_ = require 'underscore' DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store' DatabaseTransaction = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-transaction' ThreadCountsStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/thread-counts-store' Thread = require '../../src/flux/models/thread' Folder = require '../../src/flux/models/folder' Label = require '../../src/flux/models/label' Matcher = require '../../src/flux/attributes/matcher' WindowBridge = require '../../src/window-bridge' describe "ThreadCountsStore", -> describe "unreadCountForCategoryId", -> it "returns null if no count exists for the category id", -> expect(ThreadCountsStore.unreadCountForCategoryId('nan')).toBe(null) it "returns the count plus any unsaved deltas", -> ThreadCountsStore._counts = 'b': 3 'a': 5 ThreadCountsStore._deltas = 'a': -1 expect(ThreadCountsStore.unreadCountForCategoryId('a')).toBe(4) expect(ThreadCountsStore.unreadCountForCategoryId('b')).toBe(3) describe "when the mutation observer reports count changes", -> describe "in the work window", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(NylasEnv, 'isWorkWindow').andReturn(true) it "should merge count deltas into existing count detlas", -> ThreadCountsStore._deltas = 'l1': -1 'l2': 2 ThreadCountsStore._onCountsChanged({'l1': -1, 'l2': 1, 'l3': 2}) expect(ThreadCountsStore._deltas).toEqual({ 'l1': -2, 'l2': 3, 'l3': 2 }) it "should queue a save of the counts", -> spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, '_saveCountsSoon') ThreadCountsStore._onCountsChanged({'l1': -1, 'l2': 1, 'l3': 2}) expect(ThreadCountsStore._saveCountsSoon).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "in other windows", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(NylasEnv, 'isWorkWindow').andReturn(false) it "should use the WindowBridge to forward the invocation to the work window", -> spyOn(WindowBridge, 'runInWorkWindow') payload = {'l1': -1, 'l2': 1, 'l3': 2} ThreadCountsStore._onCountsChanged(payload) expect(WindowBridge.runInWorkWindow).toHaveBeenCalledWith('ThreadCountsStore', '_onCountsChanged', [payload]) describe "when counts are persisted", -> it "should update it's _counts cache and trigger", -> newCounts = { 'abc': 1 } spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, 'trigger') ThreadCountsStore._onCountsBlobRead(newCounts) expect(ThreadCountsStore._counts).toEqual(newCounts) expect(ThreadCountsStore.trigger).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "_fetchCountsMissing", -> beforeEach -> ThreadCountsStore._categories = [ new Label(id: "l1", name: "inbox", displayName: "Inbox", accountId: 'a1'), new Label(id: "l2", name: "archive", displayName: "Archive", accountId: 'a1'), new Label(id: "l3", displayName: "Happy Days", accountId: 'a1'), new Label(id: "l4", displayName: "Sad Days", accountId: 'a1') ] ThreadCountsStore._deltas = l1: 10 l2: 0 l3: 3 l4: 12 ThreadCountsStore._counts = l1: 10 l2: 0 @countResolve = null @countReject = null spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, '_fetchCountForCategory').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve, reject) => @countResolve = resolve @countReject = reject it "should call _fetchCountForCategory for the first category not already in the counts cache", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() calls = ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountForCategory.calls expect(calls.length).toBe(1) expect(calls[0].args[0]).toBe(ThreadCountsStore._categories[2]) it "should set the _deltas for the category it's counting back to zero", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() expect(ThreadCountsStore._deltas.l3).toBe(0) describe "when the count promise finishes", -> it "should add it to the count cache", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() advanceClock() @countResolve(4) advanceClock() expect(ThreadCountsStore._counts.l3).toEqual(4) it "should call _fetchCountsMissing again to populate the next missing count", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, '_fetchCountsMissing') advanceClock() @countResolve(4) advanceClock() advanceClock(10001) expect(ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when deltas appear during a count", -> it "should not set the count and count again in 10 seconds", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, '_fetchCountsMissing') advanceClock() ThreadCountsStore._deltas.l3 = -1 @countResolve(4) advanceClock() expect(ThreadCountsStore._counts.l3).toBeUndefined() expect(ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing).not.toHaveBeenCalled() advanceClock(10001) expect(ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when a count fails", -> it "should not immediately try to count any other categories", -> ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing() spyOn(ThreadCountsStore, '_fetchCountsMissing') spyOn(console, 'error') advanceClock() @countReject(new Error("Oh man something really bad.")) advanceClock() expect(ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountsMissing).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "_fetchCountForCategory", -> it "should make the appropriate label or folder database query", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'count') Matcher.muid = 0 ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountForCategory(new Label(id: 'l1', accountId: 'a1')) Matcher.muid = 0 expect(DatabaseStore.count).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Thread, [ Thread.attributes.accountId.equal('a1'), Thread.attributes.unread.equal(true), Thread.attributes.labels.contains('l1') ]) Matcher.muid = 0 ThreadCountsStore._fetchCountForCategory(new Folder(id: 'l1', accountId: 'a1')) Matcher.muid = 0 expect(DatabaseStore.count).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Thread, [ Thread.attributes.accountId.equal('a1'), Thread.attributes.unread.equal(true), Thread.attributes.folders.contains('l1') ]) describe "_saveCounts", -> beforeEach -> ThreadCountsStore._counts = 'b': 3 'a': 5 ThreadCountsStore._deltas = 'a': -1 'c': 2 it "should merge the deltas into the counts and reset the deltas, ignoring any deltas for which the initial count has not been run", -> ThreadCountsStore._saveCounts() expect(ThreadCountsStore._counts).toEqual({ 'b': 3 'a': 4 }) it "should persist the new counts to the database", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, '_query').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve([]) spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'persistJSONBlob') runs => ThreadCountsStore._saveCounts() waitsFor => DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistJSONBlob.callCount > 0 runs => expect(DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistJSONBlob).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ThreadCountsStore.JSONBlobKey, ThreadCountsStore._counts) describe "CategoryDatabaseMutationObserver", -> beforeEach -> @label1 = new Label(id: "l1", name: "inbox", displayName: "Inbox") @label2 = new Label(id: "l2", name: "archive", displayName: "Archive") @label3 = new Label(id: "l3", displayName: "Happy Days") @label4 = new Label(id: "l4", displayName: "Sad Days") @threadA = new Thread id: "A" unread: true labels: [@label1, @label4] @threadB = new Thread id: "B" unread: true labels: [@label3] @threadC = new Thread id: "C" unread: false labels: [@label1, @label3] describe "given a set of modifying models", -> scenarios = [{ type: 'persist', expected: { l3: -1, l2: -1, l4: 1 } },{ type: 'unpersist', expected: { l1: -1, l3: -2, l2: -1 } }] scenarios.forEach ({type, expected}) -> it "should call countsDidChange with the folder / label membership deltas (#{type})", -> queryResolves = [] query = jasmine.createSpy('query').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve, reject) -> queryResolves.push(resolve) countsDidChange = jasmine.createSpy('countsDidChange') m = new ThreadCountsStore.CategoryDatabaseMutationObserver(countsDidChange) beforePromise = m.beforeDatabaseChange(query, { type: type objects: [@threadA, @threadB, @threadC], objectIds: [@threadA.id, @threadB.id, @threadC.id] objectClass: Thread.name }) expect(query.callCount).toBe(2) expect(query.calls[0].args[0]).toEqual("SELECT `Thread`.id as id, `Thread-Label`.`value` as catId FROM `Thread` INNER JOIN `Thread-Label` ON `Thread`.`id` = `Thread-Label`.`id` WHERE `Thread`.id IN ('A','B','C') AND `Thread`.unread = 1") expect(query.calls[1].args[0]).toEqual("SELECT `Thread`.id as id, `Thread-Folder`.`value` as catId FROM `Thread` INNER JOIN `Thread-Folder` ON `Thread`.`id` = `Thread-Folder`.`id` WHERE `Thread`.id IN ('A','B','C') AND `Thread`.unread = 1") queryResolves[0]([ {id: @threadA.id, catId: @label1.id}, {id: @threadA.id, catId: @label3.id}, {id: @threadB.id, catId: @label2.id}, {id: @threadB.id, catId: @label3.id}, ]) queryResolves[1]([]) waitsForPromise => beforePromise.then (result) => expect(result).toEqual({ categories: { l1: -1, l3: -2, l2: -1 } }) m.afterDatabaseChange(query, { type: type objects: [@threadA, @threadB, @threadC], objectIds: [@threadA.id, @threadB.id, @threadC.id] objectClass: Thread.name }, result) expect(countsDidChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expected)