moment = require "moment" _ = require 'underscore-plus' CSON = require 'season' React = require "react/addons" ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils ReactTestUtils = _.extend ReactTestUtils, require "jasmine-react-helpers" {Thread, Actions, Namespace, ThreadStore, DatabaseStore, InboxTestUtils, NamespaceStore, ComponentRegistry} = require "inbox-exports" {ListTabular} = require 'ui-components' ThreadList = require "../lib/thread-list.cjsx" ParticipantsItem = React.createClass render: ->
me = new Namespace( "name": "User One", "email": "" "provider": "inbox" ) NamespaceStore._current = me test_threads = -> [ (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id": "111", "object": "thread", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "namespace_id": "nsid", "snippet": "snippet 111", "subject": "Subject 111", "tags": [ { "id": "unseen", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "unseen" }, { "id": "all", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "all" }, { "id": "inbox", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "inbox" }, { "id": "unread", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "unread" }, { "id": "attachment", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "attachment" } ], "participants": [ { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User One", "email": "" }, { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User Two", "email": "" } ], "last_message_timestamp": 1415742036 }), (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id": "222", "object": "thread", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "namespace_id": "nsid", "snippet": "snippet 222", "subject": "Subject 222", "tags": [ { "id": "unread", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "unread" }, { "id": "all", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "all" }, { "id": "unseen", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "unseen" }, { "id": "inbox", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "inbox" } ], "participants": [ { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User One", "email": "" }, { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User Three", "email": "" } ], "last_message_timestamp": 1415741913 }), (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id": "333", "object": "thread", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "namespace_id": "nsid", "snippet": "snippet 333", "subject": "Subject 333", "tags": [ { "id": "inbox", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "inbox" }, { "id": "all", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "all" }, { "id": "unseen", "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "unseen" } ], "participants": [ { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User One", "email": "" }, { "created_at": null, "updated_at": null, "name": "User Four", "email": "" } ], "last_message_timestamp": 1415741837 }) ] cjsxSubjectResolver = (thread) ->
Subject {} Snippet
describe "ThreadList", -> Foo = React.createClass({render: ->
}) c1 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Name" flex: 1 resolver: (thread) -> "#{} Test Name" c2 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Subject" flex: 3 resolver: cjsxSubjectResolver c3 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Date" resolver: (thread) -> {} columns = [c1,c2,c3] beforeEach -> InboxTestUtils.loadKeymap("internal_packages/thread-list/keymaps/thread-list.cson") spyOn(ThreadStore, "_onNamespaceChanged") spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(test_threads()) ReactTestUtils.spyOnClass(ThreadList, "_computeColumns").andReturn(columns) ThreadStore._resetInstanceVars() ComponentRegistry.register name: 'Participants' view: ParticipantsItem @thread_list = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) it "renders into the document", -> expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType(@thread_list, ThreadList)).toBe true it "stars on keymap", -> spyOn(@thread_list, "_onStarThread") InboxTestUtils.keyPress("s", @thread_list.getDOMNode()) expect(@thread_list._onStarThread).toHaveBeenCalled() it "has the expected columns", -> expect(@thread_list.state.columns).toEqual columns it "by default has zero children", -> items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, ListTabular.Item) expect(items.length).toBe 0 describe "Populated thread list", -> beforeEach -> ThreadStore._items = test_threads() ThreadStore._selectedId = null ThreadStore.trigger(ThreadStore) @thread_list_node = @thread_list.getDOMNode() it "renders all of the thread list items", -> items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, ListTabular.Item) expect(items.length).toBe 3 # describe "ThreadListNarrow", -> # beforeEach -> # InboxTestUtils.loadKeymap("internal_packages/thread-list/keymaps/thread-list.cson") # spyOn(ThreadStore, "_onNamespaceChanged") # spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake -> # new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(test_threads()) # ThreadStore._resetInstanceVars() # ComponentRegistry.register # name: 'Participants' # view: ParticipantsItem # @thread_list = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( # # ) # it "renders into the document", -> # expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType(@thread_list, # ThreadListNarrow)).toBe true # it "by default has zero children", -> # items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, # ThreadListNarrowItem) # expect(items.length).toBe 0 # describe "Populated thread list", -> # beforeEach -> # ThreadStore._items = test_threads() # ThreadStore._selectedId = null # ThreadStore.trigger() # @thread_list_node = @thread_list.getDOMNode() # it "renders all of the thread list items", -> # items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, # ThreadListNarrowItem) # expect(items.length).toBe 3 # describe "Shifting selected index", -> # beforeEach -> # spyOn(@thread_list, "_onShiftSelectedIndex") # spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId") # it "can move selection up", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:previous-item") # expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-1) # it "can move selection down", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:next-item") # expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) # describe "Triggering message list commands", -> # beforeEach -> # spyOn(Actions, "composeReply") # spyOn(Actions, "composeReplyAll") # spyOn(Actions, "composeForward") # ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId("111") # @thread = ThreadStore.selectedThread() # spyOn(@thread, "archive") # spyOn(@thread_list, "_onShiftSelectedIndex") # spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId") # it "can reply to the currently selected thread", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply") # expect(Actions.composeReply).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId: # it "can reply all to the currently selected thread", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply-all") # expect(Actions.composeReplyAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId: # it "can forward the currently selected thread", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:forward") # expect(Actions.composeForward).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId: # it "can archive the currently selected thread", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:remove-item") # expect(@thread.archive).toHaveBeenCalled() # it "can archive the currently selected thread and navigate up", -> # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:remove-and-previous") # expect(@thread.archive).toHaveBeenCalled() # expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-1) # it "does nothing when no thread is selected", -> # ThreadStore._selectedId = null # atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply") # expect(Actions.composeReply.calls.length).toEqual(0) # describe "ThreadListNarrowItem", -> # beforeEach -> # items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, # ThreadListNarrowItem) # item = items.filter (tli) -> is "111" # @thread_list_item = item[0] # @thread_date = moment(@thread_list_item.props.thread.lastMessageTimestamp) # it "finds the thread list item by id", -> # expect( "111" # it "fires the appropriate Action on click", -> # spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId") # @thread_list_item.getDOMNode() # expect(Actions.selectThreadId).toHaveBeenCalledWith("111") # it "sets the selected state on the thread item", -> # ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId("111") # items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@thread_list, "selected") # expect(items.length).toBe 1 # expect(items[0] "111" # it "renders de-selection when invalid id is emitted", -> # ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId('abc') # items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@thread_list, "selected") # expect(items.length).toBe 0 # # test "last_message_timestamp": 1415742036 # it "displays the time from threads LONG ago", -> # spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake => # @thread_date.add(2, 'years') # expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D YYYY" # it "displays the time from threads a bit ago", -> # spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake => # @thread_date.add(2, 'days') # expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D" # it "displays the time from threads exactly a day ago", -> # spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake => # @thread_date.add(1, 'day') # expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "h:mm a" # it "displays the time from threads recently", -> # spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake => # @thread_date.add(2, 'hours') # expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "h:mm a"