import React from 'react'; import _ from 'underscore'; import {remote, clipboard} from 'electron'; import {Utils, Contact, ContactStore, RegExpUtils} from 'nylas-exports'; import {TokenizingTextField, Menu, InjectedComponentSet} from 'nylas-component-kit'; const TokenRenderer = (props) => { const {email, name} = props.token let chipText = email; if (name && (name.length > 0) && (name !== email)) { chipText = name; } return (
); }; TokenRenderer.propTypes = { token: React.PropTypes.object, }; export default class EventParticipantsInput extends React.Component { static displayName = 'EventParticipantsInput'; static propTypes = { participants: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, change: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: React.PropTypes.string, onEmptied: React.PropTypes.func, onFocus: React.PropTypes.func, } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, this.props) || !Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, this.state); } // Public. Can be called by any component that has a ref to this one to // focus the input field. focus = () => { this.refs.textField.focus(); } _completionNode = (p) => { return ( ); } _tokensForString = (string, options = {}) => { // If the input is a string, parse out email addresses and build // an array of contact objects. For each email address wrapped in // parentheses, look for a preceding name, if one exists. if (string.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve([]); } return ContactStore.parseContactsInString(string, options).then((contacts) => { if (contacts.length > 0) { return Promise.resolve(contacts); } // If no contacts are returned, treat the entire string as a single // (malformed) contact object. return [new Contact({email: string, name: null})]; }); } _remove = (values) => { const updates = _.reject(this.props.participants, (p) => values.includes( || => ); this.props.change(updates); } _edit = (token, replacementString) => { const tokenIndex = this.props.participants.indexOf(token); this._tokensForString(replacementString).then((replacements) => { const updates = this.props.participants.slice(0) updates.splice(tokenIndex, 1, ...replacements); this.props.change(updates); }); } _add = (values, options = {}) => { // If the input is a string, parse out email addresses and build // an array of contact objects. For each email address wrapped in // parentheses, look for a preceding name, if one exists. let tokensPromise = null; if (_.isString(values)) { tokensPromise = this._tokensForString(values, options); } else { tokensPromise = Promise.resolve(values); } tokensPromise.then((tokens) => { // Safety check: remove anything from the incoming tokens that isn't // a Contact. We should never receive anything else in the tokens array. const contactTokens = tokens.filter(value => value instanceof Contact); let updates = this.props.participants.slice(0); for (const token of contactTokens) { // add the participant to field. _.union ensures that the token will // only appear once, in case it already exists in the participants. updates = _.union(updates, [token]); } this.props.change(updates); }); } _onShowContextMenu = (participant) => { // Warning: Menu is already initialized as Menu.cjsx! const MenuClass = remote.Menu; const MenuItem = remote.MenuItem; const menu = new MenuClass(); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: `Copy ${}`, click: () => clipboard.writeText(, })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator', })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Remove', click: () => this._remove([participant]), })) menu.popup(remote.getCurrentWindow()); } _onInputTrySubmit = (inputValue, completions = [], selectedItem) => { if (RegExpUtils.emailRegex().test(inputValue)) { return inputValue // no token default to raw value. } return selectedItem || completions[0] // first completion if any } _shouldBreakOnKeydown = (event) => { const val =; if (RegExpUtils.emailRegex().test(val) && event.key === " ") { return true } return [",", ";"].includes(event.key) } render() { return (} tokenIsValid={(p) => ContactStore.isValidContact(p)} tokenRenderer={TokenRenderer} onRequestCompletions={(input) => ContactStore.searchContacts(input)} shouldBreakOnKeydown={this._shouldBreakOnKeydown} onInputTrySubmit={this._onInputTrySubmit} completionNode={this._completionNode} onAdd={this._add} onRemove={this._remove} onEdit={this._edit} onEmptied={this.props.onEmptied} onFocus={this.props.onFocus} onTokenAction={this._onShowContextMenu} /> ); } }