{ComponentRegistry, NamespaceStore} = require "inbox-exports" React = require "react" _ = require "underscore-plus" SORT = false DefaultChip = React.createClass render: -> display = @props.participant.name? and @props.participant.name or @props.participant.email {display} # Parameters # clickable (optional) - is this currently clickable? # thread (optional) - thread context for sorting # context (optional) - additional information for determining appearance, # passed into the ParticipantChip # - 'primary' # - 'list' module.exports = React.createClass mixins: [ComponentRegistry.Mixin] components: ["ParticipantChip"] render: -> ParticipantChip = @state.ParticipantChip ? DefaultChip chips = @getParticipants().map (p) =>
getParticipants: -> me = NamespaceStore.current().me() if SORT sorted = _.sortBy @props.participants, (p) -> p.displayName() else sorted = @props.participants # Pull 'me' user = _.findWhere sorted, me if self sorted = _.without sorted, user # Push 'me' if we just emptied the list if user? and sorted.length == 0 sorted.push me # Unshift 'me' if context says we're the sender else if @_fromUserUnrepliedContext() sorted.unshift me # Unshift 'me' if context says we're the sender and it's a group thread else if @_fromUserGroupThreadContext() sorted.unshift me # Pull the sender to the front, if it's not 'me' if @_getSender()? and @_getSender().email != me.email # It's probably the same contact object but why risk the fuck up? sender = _.findWhere sorted, {email: @_getSender().email} sorted = _.without sorted, sender sorted.unshift sender sorted.forEach (p) -> p.id = p.name+p.email sorted shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) -> !_.isEqual(newProps.participants, @props.participants) # TODO - this'll require poking DatabaseStore # UPDATE: Please move these so they're injected via props from somewhere # that has the thread object. DON'T QUERY HERE! (@ben) _fromUserUnrepliedContext: -> false _fromUserGroupThreadContext: -> false _getSender: -> undefined