React = require 'react'
classNames = require 'classnames'
_ = require 'underscore'
EmailFrame = require './email-frame'
MessageParticipants = require "./message-participants"
MessageTimestamp = require "./message-timestamp"
FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
InjectedComponent} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
Autolinker = require 'autolinker'
remote = require 'remote'
MessageBodyWidth = 740
class MessageItem extends React.Component
@displayName = 'MessageItem'
@propTypes =
thread: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
thread_participants: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object)
collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
# Holds the downloadData (if any) for all of our files. It's a hash
# keyed by a fileId. The value is the downloadData.
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())
showQuotedText: @_isForwardedMessage()
detailedHeaders: false
componentDidMount: =>
@_storeUnlisten = FileDownloadStore.listen(@_onDownloadStoreChange)
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_storeUnlisten() if @_storeUnlisten
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
render: =>
if @props.collapsed
_renderCollapsed: =>
_renderFull: =>
_renderHeader: =>
_renderAttachments: =>
attachments = @_attachmentComponents()
if attachments.length > 0
_quotedTextClasses: => classNames
"quoted-text-control": true
'no-quoted-text': (Utils.quotedTextIndex(@props.message.body) is -1)
'show-quoted-text': @state.showQuotedText
_renderMessageActionsInline: =>
_renderMessageActionsTooltip: =>
## TODO: For now leave blank. There may be an alternative UI in the
# @setState detailedHeaders: true}>
_renderMessageActions: =>
_onReply: =>
tId =; mId =
Actions.composeReply(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_onReplyAll: =>
tId =; mId =
Actions.composeReplyAll(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_onForward: =>
tId =; mId =
Actions.composeForward(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_onReport: (issueType) =>
{Contact, Message, DatabaseStore, NamespaceStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
draft = new Message
from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()]
to: [new Contact(name: "Nylas Team", email: "")]
date: (new Date)
draft: true
subject: "Feedback - Message Display Issue (#{issueType})"
namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id
body: @props.message.body
DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then =>
DatabaseStore.localIdForModel(draft).then (localId) =>
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning'
buttons: ['OK'],
message: "Thank you."
detail: "The contents of this message have been sent to the Edgehill team and we added to a test suite."
_onShowOriginal: =>
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
BrowserWindow = remote.require('browser-window')
app = remote.require('app')
tmpfile = path.join(app.getPath('temp'),
Accept: 'message/rfc822'
path: "/n/#{@props.message.namespaceId}/messages/#{}"
success: (body) =>
fs.writeFile tmpfile, body, =>
window = new BrowserWindow(width: 800, height: 600, title: "#{@props.message.subject} - RFC822")
_onShowActionsMenu: =>
remote = require('remote')
Menu = remote.require('menu')
MenuItem = remote.require('menu-item')
# Todo: refactor this so that message actions are provided
# dynamically. Waiting to see if this will be used often.
menu = new Menu()
menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Report Issue: Quoted Text', click: => @_onReport('Quoted Text')}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Report Issue: Rendering', click: => @_onReport('Rendering')}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator'}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Show Original', click: => @_onShowOriginal()}))
_renderCollapseControl: =>
if @state.detailedHeaders
@setState detailedHeaders: false}>
@setState detailedHeaders: true}>
# Eventually, _formatBody will run a series of registered body transformers.
# For now, it just runs a few we've hardcoded here, which are all synchronous.
_formatBody: =>
return "" unless @props.message and @props.message.body
body = @props.message.body
# Apply the autolinker pass to make emails and links clickable
body =, {twitter: false})
# Find inline images and give them a calculated CSS height based on
# html width and height, when available. This means nothing changes size
# as the image is loaded, and we can estimate final height correctly.
# Note that MessageBodyWidth must be updated if the UI is changed!
while (result = MessageUtils.cidRegex.exec(body)) isnt null
imgstart = body.lastIndexOf('<', result.index)
imgend = body.indexOf('/>', result.index)
if imgstart != -1 and imgend > imgstart
imgtag = body.substr(imgstart, imgend - imgstart)
width = imgtag.match(/width[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1]
height = imgtag.match(/height[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1]
if width and height
scale = Math.min(1, MessageBodyWidth / width)
style = " style=\"height:#{height * scale}px;\" "
body = body.substr(0, imgend) + style + body.substr(imgend)
# Replace cid:// references with the paths to downloaded files
for file in @props.message.files
continue if _.find @state.downloads, (d) -> d.fileId is
cidLink = "cid:#{file.contentId}"
fileLink = "#{FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)}"
body = body.replace(cidLink, fileLink)
# Replace remaining cid:// references - we will not display them since they'll
# throw "unknown ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME". Show a transparent pixel so that there's
# no "missing image" region shown, just a space.
body = body.replace(MessageUtils.cidRegex, "src=\"#{TransparentPixel}\"")
_toggleQuotedText: =>
showQuotedText: !@state.showQuotedText
_toggleCollapsed: =>
_formatContacts: (contacts=[]) =>
_attachmentComponents: =>
attachments = _.filter @props.message.files, (f) =>
# We ignore files with no name because they're actually mime-parts of the
# message being served by the API as files.
hasName = f.filename and f.filename.length > 0
hasCIDInBody = f.contentId? and @props.message.body?.indexOf(f.contentId) > 0
hasName and not hasCIDInBody (file) =>
_isForwardedMessage: =>
_onDownloadStoreChange: =>
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())
module.exports = MessageItem