exports = grunt => { const packageJSON = grunt.config('appJSON'); const babelPath = path.join(grunt.config('rootDir'), '.babelrc'); const babelOptions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(babelPath)); function runCopyPlatformSpecificResources(buildPath, electronVersion, platform, arch, callback) { // these files (like nylas-mailto-default.reg) go alongside the ASAR, // not inside it, so we need to move out of the `app` directory. const resourcesDir = path.resolve(buildPath, '..'); if (platform === 'win32') { fs.copySync(path.resolve(grunt.config('appDir'), 'build', 'resources', 'win'), resourcesDir); } callback(); } function runWriteCommitHashIntoPackage(buildPath, electronVersion, platform, arch, callback) { const commit = execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString(); const jsonPath = path.resolve(buildPath, 'package.json'); let jsonString = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath).toString(); jsonString = jsonString.replace('COMMIT_INSERTED_DURING_PACKAGING', commit.substr(0, 8)); fs.writeFileSync(jsonPath, jsonString); callback(); } /** * We have to resolve the symlink paths (and cache the results) before * copying over the files since some symlinks may be relative paths (like * those created by lerna). We'll keep absolute references of those paths * for the symlink copy function to use after the packaging is complete. */ function resolveRealSymlinkPaths(appDir) { console.log('---> Resolving symlinks'); const dirs = ['internal_packages', 'src', 'spec', 'node_modules']; dirs.forEach(dir => { const absoluteDir = path.join(appDir, dir); fs.readdirSync(absoluteDir).forEach(packageName => { const relativePackageDir = path.join(dir, packageName); const absolutePackageDir = path.join(absoluteDir, packageName); const realPackagePath = fs.realpathSync(absolutePackageDir).replace('/private/', '/'); if (realPackagePath !== absolutePackageDir) { console.log(` ---> Resolving '${relativePackageDir}' to '${realPackagePath}'`); symlinkedPackages.push({ realPackagePath, relativePackageDir }); } }); }); } function runCopySymlinkedPackages(buildPath, electronVersion, platform, arch, callback) { console.log('---> Moving symlinked node modules / internal packages into build folder.'); symlinkedPackages.forEach(({ realPackagePath, relativePackageDir }) => { const packagePath = path.join(buildPath, relativePackageDir); console.log(` ---> Copying ${realPackagePath} to ${packagePath}`); fs.removeSync(packagePath); fs.copySync(realPackagePath, packagePath); }); callback(); } function runTranspilers(buildPath, electronVersion, platform, arch, callback) { console.log('---> Running Babel'); grunt.config('source:es6').forEach(pattern => { glob.sync(pattern, { cwd: buildPath }).forEach(relPath => { const es6Path = path.join(buildPath, relPath); if (/(node_modules|\.js$)/.test(es6Path)) return; const outPath = es6Path.replace(path.extname(es6Path), '.js'); console.log(` ---> Compiling ${es6Path.slice(es6Path.indexOf('/app') + 4)}`); const res = babel.transformFileSync( es6Path, Object.assign(babelOptions, { sourceMaps: true, sourceRoot: '/', sourceMapTarget: path.relative(buildPath, outPath), sourceFileName: path.relative(buildPath, es6Path), }) ); grunt.file.write( outPath, `${res.code}\n//# sourceMappingURL=${path.basename(outPath)}.map\n` ); grunt.file.write(`${outPath}.map`, JSON.stringify(res.map)); fs.unlinkSync(es6Path); }); }); callback(); } const platform = grunt.option('platform'); // See: https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager/blob/master/usage.txt grunt.config.merge({ packager: { appVersion: packageJSON.version, platform: platform, protocols: [ { name: 'Mailspring Protocol', schemes: ['mailspring'], }, { name: 'Mailto Protocol', schemes: ['mailto'], }, ], dir: grunt.config('appDir'), appCategoryType: 'public.app-category.business', tmpdir: tmpdir, arch: { win32: 'ia32', }[platform], icon: { darwin: path.resolve( grunt.config('appDir'), 'build', 'resources', 'mac', 'mailspring.icns' ), win32: path.resolve(grunt.config('appDir'), 'build', 'resources', 'win', 'mailspring.ico'), linux: undefined, }[platform], name: { darwin: 'Mailspring', win32: 'Mailspring', linux: 'mailspring', }[platform], appCopyright: `Copyright (C) 2014-${new Date().getFullYear()} Foundry 376, LLC. All rights reserved.`, derefSymlinks: false, asar: { unpack: '{' + [ 'mailsync', 'mailsync.exe', 'mailsync.bin', '*.so', '*.so.*', '*.dll', '*.pdb', '*.node', '**/vendor/**', 'examples/**', '**/src/tasks/**', '**/node_modules/spellchecker/**', '**/node_modules/windows-shortcuts/**', ].join(',') + '}', }, ignore: [ // These are all relative to client-app // top level dirs we never want /^\/build.*/, /^\/dist.*/, /^\/docs.*/, /^\/docs_src.*/, /^\/script.*/, /^\/spec.*/, // general dirs we never want /[/]+gh-pages$/, /[/]+docs$/, /[/]+obj[/]+gen/, /[/]+\.deps$/, // File types we know we never want in the prod build /\.md$/i, /\.log$/i, /\.yml$/i, /\.gz/i, /\.zip/i, /\.pdb$/, /\.h$/, /\.cc$/, /\.ts$/, /\.flow$/, /\.gyp/, /\.mk/, /\.dYSM$/, // specific (large) module bits we know we don't need /node_modules[/]+less[/]+dist$/, /node_modules[/]+react[/]+dist$/, /node_modules[/].*[/]tests?$/, /node_modules[/].*[/]coverage$/, /node_modules[/].*[/]benchmark$/, /@paulbetts[/]+cld[/]+deps[/]+cld/, ], out: grunt.config('outputDir'), overwrite: true, prune: true, /** * This will automatically look for the identity in the keychain. It * runs the `security find-identity` command. Note that * setup-mac-keychain-task needs to be run first */ osxSign: !!process.env.SIGN_BUILD, win32metadata: { CompanyName: 'Foundry 376, LLC', FileDescription: 'Mailspring', LegalCopyright: `Copyright (C) 2014-${new Date().getFullYear()} Foundry 376, LLC. All rights reserved.`, ProductName: 'Mailspring', }, // NOTE: The following plist keys can NOT be set in the // extra.plist since they are manually overridden by // electron-packager based on this config file: // // CFBundleDisplayName: 'name', // CFBundleExecutable: 'name', // CFBundleIdentifier: 'app-bundle-id', // CFBundleName: 'name' // // See https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager/blob/master/mac.js#L50 // // Our own extra.plist gets extended on top of the // Electron.app/Contents/Info.plist. A majority of the defaults are // left in the Electron Info.plist file extendInfo: path.resolve(grunt.config('appDir'), 'build', 'resources', 'mac', 'extra.plist'), appBundleId: 'com.mailspring.mailspring', afterCopy: [ runCopyPlatformSpecificResources, runWriteCommitHashIntoPackage, runCopySymlinkedPackages, runTranspilers, ], }, }); grunt.registerTask('package', 'Package Mailspring', function pack() { const done = this.async(); const start = Date.now(); console.log('---> Running packager with options:'); console.log(util.inspect(grunt.config.get('packager'), true, 7, true)); const ongoing = setInterval(() => { const elapsed = Math.round((Date.now() - start) / 1000.0); console.log(`---> Packaging for ${elapsed}s`); }, 1000); resolveRealSymlinkPaths(grunt.config('appDir')); packager(grunt.config.get('packager')) .catch(err => { grunt.fail.fatal(err); return done(err); }) .then(appPaths => { clearInterval(ongoing); console.log(`---> Done Successfully. Built into: ${appPaths}`); return done(); }); }); };