import _ from 'underscore'; import {AccountStore, Actions} from 'nylas-exports' import NylasSyncWorker from './nylas-sync-worker'; export default class NylasSyncWorkerPool { constructor() { this._workers = []; AccountStore.listen(this._determineWorkerPool, this); this._determineWorkerPool(); Actions.refreshAllSyncWorkers.listen(this._refreshAllWorkers, this) } _refreshAllWorkers() { for (const worker of this._workers) { worker.refresh() } } _existingWorkerForAccount(account) { return _.find(this._workers, c => c.account().id ===; } _determineWorkerPool() { // we need a function lock on this because on bootup, many legitimate // events coming in may result in this function being called multiple times // in quick succession, which can cause us to start multiple syncs for the // same account if (this._isBuildingWorkers) return; this._isBuildingWorkers = true; if (NylasEnv.inSpecMode()) { return; } const origWorkers = this._workers; const currentWorkers = [] Promise.each(AccountStore.accounts(), (account) => { const existingWorker = this._existingWorkerForAccount(account) if (existingWorker) { currentWorkers.push(existingWorker); return Promise.resolve() } const newWorker = new NylasSyncWorker(account); return newWorker.loadStateFromDatabase().then(() => { newWorker.start() currentWorkers.push(newWorker); }) }).then(() => { const oldWorkers = _.difference(origWorkers, currentWorkers); for (const worker of oldWorkers) { worker.cleanup() } this._workers = currentWorkers; }).finally(() => { this._isBuildingWorkers = false; }) } }