It is my sincere pleasure to inform you that you have been selected for = membership in the Honor Society of the School of General Studies. The Socie= ty was created in 1997 to celebrate the academic achievement of exceptional= GS scholars. Only juniors or seniors with a grade point average of 3.8 or = above who have completed at least 30 points at place are eligible for me= mbership. The chief aim of the Honor Society is to cultivate interaction am= ong students committed to intellectual discovery and the faculty who enjoy = teaching them.
Please join us for the Induction Ceremony, with a reception to follow.

Induction Ceremony
Honor Society

Reception to follow.

The favor of a reply is requested by Friday, J= anuary 29 at 5 p.m. You are invited to bring one guest; business attire is = requested.
I look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Best wishes,

N.B. A printed letter concerning your selection has been mailed to = your local address.


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