Reflux = require 'reflux' _ = require 'underscore' {DatabaseStore, NamespaceStore, WorkspaceStore, UnreadCountStore, DraftCountStore, Actions, Tag, Message, FocusedTagStore, NylasAPI, Thread} = require 'nylas-exports' AccountSidebarStore = Reflux.createStore init: -> @_tags = [] @_setStoreDefaults() @_registerListeners() @_populate() ########### PUBLIC ##################################################### sections: -> @_sections selected: -> if WorkspaceStore.rootSheet() is WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Threads FocusedTagStore.tag() else WorkspaceStore.rootSheet() ########### PRIVATE #################################################### _setStoreDefaults: -> @_sections = [] _registerListeners: -> @listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDataChanged @listenTo NamespaceStore, @_onNamespaceChanged @listenTo WorkspaceStore, @_onWorkspaceChanged @listenTo UnreadCountStore, @_onCountChanged @listenTo DraftCountStore, @_onCountChanged @listenTo FocusedTagStore, @_onFocusChange _populate: -> namespace = NamespaceStore.current() return unless namespace DatabaseStore.findAll(Tag, namespaceId: (tags) => @_tags = tags @_build() _build: -> tags = @_tags # Collect the built-in tags we want to display, and the user tags # (which can be identified by having non-hardcoded IDs) # We ignore the server drafts so we can use our own localDrafts tags = _.reject tags, (tag) -> is "drafts" # We ignore the trash tag because you can't trash anything tags = _.reject tags, (tag) -> is "trash" # Clone the tag objects so that components holding on to tags # don't have identical object references with new data. tags = tags, (tag) -> new Tag(tag) mainTagIDs = ['inbox', 'starred', 'drafts', 'sent', 'archive'] mainTags = _.filter tags, (tag) -> _.contains(mainTagIDs, userTags = _.reject tags, (tag) -> _.contains(mainTagIDs, # Sort the main tags so they always appear in a standard order mainTags = _.sortBy mainTags, (tag) -> mainTagIDs.indexOf( mainTags.push new Tag(name: 'All Mail', id: '*') # Add the counts inboxTag = _.find tags, (tag) -> is 'inbox' inboxTag?.unreadCount = UnreadCountStore.count() # Sort user tags by name userTags = _.sortBy(userTags, 'name') # Find root views, add the Views section featureSheets = _.filter WorkspaceStore.Sheet, (sheet) -> in ['Today'] extraSheets = _.filter WorkspaceStore.Sheet, (sheet) -> sheet.root and and not (sheet in featureSheets) lastSections = @_sections @_sections = [ { label: '', items: featureSheets, type: 'sheet' }, { label: 'Mailboxes', items: mainTags, type: 'tag' }, { label: 'Views', items: extraSheets, type: 'sheet' }, { label: 'Tags', items: userTags, type: 'tag' }, ] @trigger(@) _refetchFromAPI: -> namespace = NamespaceStore.current() return unless namespace NylasAPI.getCollection(, 'tags') # Inbound Events _onNamespaceChanged: -> @_refetchFromAPI() @_populate() _onWorkspaceChanged: -> @_populate() _onCountChanged: -> @_build() _onFocusChange: -> @trigger(@) _onDataChanged: (change) -> if change.objectClass is @_populate() module.exports = AccountSidebarStore