import React from 'react'; import ReactCSSTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-css-transition-group'; import {Actions} from 'nylas-exports' import OnboardingStore from './onboarding-store'; import PageTopBar from './page-top-bar'; import WelcomePage from './page-welcome'; import TutorialPage from './page-tutorial'; import AuthenticatePage from './page-authenticate'; import AccountChoosePage from './page-account-choose'; import AccountSettingsPage from './page-account-settings'; import AccountSettingsPageGmail from './page-account-settings-gmail'; import AccountSettingsPageIMAP from './page-account-settings-imap'; import AccountOnboardingSuccess from './page-account-onboarding-success'; import AccountSettingsPageExchange from './page-account-settings-exchange'; import InitialPreferencesPage from './page-initial-preferences'; const PageComponents = { "welcome": WelcomePage, "tutorial": TutorialPage, "authenticate": AuthenticatePage, "account-choose": AccountChoosePage, "account-settings": AccountSettingsPage, "account-settings-gmail": AccountSettingsPageGmail, "account-settings-imap": AccountSettingsPageIMAP, "account-settings-exchange": AccountSettingsPageExchange, "account-onboarding-success": AccountOnboardingSuccess, "initial-preferences": InitialPreferencesPage, } export default class OnboardingRoot extends React.Component { static displayName = 'OnboardingRoot'; static containerRequired = false; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = this._getStateFromStore(); } componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = OnboardingStore.listen(this._onStateChanged, this);; NylasEnv.displayWindow(); if (NylasEnv.timer.isPending('open-add-account-window')) { const {source} = NylasEnv.getWindowProps() Actions.recordPerfMetric({ source, action: 'open-add-account-window', actionTimeMs: NylasEnv.timer.stop('open-add-account-window'), maxValue: 4 * 1000, }) } if (NylasEnv.timer.isPending('app-boot')) { // If this component is mounted and we are /still/ timing `app-boot`, it // means that the app booted for an unauthenticated user and we are // showing the onboarding window for the first time. // In this case, we can't report `app-boot` time because we don't have a // nylasId or accountId required to report a metric. // However, we do want to clear the timer by stopping it NylasEnv.timer.stop('app-boot') } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.unsubscribe) { this.unsubscribe(); } } _getStateFromStore = () => { return { page:, pageDepth: OnboardingStore.pageDepth(), accountInfo: OnboardingStore.accountInfo(), }; } _onStateChanged = () => { this.setState(this._getStateFromStore()); } render() { const Component = PageComponents[]; if (!Component) { throw new Error(`Cannot find component for page: ${}`); } return (
); } }