path = require 'path' Handlebars = require 'handlebars' marked = require 'meta-marked' fs = require 'fs-plus' _ = require 'underscore' marked.setOptions highlight: (code) -> require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code).value standardClassURLRoot = '' standardClasses = [ 'string', 'object', 'array', 'function', 'number', 'date', 'error', 'boolean', 'null', 'undefined', 'json', 'set', 'map', 'typeerror', 'syntaxerror', 'referenceerror', 'rangeerror' ] thirdPartyClasses = { 'react.component': '', 'promise': '', 'range': '', 'selection': '', 'node': '', } module.exports = (grunt) -> {cp, mkdir, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt) relativePathForGuide = (filename) -> filename[0..-4]+'.html' relativePathForClass = (classname) -> classname+'.html' outputPathFor = (relativePath) -> docsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('docsOutputDir') path.join(docsOutputDir, relativePath) processFields = (json, fields = [], tasks = []) -> if json instanceof Array for val in json processFields(val, fields, tasks) else for key, val of json if key in fields for task in tasks val = task(val) json[key] = val if _.isObject(val) processFields(val, fields, tasks) grunt.registerTask 'render-docs', 'Builds html from the API docs', -> docsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('docsOutputDir') # Parse API reference Markdown classes = [] apiJsonPath = path.join(docsOutputDir, 'api.json') apiJSON = JSON.parse( for classname, contents of apiJSON.classes # Parse a "@Section" out of the description if one is present sectionRegex = /Section: ?([\w ]*)(?:$|\n)/ section = 'General' match = sectionRegex.exec(contents.description) if match contents.description = contents.description.replace(match[0], '') section = match[1].trim() # Replace superClass "React" with "React.Component". The Coffeescript Lexer # is so bad. if contents.superClass is "React" contents.superClass = "React.Component" classes.push({ name: classname documentation: contents section: section }) # Parse guide Markdown guides = [] guidesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'docs') fs.traverseTreeSync guidesPath, (file) -> if path.extname(file) is '.md' {html, meta} = marked( filename = path.basename(file) meta ||= {title: filename} for key, val of meta meta[key.toLowerCase()] = val guides.push({ html: html meta: meta name: meta.title filename: filename link: relativePathForGuide(filename) }) # Sort guides by the `Order` flag when present. Lower order, higher in list. guides.sort (a, b) -> (a.meta?.order ? 1000)/1 - (b.meta?.order ? 1000)/1 # Build Sidebar metadata we can hand off to each of the templates to # generate the sidebar sidebar = {sections: []} sidebar.sections.push name: 'Getting Started' items: guides.filter ({meta}) -> meta.section is 'Getting Started' sidebar.sections.push name: 'Guides' items: guides.filter ({meta}) -> meta.section is 'Guides' sidebar.sections.push name: 'Sample Code' link: '' external: true referenceSections = {} for klass in classes section = referenceSections[klass.section] if not section section = {name: klass.section, classes: []} referenceSections[klass.section] = section section.classes.push(klass) preferredSectionOrdering = ['General', 'Component Kit', 'Models', 'Stores', 'Database', 'Drafts', 'NylasEnv'] sorted = [] for key in preferredSectionOrdering if referenceSections[key] sorted.push(referenceSections[key]) delete referenceSections[key] for key, val of referenceSections sorted.push(val) sidebar.sections.push name: 'API Reference' items: ({name, classes}) -> name: name items: ({name}) -> {name: name, link: relativePathForClass(name) } # Prepare to render by loading handlebars partials templatesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'docs', 'templates') grunt.file.recurse templatesPath, (abspath, root, subdir, filename) -> if filename[0] is '_' and path.extname(filename) is '.html' Handlebars.registerPartial(filename[0..-6], # Render Helpers knownClassnames = {} for classname, val of apiJSON.classes knownClassnames[classname.toLowerCase()] = val knownGuides = {} for guide in guides knownGuides[guide.filename.toLowerCase()] = guide expandTypeReferences = (val) -> refRegex = /{([\w.]*)}/g while (match = refRegex.exec(val)) isnt null term = match[1].toLowerCase() label = match[1] url = false if term in standardClasses url = standardClassURLRoot+term else if thirdPartyClasses[term] url = thirdPartyClasses[term] else if knownClassnames[term] url = relativePathForClass(knownClassnames[term].name) else if knownGuides[term] label = knownGuides[term].meta.title url = relativePathForGuide(knownGuides[term].filename) else console.warn("Cannot find class named #{term}") if url val = val.replace(match[0], "#{label}") val expandFuncReferences = (val) -> refRegex = /{([\w]*)?::([\w]*)}/g while (match = refRegex.exec(val)) isnt null [text, a, b] = match url = false if a and b url = "#{relativePathForClass(a)}##{b}" label = "#{a}::#{b}" else url = "##{b}" label = "#{b}" if url val = val.replace(text, "#{label}") val # Render sidebar json grunt.file.write(outputPathFor('sidebar.json'), JSON.stringify(sidebar, null, 2)) # Render Class Pages classTemplatePath = path.join(templatesPath, 'class.html') classTemplate = Handlebars.compile( for {name, documentation, section} in classes # Recursively process `description` and `type` fields to process markdown, # expand references to types, functions and other files. processFields(documentation, ['description'], [marked.noMeta, expandTypeReferences, expandFuncReferences]) processFields(documentation, ['type'], [expandTypeReferences]) result = classTemplate({name, documentation, section, sidebar}) grunt.file.write(outputPathFor(relativePathForClass(name)), result) # Render Guide Pages guideTemplatePath = path.join(templatesPath, 'guide.html') guideTemplate = Handlebars.compile( for {name, meta, html, filename} in guides # Process the guide content to expand references to types, functions for task in [expandTypeReferences, expandFuncReferences] html = task(html) result = guideTemplate({name, meta, html, sidebar}) grunt.file.write(outputPathFor(relativePathForGuide(filename)), result) # Remove temp cjsx output rm(outputPathFor("temp-cjsx"))