_ = require 'underscore' {Actions, DatabaseStore, NamespaceStore, Thread, Tag} = require 'nylas-exports' module.exports = activate: -> @unlisteners = [] @unlisteners.push Actions.didPassivelyReceiveNewModels.listen(@_onNewMailReceived, @) @activationTime = Date.now() deactivate: -> fn() for fn in @unlisteners serialize: -> _notifyMessage: (msg) -> body = msg.subject if not body or body.length is 0 body = msg.snippet from = msg.from[0]?.displayName() ? "Unknown" notif = new Notification(from, { body: body tag: 'unread-update' }) notif.onclick = => atom.displayWindow() Actions.focusTag(new Tag(name: "inbox", id: "inbox")) Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: @threads[msg.threadId]) _notifyMessages: (msgs) -> return if msgs.length is 0 @_notifyMessage(msgs.pop()) setTimeout (=> @_notifyMessages msgs), 2000 _onNewMailReceived: (incoming) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) => incomingMessages = incoming['message'] ? [] incomingThreads = incoming['thread'] ? [] # Filter for new messages that are not sent by the current user myEmail = NamespaceStore.current().emailAddress newUnread = _.filter incomingMessages, (msg) => isUnread = msg.unread is true isNew = msg.date?.valueOf() >= @activationTime isFromMe = msg.from[0]?.email is myEmail return isUnread and isNew and not isFromMe return resolve() if newUnread.length is 0 # For each message, find it's corresponding thread. First, look to see # if it's already in the `incoming` payload (sent via delta sync # at the same time as the message.) If it's not, try loading it from # the local cache. # # Note we may receive multiple unread msgs for the same thread. # Using a map and ?= to avoid repeating work. @threads = {} for msg in newUnread @threads[msg.threadId] ?= _.findWhere(incomingThreads, {id: msg.threadId}) @threads[msg.threadId] ?= DatabaseStore.find(Thread, msg.threadId) Promise.props(@threads).then (threads) => # Filter new unread messages to just the ones in the inbox newUnreadInInbox = _.filter newUnread, (msg) -> threads[msg.threadId]?.hasTagId('inbox') return resolve() if newUnreadInInbox.length is 0 atom.playSound('new_mail.ogg') if newUnreadInInbox.length < 5 @_notifyMessages(newUnreadInInbox) else new Notification("#{newUnreadInInbox.length} Unread Messages", { tag: 'unread-update' }) resolve()