import { ComponentRegistry, DatabaseStore, SyncbackMetadataTask, Message, SendActionsStore, Actions, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { HasTutorialTip } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import SendLaterButton from './send-later-button'; import SendLaterStatus from './send-later-status'; import { PLUGIN_ID } from './send-later-constants'; const SendLaterButtonWithTip = HasTutorialTip(SendLaterButton, { title: 'Send on your own schedule', instructions: 'Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!', }); let unlisten = null; export function activate() { ComponentRegistry.register(SendLaterButtonWithTip, { role: 'Composer:ActionButton' }); ComponentRegistry.register(SendLaterStatus, { role: 'DraftList:DraftStatus' }); unlisten = DatabaseStore.listen(change => { if (change.type !== 'metadata-expiration' || change.objectClass !== { return; } for (const message of change.objects) { const metadata = message.metadataForPluginId(PLUGIN_ID); if (!metadata || !metadata.expiration || metadata.expiration > new Date()) { continue; } // clear the metadata Actions.queueTask( SyncbackMetadataTask.forSaving({ model: message, pluginId: PLUGIN_ID, value: { expiration: null, }, }) ); if (!message.draft) { continue; } // send the draft const actionKey = metadata.actionKey || SendActionsStore.DefaultSendActionKey; Actions.sendDraft(message.headerMessageId, { actionKey, delay: 0 }); } }); } export function deactivate() { ComponentRegistry.unregister(SendLaterButtonWithTip); ComponentRegistry.unregister(SendLaterStatus); unlisten(); } export function serialize() {}