_ = require "underscore" proxyquire = require "proxyquire" React = require "react/addons" ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils {Actions, File, Contact, Message, Namespace, DraftStore, DatabaseStore, NylasTestUtils, NamespaceStore, FileUploadStore, ContactStore, ComponentRegistry} = require "nylas-exports" {InjectedComponent} = require 'nylas-component-kit' ParticipantsTextField = require '../lib/participants-text-field' u1 = new Contact(name: "Christine Spang", email: "spang@nylas.com") u2 = new Contact(name: "Michael Grinich", email: "mg@nylas.com") u3 = new Contact(name: "Evan Morikawa", email: "evan@nylas.com") u4 = new Contact(name: "Zoƫ Leiper", email: "zip@nylas.com") u5 = new Contact(name: "Ben Gotow", email: "ben@nylas.com") file = new File(id: 'file_1_id', filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, object: "file") users = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5] NamespaceStore._current = new Namespace( {name: u1.name, provider: "inbox", emailAddress: u1.email}) reactStub = (className) -> React.createClass({render: ->
}) textFieldStub = (className) -> React.createClass render: ->
focus: -> passThroughStub = (props={}) -> React.createClass render: ->
draftStoreProxyStub = (localId, returnedDraft) -> listen: -> -> draft: -> (returnedDraft ? new Message(draft: true)) draftPristineBody: -> null draftLocalId: localId cleanup: -> changes: add: -> commit: -> Promise.resolve() applyToModel: -> searchContactStub = (email) -> _.filter(users, (u) u.email.toLowerCase() is email.toLowerCase()) isValidContactStub = (contact) -> contact.email.indexOf('@') > 0 ComposerView = proxyquire "../lib/composer-view", "./file-upload": reactStub("file-upload") "./image-file-upload": reactStub("image-file-upload") "nylas-exports": ContactStore: searchContacts: searchContactStub isValidContact: isValidContactStub DraftStore: DraftStore beforeEach -> # spyOn(ComponentRegistry, "findComponentsMatching").andCallFake (matching) -> # return passThroughStub # spyOn(ComponentRegistry, "showComponentRegions").andReturn true # The NamespaceStore isn't set yet in the new window, populate it first. NamespaceStore.populateItems().then -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> draft = new Message from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()] date: (new Date) draft: true namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then -> DatabaseStore.localIdForModel(draft).then(resolve).catch(reject) .catch(reject) describe "A blank composer view", -> beforeEach -> @composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) @composer.setState body: "" it 'should render into the document', -> expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @composer, ComposerView).toBe true describe "testing keyboard inputs", -> it "shows and focuses on bcc field", -> it "shows and focuses on cc field", -> it "shows and focuses on bcc field when already open", -> # This will setup the mocks necessary to make the composer element (once # mounted) think it's attached to the given draft. This mocks out the # proxy system used by the composer. DRAFT_LOCAL_ID = "local-123" useDraft = (draftAttributes={}) -> @draft = new Message _.extend({draft: true, body: ""}, draftAttributes) draft = @draft proxy = draftStoreProxyStub(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID, @draft) spyOn(ComposerView.prototype, "componentWillMount").andCallFake -> @_prepareForDraft(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID) @_setupSession(proxy) # Normally when sessionForLocalId resolves, it will call `_setupSession` # and pass the new session proxy. However, in our faked # `componentWillMount`, we manually call sessionForLocalId to make this # part of the test synchronous. We need to make the `then` block of the # sessionForLocalId do nothing so `_setupSession` is not called twice! spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake -> then: -> useFullDraft = -> useDraft.call @, from: [u1] to: [u2] cc: [u3, u4] bcc: [u5] subject: "Test Message 1" body: "Hello World
This is a test" makeComposer = -> @composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) describe "populated composer", -> beforeEach -> @isSending = {state: false} spyOn(DraftStore, "isSendingDraft").andCallFake => @isSending.state describe "When displaying info from a draft", -> beforeEach -> useFullDraft.apply(@) makeComposer.call(@) it "attaches the draft to the proxy", -> expect(@draft).toBeDefined() expect(@composer._proxy.draft()).toBe @draft it "set the state based on the draft", -> expect(@composer.state.from).toBeUndefined() expect(@composer.state.to).toEqual [u2] expect(@composer.state.cc).toEqual [u3, u4] expect(@composer.state.bcc).toEqual [u5] expect(@composer.state.subject).toEqual "Test Message 1" expect(@composer.state.body).toEqual "Hello World
This is a test" describe "when deciding whether or not to show the subject", -> it "shows the subject when the subject is empty", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "" makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer._shouldShowSubject()).toBe true it "shows the subject when the subject looks like a fwd", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Fwd: This is the message" makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer._shouldShowSubject()).toBe true it "shows the subject when the subject looks like a fwd", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "fwd foo" makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer._shouldShowSubject()).toBe true it "doesn't show subject when subject has fwd text in it", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Trick fwd" makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer._shouldShowSubject()).toBe false it "doesn't show the subject otherwise", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Foo bar baz" makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer._shouldShowSubject()).toBe false describe "when deciding whether or not to show cc and bcc", -> it "doesn't show cc when there's no one to cc", -> useDraft.call @, cc: [] makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe false it "shows cc when populated", -> useDraft.call @, cc: [u1,u2] makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe true it "doesn't show bcc when there's no one to bcc", -> useDraft.call @, bcc: [] makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe false it "shows bcc when populated", -> useDraft.call @, bcc: [u2,u3] makeComposer.call @ expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe true describe "when focus() is called", -> describe "if a field name is provided", -> it "should focus that field", -> useDraft.call(@, cc: [u2]) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldCc'], 'focus') @composer.focus('textFieldCc') advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['textFieldCc'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "if the draft is a forward", -> it "should focus the to field", -> useDraft.call(@, {subject: 'Fwd: This is a test'}) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'], 'focus') @composer.focus() advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "if the draft is a normal message", -> it "should focus on the body", -> useDraft.call(@) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['contentBody'], 'focus') @composer.focus() advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['contentBody'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "if the draft has not yet loaded", -> it "should set _focusOnUpdate and focus after the next render", -> @draft = new Message(draft: true, body: "") proxy = draftStoreProxyStub(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID, @draft) proxyResolve = null spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> proxyResolve = resolve makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['contentBody'], 'focus') @composer.focus() advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['contentBody'].focus).not.toHaveBeenCalled() proxyResolve(proxy) advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['contentBody'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when emptying cc/bcc fields", -> it "focuses on to when bcc is emptied and there's no cc field", -> useDraft.call(@, bcc: [u1]) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'], 'focus') spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc'], 'focus') bcc = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, ParticipantsTextField, field: "bcc")[0] @draft.bcc = [] bcc.props.onEmptied() expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe false advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldCc']).not.toBeDefined() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc']).not.toBeDefined() it "focuses on cc when bcc is emptied and cc field is available", -> useDraft.call(@, cc: [u2], bcc: [u1]) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'], 'focus') spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldCc'], 'focus') spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc'], 'focus') bcc = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, ParticipantsTextField, field: "bcc")[0] @draft.bcc = [] bcc.props.onEmptied() expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe false advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'].focus).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldCc'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc']).not.toBeDefined() it "focuses on to when cc is emptied", -> useDraft.call(@, cc: [u1], bcc: [u2]) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'], 'focus') spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldCc'], 'focus') spyOn(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc'], 'focus') cc = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, ParticipantsTextField, field: "cc")[0] @draft.cc = [] cc.props.onEmptied() expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe false advanceClock(1000) expect(@composer.refs['textFieldTo'].focus).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldCc']).not.toBeDefined() expect(@composer.refs['textFieldBcc'].focus).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when participants are added during a draft update", -> it "shows the cc fields and bcc fields to ensure participants are never hidden", -> useDraft.call(@, cc: [], bcc: []) makeComposer.call(@) expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe(false) expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe(false) # Simulate a change event fired by the DraftStoreProxy @draft.cc = [u1] @composer._onDraftChanged() expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe(false) expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe(true) # Simulate a change event fired by the DraftStoreProxy @draft.bcc = [u2] @composer._onDraftChanged() expect(@composer.state.showbcc).toBe(true) expect(@composer.state.showcc).toBe(true) describe "When sending a message", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true remote = require('remote') @dialog = remote.require('dialog') spyOn(remote, "getCurrentWindow") spyOn(@dialog, "showMessageBox") spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft") it "shows an error if there are no recipients", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "no recipients" makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.detail).toEqual("You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.") expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Edit Message'] it "shows an error if a recipient is invalid", -> useDraft.call @, subject: 'hello world!' to: [new Contact(email: 'lol', name: 'lol')] makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.detail).toEqual("lol is not a valid email address - please remove or edit it before sending.") expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Edit Message'] describe "empty body warning", -> it "warns if the body of the email is still the pristine body", -> pristineBody = "

" useDraft.call @, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: pristineBody makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer._proxy, 'draftPristineBody').andCallFake -> pristineBody @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Cancel', 'Send Anyway'] it "does not warn if the body of the email is all quoted text, but the email is a forward", -> useDraft.call @, to: [u1] subject: "Fwd: Hello World" body: "

This is my quoted text!
" makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() it "does not warn if the user has attached a file", -> useDraft.call @, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: "" files: [file] makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "shows a warning if there's no subject", -> useDraft.call @, to: [u1], subject: "" makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Cancel', 'Send Anyway'] it "doesn't show a warning if requirements are satisfied", -> useFullDraft.apply(@); makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "Checking for attachments", -> warn = (body) -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Subject", to: [u1], body: body makeComposer.call(@); @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Cancel', 'Send Anyway'] noWarn = (body) -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Subject", to: [u1], body: body makeComposer.call(@); @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "Check out the attached file") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "I've added an attachment") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "I'm going to attach the file") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "Hey attach me
") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "sup yo") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "Look at the file") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "Hey there
") it "doesn't show a warning if you've attached a file", -> useDraft.call @, subject: "Subject" to: [u1] body: "Check out attached file" files: [file] makeComposer.call(@); @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "bypasses the warning if force bit is set", -> useDraft.call @, to: [u1], subject: "" makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft(force: true) expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "sends when you click the send button", -> useFullDraft.apply(@); makeComposer.call(@) sendBtn = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.sendButton) ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID) expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 it "doesn't send twice if you double click", -> useFullDraft.apply(@); makeComposer.call(@) sendBtn = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.sendButton) ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn @isSending.state = true DraftStore.trigger() ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID) expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 describe "when sending a message with keyboard inputs", -> beforeEach -> useFullDraft.apply(@) makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@composer, "_sendDraft") NylasTestUtils.loadKeymap("internal_packages/composer/keymaps/composer") it "sends the draft on cmd-enter", -> NylasTestUtils.keyPress("cmd-enter", React.findDOMNode(@composer)) expect(@composer._sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() it "does not send the draft on enter if the button isn't in focus", -> NylasTestUtils.keyPress("enter", React.findDOMNode(@composer)) expect(@composer._sendDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "sends the draft on enter when the button is in focus", -> sendBtn = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, "btn-send") NylasTestUtils.keyPress("enter", React.findDOMNode(sendBtn)) expect(@composer._sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() it "doesn't let you send twice", -> sendBtn = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, "btn-send") NylasTestUtils.keyPress("enter", React.findDOMNode(sendBtn)) expect(@composer._sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "drag and drop", -> beforeEach -> useDraft.call @, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: "" files: [file] makeComposer.call(@) describe "_shouldAcceptDrop", -> it "should return true if the event is carrying native files", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[{'pretend':'imafile'}] types:[] expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(true) it "should return true if the event is carrying a non-native file URL not on the draft", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[] types:['text/uri-list'] spyOn(@composer, '_nonNativeFilePathForDrop').andReturn("file://one-file") spyOn(FileUploadStore, 'linkedUpload').andReturn({filePath: "file://other-file"}) expect(@composer.state.files.length).toBe(1) expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(true) it "should return false if the event is carrying a non-native file URL already on the draft", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[] types:['text/uri-list'] spyOn(@composer, '_nonNativeFilePathForDrop').andReturn("file://one-file") spyOn(FileUploadStore, 'linkedUpload').andReturn({filePath: "file://one-file"}) expect(@composer.state.files.length).toBe(1) expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(false) it "should return false otherwise", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[] types:['text/plain'] expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(false) describe "_nonNativeFilePathForDrop", -> it "should return a path in the text/nylas-file-url data", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/nylas-file-url'] getData: -> "image/png:test.png:file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png") it "should return a path in the text/uri-list data", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png") it "should return null otherwise", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/plain'] getData: -> "Hello world" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) it "should urldecode the contents of the text/uri-list field", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/Screen%20shot.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/Screen shot.png") it "should return null if text/uri-list contains a non-file path", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "http://apple.com" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) it "should return null if text/nylas-file-url contains a non-file path", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/nylas-file-url'] getData: -> "application/json:filename.json:undefined" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) describe "when scrolling to track your cursor", -> it "it tracks when you're at the end of the text", -> it "it doesn't track when typing in the middle of the body", -> it "it doesn't track when typing in the middle of the body", -> describe "When composing a new message", -> it "Can add someone in the to field", -> it "Can add someone in the cc field", -> it "Can add someone in the bcc field", -> describe "When replying to a message", -> describe "When replying all to a message", -> describe "When forwarding a message", -> describe "When changing the subject of a message", -> describe "A draft with files (attachments) and uploads", -> beforeEach -> @file1 = new File id: "f_1" filename: "f1.pdf" size: 1230 @file2 = new File id: "f_2" filename: "f2.jpg" size: 4560 @file3 = new File id: "f_3" filename: "f3.png" size: 7890 @up1 = uploadTaskId: 4 messageLocalId: DRAFT_LOCAL_ID filePath: "/foo/bar/f4.bmp" fileName: "f4.bmp" fileSize: 1024 @up2 = uploadTaskId: 5 messageLocalId: DRAFT_LOCAL_ID filePath: "/foo/bar/f5.zip" fileName: "f5.zip" fileSize: 1024 spyOn(Actions, "fetchFile") spyOn(FileUploadStore, "linkedUpload").andReturn null spyOn(FileUploadStore, "uploadsForMessage").andReturn [@up1, @up2] useDraft.call @, files: [@file1, @file2] makeComposer.call @ it 'starts fetching attached files', -> waitsFor -> Actions.fetchFile.callCount == 1 runs -> expect(Actions.fetchFile).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(Actions.fetchFile.calls.length).toBe(1) expect(Actions.fetchFile.calls[0].args[0]).toBe @file2 it 'injects an Attachment component for non image files', -> els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "Attachment"}) expect(els.length).toBe 1 it 'injects an Attachment:Image component for image files', -> els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "Attachment:Image"}) expect(els.length).toBe 1 describe "when the DraftStore `isSending` isn't stubbed out", -> beforeEach -> DraftStore._pendingEnqueue = {} it "doesn't send twice in a popout", -> spyOn(Actions, "queueTask") spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft").andCallThrough() useFullDraft.call(@) makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 it "doesn't send twice in the main window", -> spyOn(Actions, "queueTask") spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft").andCallThrough() spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true useFullDraft.call(@) makeComposer.call(@) @composer._sendDraft() @composer._sendDraft() expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1