import { Message, DatabaseStore, } from 'nylas-exports'; import BaseDraftTask from '../../src/flux/tasks/base-draft-task'; describe('BaseDraftTask', function baseDraftTask() { describe("shouldDequeueOtherTask", () => { it("should dequeue instances of the same subclass for the same draft which are older", () => { class ATask extends BaseDraftTask { } class BTask extends BaseDraftTask { } const A = new ATask('localid-A'); A.sequentialId = 1; const B1 = new BTask('localid-A'); B1.sequentialId = 2; const B2 = new BTask('localid-A'); B2.sequentialId = 3; const BOther = new BTask('localid-other'); BOther.sequentialId = 4; expect(B1.shouldDequeueOtherTask(A)).toBe(false); expect(A.shouldDequeueOtherTask(B1)).toBe(false); expect(B2.shouldDequeueOtherTask(B1)).toBe(true); expect(B1.shouldDequeueOtherTask(B2)).toBe(false); expect(BOther.shouldDequeueOtherTask(B2)).toBe(false); expect(B2.shouldDequeueOtherTask(BOther)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("isDependentOnTask", () => { it("should always wait on older tasks for the same draft", () => { const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-A'); A.sequentialId = 1; const B = new BaseDraftTask('localid-A'); B.sequentialId = 2; expect(B.isDependentOnTask(A)).toBe(true); }); it("should not wait on newer tasks for the same draft", () => { const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-A'); A.sequentialId = 1; const B = new BaseDraftTask('localid-A'); B.sequentialId = 2; expect(A.isDependentOnTask(B)).toBe(false) }); it("should not wait on older tasks for other drafts", () => { const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-other'); A.sequentialId = 1; const B = new BaseDraftTask('localid-A'); B.sequentialId = 2; expect(A.isDependentOnTask(B)).toBe(false); expect(B.isDependentOnTask(A)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("performLocal", () => { it("rejects if we we don't pass a draft", () => { const badTask = new BaseDraftTask(null) badTask.performLocal().then(() => { throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed") }).catch((err) => { expect(err.message).toBe("Attempt to call BaseDraftTask.performLocal without a draftClientId") }); }); }); describe("refreshDraftReference", () => { it("should retrieve the draft by client ID, with the body, and assign it to @draft", () => { const draft = new Message({draft: true}); const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-other'); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); waitsForPromise(() => { return A.refreshDraftReference().then((resolvedValue) => { expect(A.draft).toEqual(draft); expect(resolvedValue).toEqual(draft); const query =[0]; expect(query.sql()).toEqual("SELECT `Message`.`data`, IFNULL(`MessageBody`.`value`, '!NULLVALUE!') AS `body` FROM `Message` LEFT OUTER JOIN `MessageBody` ON `MessageBody`.`id` = `Message`.`id` WHERE `Message`.`client_id` = 'localid-other' ORDER BY `Message`.`date` ASC LIMIT 1"); }); }); }); it("should throw a DraftNotFoundError error if it the response was no longer a draft", () => { const message = new Message({draft: false}); const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-other'); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(message)); waitsForPromise(() => { return A.refreshDraftReference().then(() => { throw new Error("Should not have resolved"); }).catch((err) => { expect(err instanceof BaseDraftTask.DraftNotFoundError).toBe(true); }) }); }); it("should throw a DraftNotFoundError error if nothing was returned", () => { const A = new BaseDraftTask('localid-other'); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(null)); waitsForPromise(() => { return A.refreshDraftReference().then(() => { throw new Error("Should not have resolved"); }).catch((err) => { expect(err instanceof BaseDraftTask.DraftNotFoundError).toBe(true); }) }); }); }); });