# # QuickSchedule # # A fairly complex package which allows you to select calendar availabilities # to email. Whoever receives your email with your availabilities can click on # your availabilities to schedule an appointment with you. {ComponentRegistry, DatabaseStore, DraftStore, QuotedHTMLParser, Event} = require 'nylas-exports' url = require('url') qs = require("querystring") CalendarButton = require './calendar-button' AvailabilityDraftExtension = require './availability-draft-extension' protocol = require('remote').require('protocol') # A simple class for building HTML in code class HtmlNode constructor: (name) -> @name = name @attrs = {} @styles = {} @children = [] attr: (k,v,isJson=false) -> @attrs[k] = if isJson then btoa(v) else v return @ style: (k,v) -> @styles[k] = v return @ append: (node) -> @children.push(node) return node appendNode: (name) -> node = new HtmlNode(name) return @append(node) appendText: (text) -> @append(text) return @ toString: -> attrs = ("#{k}=\"#{v}\"" for k,v of @attrs).join(" ") styles = ("#{k}: #{v};" for k,v of @styles).join(" ") if @children?.length > 0 children = (if n instanceof HtmlNode then n.toString() else n for n in @children).join("\n") return "<#{@name} #{attrs} style=\"#{styles}\">\n#{children}\n" else return "<#{@name} #{attrs} style=\"#{styles}\" />" module.exports = ### Package Methods ### # Activate is called when the package is loaded. If your package previously # saved state using `serialize` it is provided. # activate: (@state) -> # Using `ComponentRegistry.register`, we insert an instance of # `CalendarButton` into the `'Composer:ActionButton'` section of the # application, to sit along with the other React components already inside # `'Composer:ActionButton'`. ComponentRegistry.register CalendarButton, role: 'Composer:ActionButton' # You can add your own extensions to the N1 Composer view and the original # DraftStore by invoking `DraftStore.registerExtension` with a subclass of # `DraftStoreExtension`. DraftStore.registerExtension AvailabilityDraftExtension # Subscribe to the ipc event `fromRenderer`, which will be published # elsewhere in the package. protocol.registerStringProtocol 'quick-schedule', (request, callback) => {host:event,query:rawQuery} = url.parse(request.url) stringArgs = qs.parse(rawQuery) data = {} for own k,v of stringArgs data[k] = JSON.parse(v) response = @_onCalendarEvent(event,data,callback) # Serialize is called when your package is about to be unmounted. # You can return a state object that will be passed back to your package # when it is re-activated. # serialize: -> # This **optional** method is called when the window is shutting down, # or when your package is being updated or disabled. If your package is # watching any files, holding external resources, providing commands or # subscribing to events, release them here. # deactivate: -> ComponentRegistry.unregister CalendarButton DraftStore.unregister AvailabilityDraftExtension protocol.unregisterProtocol('quick-schedule') ### Internal Methods ### _onCalendarEvent: (event,data,callback) -> switch event when "get_events" {start,end,id:eventId} = data DatabaseStore.findAll(Event).where([ Event.attributes.start.lessThan(end), Event.attributes.end.greaterThan(start), ]).then (events) => callback(JSON.stringify(events)) when "available_times" {draftClientId,eventData,events} = data.data @_addBlockToDraft(events,draftClientId,eventData) # Grabs the current draft text, appends the quick-schedule HTML block to it, and saves _addBlockToDraft: (events,draftClientId,eventData) -> # Obtain the session for the current draft. DraftStore.sessionForClientId(draftClientId).then (session) => draftHtml = session.draft().body text = QuotedHTMLParser.removeQuotedHTML(draftHtml) # add the block text += "
" newDraftHtml = QuotedHTMLParser.appendQuotedHTML(text, draftHtml) # update the draft session.changes.add(body: newDraftHtml) session.changes.commit() # Given the data for an event and its availability slots, creates an HTML string # that can be inserted into an email message _createBlock: (events,eventData) -> # Group the events by their `date`, to give one box per day byDay = {} for event in events (byDay[event.date] ?= []).push(event) # Create an HtmlNode and write its attributes and child nodes block = new HtmlNode("div") .attr("class","quick-schedule") .attr("data-quick-schedule",JSON.stringify({ # add the full event data here as JSON so that it can be read by this plugin # elsewhere (e.g. right before sending the draft, etc) event: eventData times: ({start,end,serverKey} = e for e in events) }), true) .style("border","1px solid #EEE") .style("border-radius","3px") .style("padding","10px") eventInfo = block.appendNode("div") .attr("class","event-container") .style("padding","0 5px") eventInfo.appendNode("div") .attr("class","event-title") .appendText(eventData.title) .style("font-weight","bold") .style("font-size","18px") eventInfo.appendNode("div") .attr("class","event-location") .appendText(eventData.location) eventInfo.appendNode("div") .attr("class","event-description") .style("font-size","13px") .appendText(eventData.description) eventInfo.appendNode("span") .appendText("Click on a time to schedule instantly:") .style("font-size","13px") .style("color","#AAA") daysContainer = block.appendNode("div") .attr("class","days") .style("display","flex") .style("flex-wrap","wrap") .style("padding","10px 0") # Create one div per day, and write each time slot in as a line for dayText,dayEvents of byDay dayBlock = daysContainer.appendNode("div") .attr("class","day-container") .style("flex-grow","1") .style("margin","5px") .style("border","1px solid #DDD") .style("border-radius","3px") dayBlock.appendNode("div") .attr("class","day-title") .style("text-align","center") .style("font-size","13px") .style("background","#EEE") .style("color","#666") .style("padding","2px 4px") .appendText(dayText.toUpperCase()) times = dayBlock.appendNode("div") .attr("class","day-times") .style("padding","5px") # One line per time slot for e in dayEvents # The URL points to the event page with this time slot selected eventUrl = url.format({ protocol: "https" host: "quickschedule.herokuapp.com" pathname: "/event/#{e.serverKey}" }) times.appendNode("div") .attr("class","day-time") .style("padding","2px 0") .appendNode("a") .attr("href",eventUrl) .attr("data-starttime",e.start) .attr("data-endtime",e.end) .style("text-decoration","none") .appendText(e.time) return block.toString()