import _ from 'underscore'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import AccountContactField from './account-contact-field'; import {Utils, Actions, AccountStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import {KeyCommandsRegion, ParticipantsTextField, ListensToFluxStore} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import CollapsedParticipants from './collapsed-participants'; import ComposerHeaderActions from './composer-header-actions'; import Fields from './fields'; const ScopedFromField = ListensToFluxStore(AccountContactField, { stores: [AccountStore], getStateFromStores: (props) => { const savedOrReplyToThread = !!props.draft.threadId; if (savedOrReplyToThread) { return {accounts: [AccountStore.accountForId(props.draft.accountId)]}; } return {accounts: AccountStore.accounts()} }, }); export default class ComposerHeader extends React.Component { static displayName = "ComposerHeader"; static propTypes = { draft: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, session: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, initiallyFocused: React.PropTypes.bool, } static contextTypes = { parentTabGroup: React.PropTypes.object, } constructor(props = {}) { super(props) this.state = this._initialStateForDraft(this.props.draft, props); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (this.props.session !== nextProps.session) { this.setState(this._initialStateForDraft(nextProps.draft, nextProps)); } else { this._ensureFilledFieldsEnabled(nextProps.draft); } } showAndFocusField = (fieldName) => { const enabledFields = _.uniq([].concat(this.state.enabledFields, [fieldName])); const participantsFocused = this.state.participantsFocused || Fields.ParticipantFields.includes(fieldName); Utils.waitFor(() => this.refs[fieldName]).then(() => this.refs[fieldName].focus() ).catch(() => { }) this.setState({enabledFields, participantsFocused}); } hideField = (fieldName) => { if (ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[fieldName]).contains(document.activeElement)) { this.context.parentTabGroup.shiftFocus(-1) } const enabledFields = _.without(this.state.enabledFields, fieldName) this.setState({enabledFields}) } _ensureFilledFieldsEnabled(draft) { let enabledFields = this.state.enabledFields; if (!_.isEmpty( { enabledFields = enabledFields.concat([Fields.Cc]); } if (!_.isEmpty(draft.bcc)) { enabledFields = enabledFields.concat([Fields.Bcc]); } if (enabledFields !== this.state.enabledFields) { this.setState({enabledFields}); } } _initialStateForDraft(draft, props) { const enabledFields = [Fields.To]; if (!_.isEmpty( { enabledFields.push(Fields.Cc); } if (!_.isEmpty(draft.bcc)) { enabledFields.push(Fields.Bcc); } enabledFields.push(Fields.From); if (this._shouldEnableSubject()) { enabledFields.push(Fields.Subject); } return { enabledFields, participantsFocused: props.initiallyFocused, }; } _shouldEnableSubject = () => { if (_.isEmpty(this.props.draft.subject)) { return true; } if (Utils.isForwardedMessage(this.props.draft)) { return true; } if (this.props.draft.replyToMessageId) { return false; } return true; } _onChangeParticipants = (changes) => { this.props.session.changes.add(changes); Actions.draftParticipantsChanged(this.props.draft.clientId, changes); } _onChangeSubject = (event) => { this.props.session.changes.add({subject:}); } _onFocusInParticipants = () => { const fieldName = this.state.participantsLastActiveField || Fields.To; Utils.waitFor(() => this.refs[fieldName] ).then(() => this.refs[fieldName].focus() ).catch(() => { }); this.setState({ participantsFocused: true, participantsLastActiveField: null, }); } _onFocusOutParticipants = (lastFocusedEl) => { const active = Fields.ParticipantFields.find((fieldName) => { return this.refs[fieldName] ? ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[fieldName]).contains(lastFocusedEl) : false } ); this.setState({ participantsFocused: false, participantsLastActiveField: active, }); } _onDragCollapsedParticipants({isDropping}) { if (isDropping) { this.setState({ participantsFocused: true, enabledFields: [...Fields.ParticipantFields, Fields.Subject], }) } } _renderParticipants = () => { let content = null; if (this.state.participantsFocused) { content = this._renderFields(); } else { content = ( ) } // When the participants field collapses, we store the field that was last // focused onto our state, so that we can restore focus to it when the fields // are expanded again. return ( {content} ); } _renderSubject = () => { if (!this.state.enabledFields.includes(Fields.Subject)) { return false; } return (
); } _renderFields = () => { const {to, cc, bcc, from} = this.props.draft; // Note: We need to physically add and remove these elements, not just hide them. // If they're hidden, shift-tab between fields breaks. const fields = []; fields.push( ) if (this.state.enabledFields.includes(Fields.Cc)) { fields.push( this.hideField(Fields.Cc)} className="composer-participant-field cc-field" participants={{to, cc, bcc}} draft={this.props.draft} session={this.props.session} /> ) } if (this.state.enabledFields.includes(Fields.Bcc)) { fields.push( this.hideField(Fields.Bcc)} className="composer-participant-field bcc-field" participants={{to, cc, bcc}} draft={this.props.draft} session={this.props.session} /> ) } if (this.state.enabledFields.includes(Fields.From)) { fields.push( ) } return fields; } render() { return (
{this._renderParticipants()} {this._renderSubject()}
) } }