import path from 'path'; import {Application} from 'spectron'; import {clearConfig, setupDefaultConfig, FAKE_DATA_PATH, CONFIG_DIR_PATH} from './config-helper'; export default class N1Launcher extends Application { constructor(launchArgs = [], configOpts) { if (configOpts === N1Launcher.CLEAR_CONFIG) { clearConfig(); } else { setupDefaultConfig(); } super({ path: N1Launcher.electronPath(), args: [jasmine.NYLAS_ROOT_PATH].concat(N1Launcher.defaultNylasArgs()).concat(launchArgs), }); } onboardingWindowReady() { return this.windowReady(N1Launcher.secondaryWindowLoadedMatcher); } mainWindowReady() { return this.windowReady(N1Launcher.mainWindowLoadedMatcher).then(() => { return this.client .timeoutsAsyncScript(5000) .executeAsync((fakeDataPath, done) => { $n.AccountStore._importFakeData(fakeDataPath).then(done); }, FAKE_DATA_PATH); }); } popoutComposerWindowReady() { return this.windowReady(N1Launcher.mainWindowLoadedMatcher).then(() => { return this.client .timeoutsAsyncScript(5000) .executeAsync((fakeDataPath, done) => { return $n.AccountStore._importFakeData(fakeDataPath).then(()=> { $n.Actions.composeNewBlankDraft(); done(); }); }, FAKE_DATA_PATH); }).then(()=>{ return N1Launcher.waitUntilMatchingWindowLoaded(this.client, N1Launcher.composerWindowMatcher).then((windowId)=>{ return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(this.client.window(windowId)); }, 500); }); }); }); } windowReady(matcher) { return this.start().then(()=>{ return N1Launcher.waitUntilMatchingWindowLoaded(this.client, matcher).then((windowId)=>{ return this.client.window(windowId); }); }); } static secondaryWindowLoadedMatcher(client) { // The last thing secondary windows do once they boot is call "show" return client.isWindowVisible(); } static mainWindowLoadedMatcher(client) { return client.isExisting('.window-loaded').then((exists)=> { if (exists) return true; return false; }); } static composerWindowMatcher(client) { return client.execute(()=>{ return NylasEnv.getLoadSettings().windowType; }).then(({value})=>{ if (value === 'composer') { return client.isExisting('.contenteditable'); } return false; }); } static defaultNylasArgs() { return ['--enable-logging', `--resource-path=${jasmine.NYLAS_ROOT_PATH}`, `--config-dir-path=${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}`]; } static electronPath() { const nylasRoot = jasmine.NYLAS_ROOT_PATH; if (process.platform === 'darwin') { return path.join(nylasRoot, 'electron', '', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Electron'); } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { return path.join(nylasRoot, 'electron', 'electron.exe'); } else if (process.platform === 'linux') { return path.join(nylasRoot, 'electron', 'electron'); } throw new Error(`Platform ${process.platform} is not supported`); } // We unfortunatley can't just Spectron's `waitUntilWindowLoaded` because // the first window that loads isn't necessarily the main render window (it // could be the work window or others), and once the window is "loaded" // it'll take a while for packages to load, etc. As such we periodically // poll the list of windows to find one that looks like the main loaded // window. // // Returns a promise that resolves with the main window's ID once it's // loaded. static waitUntilMatchingWindowLoaded(client, matcher, lastCheck = 0) { const CHECK_EVERY = 500; return new Promise((resolve) => { return client.windowHandles().then(({value}) => { return Promise.mapSeries(value, (windowId)=>{ return N1Launcher.switchAndCheckForMatch(client, windowId, matcher); }); }).then((windowIdChecks)=>{ for (const windowId of windowIdChecks) { if (windowId) return resolve(windowId); } const now =; const delay = Math.max(CHECK_EVERY - (now - lastCheck), 0); setTimeout(()=>{ return N1Launcher.waitUntilMatchingWindowLoaded(client, matcher, now).then(resolve); }, delay); return null; }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); return null; }); }); } // Returns false or the window ID of the main window // The `matcher` resolves to a boolean. static switchAndCheckForMatch(client, windowId, matcher) { return client.window(windowId).then(()=>{ return matcher(client).then((isMatch) => { if (isMatch) return windowId; return false; }); }); } } N1Launcher.CLEAR_CONFIG = 'CLEAR_CONFIG';