_ = require "underscore-plus"
React = require "react/addons"
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithAttr = (root, attrName, attrValue) ->
ReactTestUtils.findAllInRenderedTree root, (inst) ->
inst.props[attrName] and (!attrValue or inst.props[attrName] is attrValue)
ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr = (root, attrName, attrValue) ->
all = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithAttr(root, attrName, attrValue)
if all.length is not 1
throw new Error("Did not find exactly one match for data attribute: #{attrName} with value: #{attrValue}")
ContenteditableComponent = require "../lib/contenteditable-component.cjsx",
describe "ContenteditableComponent", ->
beforeEach ->
@onChange = jasmine.createSpy('onChange')
html = 'Test HTML'
@component = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
html = 'Test HTML
@componentWithQuote = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
describe "render", ->
it 'should render into the document', ->
expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @component, ContenteditableComponent).toBe true
it "should include a content-editable div", ->
expect(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@component, 'contentEditable')).toBeDefined()
describe "quoted-text-control", ->
it "should be rendered", ->
expect(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@component, 'quoted-text-control')).toBeDefined()
it "should be visible if the html contains quoted text", ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@componentWithQuote, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(@toggle.props.className.indexOf('no-quoted-text') >= 0).toBe(false)
it "should be have `show-quoted-text` if editQuotedText is true", ->
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: true)
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@componentWithQuote, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(@toggle.props.className.indexOf('show-quoted-text') >= 0).toBe(true)
it "should not have `show-quoted-text` if editQuotedText is false", ->
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: false)
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@componentWithQuote, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(@toggle.props.className.indexOf('show-quoted-text') >= 0).toBe(false)
it "should be hidden otherwise", ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@component, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(@toggle.props.className.indexOf('no-quoted-text') >= 0).toBe(true)
describe "when editQuotedText is false", ->
it "should only display HTML up to the beginning of the quoted text", ->
@editDiv = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@componentWithQuote, 'contentEditable')
expect(@editDiv.getDOMNode().innerHTML.indexOf('gmail_quote') >= 0).toBe(false)
describe "when editQuotedText is true", ->
it "should display all the HTML", ->
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: true)
@editDiv = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@componentWithQuote, 'contentEditable')
expect(@editDiv.getDOMNode().innerHTML.indexOf('gmail_quote') >= 0).toBe(true)
describe "editQuotedText", ->
it "should default to false", ->
describe "when the html is changed", ->
beforeEach ->
@changedHtmlWithoutQuote = 'Changed NEW 1 HTML
@changedHtmlWithQuote = 'Changed NEW 1 HTML
@performEdit = (newHTML, component = @componentWithQuote) =>
editDiv = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(component, 'contentEditable')
editDiv.getDOMNode().innerHTML = newHTML
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.input(editDiv, {target: {value: newHTML}})
it "should fire `props.onChange`", ->
@performEdit('Test New HTML')
# One day we may make this more efficient. For now we aggressively
# re-render because of the manual cursor positioning.
it "should fire if the html is the same", ->
describe "when editQuotedText is true", ->
it "should call `props.onChange` with the entire HTML string", ->
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: true)
ev = @onChange.mostRecentCall.args[0]
it "should allow the quoted text to be changed", ->
changed = 'Test NEW 1 HTML
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: true)
ev = @onChange.mostRecentCall.args[0]
describe "when editQuotedText is false", ->
it "should call `props.onChange` with the entire HTML string, even though the div being edited only contains some of it", ->
@componentWithQuote.setState(editQuotedText: false)
ev = @onChange.mostRecentCall.args[0]
it "should work if the component does not contain quoted text", ->
changed = 'Hallooo! NEW 1 HTML HTML HTML
@component.setState(editQuotedText: true)
@performEdit(changed, @component)
ev = @onChange.mostRecentCall.args[0]