crypto = require 'crypto' os = require 'os' path = require 'path' {ipcRenderer, remote, shell} = require 'electron' _ = require 'underscore' {deprecate} = require 'grim' {Emitter} = require 'event-kit' {Model} = require 'theorist' fs = require 'fs-plus' {convertStackTrace, convertLine} = require 'coffeestack' {mapSourcePosition} = require 'source-map-support' WindowEventHandler = require './window-event-handler' StylesElement = require './styles-element' Utils = require './flux/models/utils' {APIError} = require './flux/errors' ensureInteger = (f, fallback) -> if f is NaN or f is undefined or f is null f = fallback return Math.round(f) # Essential: NylasEnv global for dealing with packages, themes, menus, and the window. # # The singleton of this class is always available as the `NylasEnv` global. module.exports = class NylasEnvConstructor extends Model @version: 1 # Increment this when the serialization format changes assert: (bool, msg) -> throw new Error("Assertion error: #{msg}") if not bool # Load or create the application environment # Returns an NylasEnv instance, fully initialized @loadOrCreate: -> startTime = savedState = @_loadSavedState() if savedState and savedState?.version is @version app = new this(savedState) else app = new this({@version}) return app # Loads and returns the serialized state corresponding to this window # if it exists; otherwise returns undefined. @_loadSavedState: -> statePath = @getStatePath() if fs.existsSync(statePath) try stateString = fs.readFileSync(statePath, 'utf8') catch error console.warn "Error reading window state: #{statePath}", error.stack, error else stateString = @getLoadSettings().windowState try JSON.parse(stateString) if stateString? catch error console.warn "Error parsing window state: #{statePath} #{error.stack}", error # Returns the path where the state for the current window will be # located if it exists. @getStatePath: -> {isSpec, mainWindow} = @getLoadSettings() if isSpec filename = 'spec-saved-state.json' else if mainWindow path.join(@getConfigDirPath(), 'main-window-state.json') else null # Get the directory path to NylasEnv's configuration area. # # Returns the absolute path to ~/.nylas @getConfigDirPath: -> @configDirPath ?= fs.absolute('~/.nylas') # Returns the load settings hash associated with the current window. @getLoadSettings: -> @loadSettings ?= JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent( cloned = Utils.deepClone(@loadSettings) # The loadSettings.windowState could be large, request it only when needed. cloned.__defineGetter__ 'windowState', => @getCurrentWindow().loadSettings.windowState cloned.__defineSetter__ 'windowState', (value) => @getCurrentWindow().loadSettings.windowState = value cloned @getCurrentWindow: -> remote.getCurrentWindow() workspaceViewParentSelector: 'body' lastUncaughtError: null ### Section: Properties ### # Public: A {CommandRegistry} instance commands: null # Public: A {Config} instance config: null # Public: A {Clipboard} instance clipboard: null # Public: A {MenuManager} instance menu: null # Public: A {KeymapManager} instance keymaps: null # Public: A {PackageManager} instance packages: null # Public: A {ThemeManager} instance themes: null # Public: A {StyleManager} instance styles: null ### Section: Construction and Destruction ### # Call .loadOrCreate instead constructor: (@savedState={}) -> {@version} = @savedState @emitter = new Emitter # Sets up the basic services that should be available in all modes # (both spec and application). # # Call after this instance has been assigned to the `NylasEnv` global. initialize: -> # Disable deprecations unless in dev mode or spec mode so that regular # editor performance isn't impacted by generating stack traces for # deprecated calls. unless @inDevMode() or @inSpecMode() require('grim').deprecate = -> @enhanceEventObject() @setupErrorLogger() @unsubscribe() @loadTime = null Config = require './config' KeymapManager = require './keymap-manager' CommandRegistry = require './command-registry' PackageManager = require './package-manager' Clipboard = require './clipboard' ThemeManager = require './theme-manager' StyleManager = require './style-manager' ActionBridge = require './flux/action-bridge' MenuManager = require './menu-manager' configDirPath = @getConfigDirPath() {devMode, safeMode, resourcePath, windowType} = @getLoadSettings() document.body.classList.add("platform-#{process.platform}") document.body.classList.add("window-type-#{windowType}") # Add 'src/global' to module search path. globalPath = path.join(resourcePath, 'src', 'global') require('module').globalPaths.push(globalPath) # Still set NODE_PATH since tasks may need it. process.env.NODE_PATH = globalPath # Make react.js faster process.env.NODE_ENV ?= 'production' unless devMode # Set NylasEnv's home so packages don't have to guess it process.env.NYLAS_HOME = configDirPath # Setup config and load it immediately so it's available to our singletons @config = new Config({configDirPath, resourcePath}) @keymaps = new KeymapManager({configDirPath, resourcePath}) @keymaps.onDidMatchBinding (event) -> # If the user fired a command with the application: prefix bound to # the body, re-fire it up into the browser process. This prevents us # from needing this crap, which has to be updated every time a new # application: command is added: if event.binding.command.indexOf('application:') is 0 and event.binding.selector.indexOf("body") is 0 ipcRenderer.send('command', event.binding.command) unless @inSpecMode() @actionBridge = new ActionBridge(ipcRenderer) @commands = new CommandRegistry specMode = @inSpecMode() @packages = new PackageManager({devMode, configDirPath, resourcePath, safeMode, specMode}) @styles = new StyleManager document.head.appendChild(new StylesElement) @themes = new ThemeManager({packageManager: @packages, configDirPath, resourcePath, safeMode}) @clipboard = new Clipboard() @menu = new MenuManager({resourcePath}) if process.platform is 'win32' @getCurrentWindow().setMenuBarVisibility(false) # initialize spell checking require('web-frame').setSpellCheckProvider("en-US", false, { spellCheck: (text) -> !(require('spellchecker').isMisspelled(text)) }) @subscribe @packages.onDidActivateInitialPackages => @watchThemes() @windowEventHandler = new WindowEventHandler window.onbeforeunload = => @_unloading() @_unloadCallbacks = [] # Start our error reporting to the backend and attach error handlers # to the window and the Bluebird Promise library, converting things # back through the sourcemap as necessary. setupErrorLogger: -> ErrorLogger = require './error-logger' @errorLogger = new ErrorLogger inSpecMode: @inSpecMode() inDevMode: @inDevMode() resourcePath: @getLoadSettings().resourcePath sourceMapCache = {} window.onerror = => @lastUncaughtError = [message, url, line, column, originalError] = @lastUncaughtError # {line, column} = mapSourcePosition({source: url, line, column}) eventObject = {message, url, line, column, originalError} openDevTools = true eventObject.preventDefault = -> openDevTools = false @emitter.emit 'will-throw-error', eventObject if openDevTools and @inDevMode() @openDevTools() @executeJavaScriptInDevTools('DevToolsAPI.showConsole()') @emitter.emit 'did-throw-error', {message, url, line, column, originalError} # Since Bluebird is the promise library, we can properly report # unhandled errors from business logic inside promises. Promise.longStackTraces() unless @inSpecMode() Promise.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection (error) => error.stack = convertStackTrace(error.stack, sourceMapCache) # API Errors are logged to Sentry only under certain circumstances, # and are logged directly from the NylasAPI class. if error instanceof APIError return if @inSpecMode() console.error(error.stack) else if @inDevMode() console.error(error.message, error.stack, error) @openDevTools() @executeJavaScriptInDevTools('InspectorFrontendAPI.showConsole()') else console.warn(error) console.warn(error.stack) @emitError(error) emitError: (error) -> console.error(error) unless @inSpecMode() eventObject = {message: error.message, originalError: error} @emitter.emit('will-throw-error', eventObject) @emit('uncaught-error', error.message, null, null, null, error) @emitter.emit('did-throw-error', eventObject) ### Section: Event Subscription ### # Extended: Invoke the given callback whenever {::beep} is called. # # * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever {::beep} is called. # # Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe. onDidBeep: (callback) -> @emitter.on 'did-beep', callback # Extended: Invoke the given callback when there is an unhandled error, but # before the devtools pop open # # * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever there is an unhandled error # * `event` {Object} # * `originalError` {Object} the original error object # * `message` {String} the original error object # * `url` {String} Url to the file where the error originated. # * `line` {Number} # * `column` {Number} # * `preventDefault` {Function} call this to avoid popping up the dev tools. # # Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe. onWillThrowError: (callback) -> @emitter.on 'will-throw-error', callback # Extended: Invoke the given callback whenever there is an unhandled error. # # * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever there is an unhandled error # * `event` {Object} # * `originalError` {Object} the original error object # * `message` {String} the original error object # * `url` {String} Url to the file where the error originated. # * `line` {Number} # * `column` {Number} # # Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe. onDidThrowError: (callback) -> @emitter.on 'did-throw-error', callback # Extended: Run the Chromium content-tracing module for five seconds, and save # the output to a file which is printed to the command-line output of the app. # You can take the file exported by this function and load it into Chrome's # content trace visualizer (chrome://tracing). It's like Chromium Developer # Tools Profiler, but for all processes and threads. trace: -> tracing = remote.require('content-tracing') tracing.startRecording '*', 'record-until-full,enable-sampling,enable-systrace', -> console.log('Tracing started') setTimeout -> tracing.stopRecording '', (path) -> console.log('Tracing data recorded to ' + path) , 5000 isMainWindow: -> !!@getLoadSettings().mainWindow isWorkWindow: -> @getWindowType() is 'work' getWindowType: -> @getLoadSettings().windowType # Public: Is the current window in development mode? inDevMode: -> @getLoadSettings().devMode # Public: Is the current window in safe mode? inSafeMode: -> @getLoadSettings().safeMode # Public: Is the current window running specs? inSpecMode: -> @getLoadSettings().isSpec # Public: Get the version of N1. # # Returns the version text {String}. getVersion: -> @appVersion ?= @getLoadSettings().appVersion # Public: Determine whether the current version is an official release. isReleasedVersion: -> not /\w{7}/.test(@getVersion()) # Check if the release is a 7-character SHA prefix # Public: Get the directory path to N1's configuration area. # # Returns the absolute path to `~/.nylas`. getConfigDirPath: -> @constructor.getConfigDirPath() # Public: Get the time taken to completely load the current window. # # This time include things like loading and activating packages, creating # DOM elements for the editor, and reading the config. # # Returns the {Number} of milliseconds taken to load the window or null # if the window hasn't finished loading yet. getWindowLoadTime: -> @loadTime # Public: Get the load settings for the current window. # # Returns an {Object} containing all the load setting key/value pairs. getLoadSettings: -> @constructor.getLoadSettings() ### Section: Managing The Nylas Window ### # Essential: Close the current window. close: -> @getCurrentWindow().close() quit: -> remote.require('app').quit() # Essential: Get the size of current window. # # Returns an {Object} in the format `{width: 1000, height: 700}` getSize: -> [width, height] = @getCurrentWindow().getSize() {width, height} # Essential: Set the size of current window. # # * `width` The {Number} of pixels. # * `height` The {Number} of pixels. setSize: (width, height) -> width = ensureInteger(width, 100) height = ensureInteger(height, 100) @getCurrentWindow().setSize(width, height) # Essential: Transition and set the size of the current window. # # * `width` The {Number} of pixels. # * `height` The {Number} of pixels. # * `duration` The {Number} of pixels. setSizeAnimated: (width, height, duration=400) -> # On Windows, the native window resizing code isn't fast enough to "animate" # by resizing over and over again. Just turn off animation for now. if process.platform is 'win32' duration = 1 # Avoid divide by zero errors below duration = Math.max(1, duration) # Keep track of the number of times this method has been invoked, and ensure # that we only `tick` for the last invocation. This prevents two resizes from # running at the same time. @_setSizeAnimatedCallCount ?= 0 @_setSizeAnimatedCallCount += 1 call = @_setSizeAnimatedCallCount cubicInOut = (t) -> if t<.5 then 4*t**3 else (t-1)*(2*t-2)**2+1 win = @getCurrentWindow() width = Math.round(width) height = Math.round(height) startBounds = win.getBounds() startTime = - 1 # - 1 so that if duration is 1, t = 1 on the first frame boundsForI = (i) -> # It's very important this function never return undefined for any of the # keys which blows up setBounds. x: ensureInteger(startBounds.x + (width-startBounds.width) * -0.5 * i, 0) y: ensureInteger(startBounds.y + (height-startBounds.height) * -0.5 * i, 0) width: ensureInteger(startBounds.width + (width-startBounds.width) * i, width) height: ensureInteger(startBounds.height + (height-startBounds.height) * i, height) tick = => return unless call is @_setSizeAnimatedCallCount t = Math.min(1, ( - startTime) / (duration)) i = cubicInOut(t) win.setBounds(boundsForI(i)) unless t is 1 _.defer(tick) tick() setMinimumWidth: (minWidth) -> win = @getCurrentWindow() minWidth = ensureInteger(minWidth, 0) minHeight = win.getMinimumSize()[1] win.setMinimumSize(minWidth, minHeight) [currWidth, currHeight] = win.getSize() win.setSize(minWidth, currHeight) if minWidth > currWidth # Essential: Get the position of current window. # # Returns an {Object} in the format `{x: 10, y: 20}` getPosition: -> [x, y] = @getCurrentWindow().getPosition() {x, y} # Essential: Set the position of current window. # # * `x` The {Number} of pixels. # * `y` The {Number} of pixels. setPosition: (x, y) -> x = ensureInteger(x, 0) y = ensureInteger(y, 0) ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'setPosition', x, y) # Extended: Get the current window getCurrentWindow: -> @constructor.getCurrentWindow() # Extended: Move current window to the center of the screen. center: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'center') # Extended: Focus the current window. Note: this will not open the window # if it is hidden. focus: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'focus') window.focus() # Extended: Show the current window. show: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'show') isVisible: -> @getCurrentWindow().isVisible() # Extended: Hide the current window. hide: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'hide') # Extended: Reload the current window. reload: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'restart') # Updates the window load settings - called when the app is ready to display # a hot-loaded window. Causes listeners registered with `onWindowPropsReceived` # to receive new window props. loadSettingsChanged: (event, loadSettings) => @loadSettings = loadSettings @constructor.loadSettings = loadSettings {width, height, windowProps} = loadSettings @emitter.emit('window-props-received', windowProps ? {}) if width and height @setWindowDimensions({width, height}) # Public: The windowProps passed when creating the window via `newWindow`. # getWindowProps: -> @getLoadSettings().windowProps ? {} # Public: If your package declares hot-loaded window types, `onWindowPropsReceived` # fires when your hot-loaded window is about to be shown so you can update # components to reflect the new window props. # # - callback: A function to call when window props are received, just before # the hot window is shown. The first parameter is the new windowProps. # onWindowPropsReceived: (callback) -> @emitter.on('window-props-received', callback) # Extended: Is the current window maximized? isMaximixed: -> @getCurrentWindow().isMaximized() maximize: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'maximize') minimize: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'minimize') # Extended: Is the current window in full screen mode? isFullScreen: -> @getCurrentWindow().isFullScreen() # Extended: Set the full screen state of the current window. setFullScreen: (fullScreen=false) -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'setFullScreen', fullScreen) if fullScreen then document.body.classList.add("fullscreen") else document.body.classList.remove("fullscreen") # Extended: Toggle the full screen state of the current window. toggleFullScreen: -> @setFullScreen(!@isFullScreen()) # Get the dimensions of this window. # # Returns an {Object} with the following keys: # * `x` The window's x-position {Number}. # * `y` The window's y-position {Number}. # * `width` The window's width {Number}. # * `height` The window's height {Number}. getWindowDimensions: -> browserWindow = @getCurrentWindow() {x, y, width, height} = browserWindow.getBounds() maximized = browserWindow.isMaximized() {x, y, width, height, maximized} # Set the dimensions of the window. # # The window will be centered if either the x or y coordinate is not set # in the dimensions parameter. If x or y are omitted the window will be # centered. If height or width are omitted only the position will be changed. # # * `dimensions` An {Object} with the following keys: # * `x` The new x coordinate. # * `y` The new y coordinate. # * `width` The new width. # * `height` The new height. setWindowDimensions: ({x, y, width, height}) -> if x? and y? and width? and height? @getCurrentWindow().setBounds({x, y, width, height}) else if width? and height? @setSize(width, height) else if x? and y? @setPosition(x, y) else @center() # Returns true if the dimensions are useable, false if they should be ignored. # Work around for isValidDimensions: ({x, y, width, height}={}) -> width > 0 and height > 0 and x + width > 0 and y + height > 0 getDefaultWindowDimensions: -> screen = remote.require('screen') {width, height} = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize x = 0 y = 0 MAX_WIDTH = 1440 if width > MAX_WIDTH x = Math.floor((width - MAX_WIDTH) / 2) width = MAX_WIDTH MAX_HEIGHT = 900 if height > MAX_HEIGHT y = Math.floor((height - MAX_HEIGHT) / 2) height = MAX_HEIGHT {x, y, width, height} restoreWindowDimensions: -> dimensions = @savedState.windowDimensions unless @isValidDimensions(dimensions) dimensions = @getDefaultWindowDimensions() @setWindowDimensions(dimensions) @maximize() if dimensions.maximized and process.platform isnt 'darwin' storeWindowDimensions: -> dimensions = @getWindowDimensions() @savedState.windowDimensions = dimensions if @isValidDimensions(dimensions) # Call this method when establishing a real application window. startRootWindow: -> @displayWindow() {safeMode, windowType} = @getLoadSettings() @registerCommands() @loadConfig() @keymaps.loadBundledKeymaps() @themes.loadBaseStylesheets() @packages.loadPackages(windowType) @deserializePackageStates() @deserializeSheetContainer() @packages.activate() @keymaps.loadUserKeymap() @requireUserInitScript() unless safeMode @menu.update() @showRootWindow() ipcRenderer.send('window-command', 'window:loaded') showRootWindow: -> cover = document.getElementById("application-loading-cover") cover.classList.add('visible') @restoreWindowDimensions() @getCurrentWindow().setMinimumSize(875, 500) registerCommands: -> {resourcePath} = @getLoadSettings() CommandInstaller = require './command-installer' CommandInstaller.installN1Command resourcePath, false, (error) -> console.warn error.message if error? CommandInstaller.installApmCommand resourcePath, false, (error) -> console.warn error.message if error? # Call this method when establishing a secondary application window # displaying a specific set of packages. # startSecondaryWindow: -> {width, height, windowType, windowPackages} = @getLoadSettings() cover = document.getElementById("application-loading-cover") cover.remove() if cover @loadConfig() @keymaps.loadBundledKeymaps() @themes.loadBaseStylesheets() @packages.loadPackages(windowType) @packages.loadPackage(pack) for pack in (windowPackages ? []) @deserializeSheetContainer() @packages.activate() @keymaps.loadUserKeymap() ipcRenderer.on("load-settings-changed", @loadSettingsChanged) @setWindowDimensions({width, height}) if width and height @menu.update() ipcRenderer.send('window-command', 'window:loaded') # Requests that the backend browser bootup a new window with the given # options. # See the valid option types in Application::newWindow in # src/browser/ newWindow: (options={}) -> ipcRenderer.send('new-window', options) # Registers a hot window for certain packages # See the valid option types in Application::registerHotWindow in # src/browser/ registerHotWindow: (options={}) -> ipcRenderer.send('register-hot-window', options) # Unregisters a hot window with the given windowType unregisterHotWindow: (windowType) -> ipcRenderer.send('unregister-hot-window', windowType) saveStateAndUnloadWindow: -> @packages.deactivatePackages() @savedState.packageStates = @packages.packageStates @saveSync() @windowState = null ### Section: Messaging the User ### displayWindow: ({maximize} = {}) -> @show() @focus() @maximize() if maximize # Essential: Visually and audibly trigger a beep. beep: -> shell.beep() if @config.get('core.audioBeep') @emitter.emit 'did-beep' # Essential: A flexible way to open a dialog akin to an alert dialog. # # ## Examples # # ```coffee # NylasEnv.confirm # message: 'How you feeling?' # detailedMessage: 'Be honest.' # buttons: # Good: -> window.alert('good to hear') # Bad: -> window.alert('bummer') # ``` # # * `options` An {Object} with the following keys: # * `message` The {String} message to display. # * `detailedMessage` (optional) The {String} detailed message to display. # * `buttons` (optional) Either an array of strings or an object where keys are # button names and the values are callbacks to invoke when clicked. # # Returns the chosen button index {Number} if the buttons option was an array. confirm: ({message, detailedMessage, buttons}={}) -> buttons ?= {} if _.isArray(buttons) buttonLabels = buttons else buttonLabels = Object.keys(buttons) dialog = remote.require('dialog') chosen = dialog.showMessageBox @getCurrentWindow(), type: 'info' message: message detail: detailedMessage buttons: buttonLabels if _.isArray(buttons) chosen else callback = buttons[buttonLabels[chosen]] callback?() ### Section: Managing the Dev Tools ### # Extended: Open the dev tools for the current window. openDevTools: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'openDevTools') # Extended: Toggle the visibility of the dev tools for the current window. toggleDevTools: -> ipcRenderer.send('call-window-method', 'toggleDevTools') # Extended: Execute code in dev tools. executeJavaScriptInDevTools: (code) -> ipcRenderer.send('call-webcontents-method', 'executeJavaScriptInDevTools', code) ### Section: Private ### deserializeSheetContainer: -> startTime = # Put state back into sheet-container? Restore app state here @item = document.createElement("nylas-workspace") @item.setAttribute("id", "sheet-container") @item.setAttribute("class", "sheet-container") @item.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1") React = require "react" SheetContainer = require './sheet-container' React.render(React.createElement(SheetContainer), @item) document.querySelector(@workspaceViewParentSelector).appendChild(@item) deserializePackageStates: -> @packages.packageStates = @savedState.packageStates ? {} delete @savedState.packageStates loadThemes: -> @themes.load() loadConfig: -> @config.setSchema null, {type: 'object', properties: _.clone(require('./config-schema'))} @config.load() watchThemes: -> @themes.onDidChangeActiveThemes => # Only reload stylesheets from non-theme packages for pack in @packages.getActivePackages() when pack.getType() isnt 'theme' pack.reloadStylesheets?() null exit: (status) -> app = remote.require('app') app.emit('will-exit') remote.process.exit(status) showOpenDialog: (options, callback) -> dialog = remote.require('dialog') callback(dialog.showOpenDialog(@getCurrentWindow(), options)) showSaveDialog: (options, callback) -> options.title ?= 'Save File' dialog = remote.require('dialog') callback(dialog.showSaveDialog(@getCurrentWindow(), options)) showErrorDialog: (message) -> dialog = remote.require('dialog') dialog.showMessageBox null, { type: 'warning' buttons: ['Okay'], message: "Error" detail: message } saveSync: -> stateString = JSON.stringify(@savedState) if statePath = @constructor.getStatePath() fs.writeFileSync(statePath, stateString, 'utf8') else @getCurrentWindow().loadSettings.windowState = stateString crashMainProcess: -> remote.process.crash() crashRenderProcess: -> process.crash() getUserInitScriptPath: -> initScriptPath = fs.resolve(@getConfigDirPath(), 'init', ['js', 'coffee']) initScriptPath ? path.join(@getConfigDirPath(), '') requireUserInitScript: -> if userInitScriptPath = @getUserInitScriptPath() try require(userInitScriptPath) if fs.isFileSync(userInitScriptPath) catch error console.log(error) # Require the module with the given globals. # # The globals will be set on the `window` object and removed after the # require completes. # # * `id` The {String} module name or path. # * `globals` An optinal {Object} to set as globals during require. requireWithGlobals: (id, globals={}) -> existingGlobals = {} for key, value of globals existingGlobals[key] = window[key] window[key] = value require(id) for key, value of existingGlobals if value is undefined delete window[key] else window[key] = value onUpdateAvailable: (callback) -> @emitter.on 'update-available', callback updateAvailable: (details) -> @emitter.emit 'update-available', details # Lets multiple components register beforeUnload callbacks. # The callbacks are expected to return either true or false. # # Note: If you return false to cancel the window close, you /must/ perform # work and then call finishUnload. We do not support cancelling quit! # # onBeforeUnload: (callback) -> @_unloadCallbacks.push(callback) _unloading: -> continueUnload = true for callback in @_unloadCallbacks returnValue = callback() if returnValue is true continue else if returnValue is false continueUnload = false else console.warn "You registered an `onBeforeUnload` callback that does not return either exactly `true` or `false`. It returned #{returnValue}", callback return continueUnload # Call this method to resume the close / quit process if you returned # false from a onBeforeUnload handler. # finishUnload: -> _.defer => if remote.getGlobal('application').quitting remote.require('app').quit() else @close() enhanceEventObject: -> overriddenStop = Event::stopPropagation Event::stopPropagation = -> @propagationStopped = true overriddenStop.apply(@, arguments) Event::isPropagationStopped = -> @propagationStopped