const React = window.React; const ReactDOM = window.ReactDOM; class SyncGraph extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { this.drawGraph(true); } componentDidUpdate() { this.drawGraph(false); } drawGraph(isInitial) { const now =; const config = SyncGraph.config; const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this); const context = node.getContext('2d'); if (isInitial) { const totalHeight = config.height + config.labelFontSize + config.labelTopMargin; node.width = config.width * 2; node.height = totalHeight * 2; = `${config.width}px`; = `${totalHeight}px`; context.scale(2, 2); // Axis labels context.fillStyle = config.labelColor; context.font = `${config.labelFontSize}px sans-serif`; const fontY = config.height + config.labelFontSize + config.labelTopMargin; const nowText = "now"; const nowWidth = context.measureText(nowText).width; context.fillText(nowText, config.width - nowWidth - 1, fontY); context.fillText("-30m", 1, fontY); } // Background // (This hides any previous data points, so we don't have to clear the canvas) context.fillStyle = config.backgroundColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, config.width, config.height); // Data points const pxPerSec = config.width / config.timeLength; context.strokeStyle = config.dataColor; context.beginPath(); for (const syncTimeMs of this.props.syncTimestamps) { const secsAgo = (now - syncTimeMs) / 1000; const pxFromRight = secsAgo * pxPerSec; const pxFromLeft = config.width - pxFromRight; context.moveTo(pxFromLeft, 0); context.lineTo(pxFromLeft, config.height); } context.stroke(); // Tick marks const interval = config.width / config.numTicks; context.strokeStyle = config.tickColor; context.beginPath(); for (let px = interval; px < config.width; px += interval) { context.moveTo(px, config.height - config.tickHeight); context.lineTo(px, config.height); } context.stroke(); } render() { return ( ) } } SyncGraph.config = { height: 50, // Doesn't include labels width: 300, // timeLength is 30 minutes in seconds. If you change this, be sure to update // syncGraphTimeLength in sync-worker.js and the axis labels in drawGraph()! timeLength: 60 * 30, numTicks: 10, tickHeight: 10, tickColor: 'white', labelFontSize: 8, labelTopMargin: 2, labelColor: 'black', backgroundColor: 'black', dataColor: '#43a1ff', } SyncGraph.propTypes = { syncTimestamps: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.number), } window.SyncGraph = SyncGraph;