_ = require 'underscore-plus' React = require "react" moment = require 'moment-timezone' InternalAdminStore = require "./internal-admin-store" AccountStates = "developer_program": "Developer Program" "trial-expired": "Trial Expired" "paid": "Paid" "cancelled": "Cancelled" AccountKeys = "deleted_at": "Deleted At" "healthy": "Healthy" "initial_sync": "Initial Sync" "is_enabled": "Enabled" "namespace_id": "Namespace Id" "provider": "Provider" "remote_count": "Remote Count" "state": "State" "status": "Status" "sync_disabled_reason": "Sync Disabled Reason" "sync_end_time": "Sync End Time" "sync_error": "Sync Error" "sync_host": "Sync Host" "sync_restart_time": "Sync Restart Time" "sync_start_time": "Sync Start Time" "sync_type": "Sync Type" module.exports = SidebarInternal = React.createClass getInitialState: -> @_getStateFromStores() componentDidMount: -> @unsubscribe = InternalAdminStore.listen @_onChange componentWillUnmount: -> @unsubscribe() render: -> return
unless @state.enabled

Mailsync Account


Authenticated Applications

_renderAccount: -> if @state.error return
else if @state.data.loading return
else acct = @state.data.account if acct

{acct.email} ({acct.id})

No Matching Account
_renderApplications: -> if @state.error return
else if @state.data.loading return
else if @state.data.apps @state.data.apps.map (app) =>


No Matching Applications
_errorString: -> if @state.error.toString().indexOf('ENOTFOUND') >= 0 "Unable to reach admin.nilas.com" else @state.error.toString() _accountUrl: (account) -> "https://admin.inboxapp.com/accounts/#{account.id}" _accountDetails: (account) -> cjsx = [] for key, value of account displayName = AccountKeys[key] continue unless displayName continue unless value value = "True" if value is true value = "False" if value is false value = moment.unix(value).format("DD / MM / YYYY h:mm a z") if key.indexOf("_time") > 0 cjsx.push
cjsx _appUrl: (app) -> "https://admin.inboxapp.com/apps/#{app.id}" _appDetails: (app) -> "No Extra Details" _onChange: -> @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) _getStateFromStores: -> data: InternalAdminStore.dataForFocusedContact() enabled: InternalAdminStore.enabled() error: InternalAdminStore.error() SidebarInternal.maxWidth = 300 SidebarInternal.minWidth = 200