const _ = require('underscore'); const React = require('react'); const ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); const classnames = require('classnames'); const { MultiselectList, FocusContainer, EmptyListState, FluxContainer, SyncingListState, } = require('mailspring-component-kit'); const { Actions, Utils, CanvasUtils, TaskFactory, ChangeStarredTask, ChangeFolderTask, ChangeLabelsTask, CategoryStore, ExtensionRegistry, FocusedContentStore, FocusedPerspectiveStore, FolderSyncProgressStore, } = require('mailspring-exports'); const ThreadListColumns = require('./thread-list-columns'); const ThreadListScrollTooltip = require('./thread-list-scroll-tooltip'); const ThreadListStore = require('./thread-list-store'); const ThreadListContextMenu = require('./thread-list-context-menu').default; class ThreadList extends React.Component { static displayName = 'ThreadList'; static containerRequired = false; static containerStyles = { minWidth: 300, maxWidth: 3000, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { style: 'unknown', syncing: false, }; } componentDidMount() { this.unsub = FolderSyncProgressStore.listen(() => this.setState({ syncing: FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().hasSyncingCategories(), }) ); window.addEventListener('resize', this._onResize, true); ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).addEventListener('contextmenu', this._onShowContextMenu); this._onResize(); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !Utils.isEqualReact(this.props, nextProps) || !Utils.isEqualReact(this.state, nextState); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unsub(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onResize, true); ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).removeEventListener('contextmenu', this._onShowContextMenu); } _shift = ({ offset, afterRunning }) => { const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); const focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread'); const focusedIdx = Math.min( dataSource.count() - 1, Math.max(0, dataSource.indexOfId(focusedId) + offset) ); const item = dataSource.get(focusedIdx); afterRunning(); Actions.setFocus({ collection: 'thread', item }); }; _keymapHandlers() { return { 'core:remove-from-view': () => { return this._onRemoveFromView(); }, 'core:gmail-remove-from-view': () => { this._onRemoveFromView(); }, // todo bg 'core:archive-item': this._onArchiveItem, 'core:delete-item': this._onDeleteItem, 'core:star-item': this._onStarItem, 'core:snooze-item': this._onSnoozeItem, 'core:mark-important': () => this._onSetImportant(true), 'core:mark-unimportant': () => this._onSetImportant(false), 'core:mark-as-unread': () => this._onSetUnread(true), 'core:mark-as-read': () => this._onSetUnread(false), 'core:report-as-spam': () => this._onMarkAsSpam(false), 'core:remove-and-previous': () => { this._shift({ offset: -1, afterRunning: this._onRemoveFromView }); }, 'core:remove-and-next': () => { this._shift({ offset: 1, afterRunning: this._onRemoveFromView }); }, 'thread-list:select-read': this._onSelectRead, 'thread-list:select-unread': this._onSelectUnread, 'thread-list:select-starred': this._onSelectStarred, 'thread-list:select-unstarred': this._onSelectUnstarred, }; } _getFooter() { if (!this.state.syncing) { return null; } if (ThreadListStore.dataSource().count() <= 0) { return null; } return ; } render() { let columns, itemHeight; if ( === 'wide') { columns = ThreadListColumns.Wide; itemHeight = 36; } else { columns = ThreadListColumns.Narrow; itemHeight = 85; } return ( { return { dataSource: ThreadListStore.dataSource() }; }} > Actions.popoutThread(thread)} onDragStart={this._onDragStart} onDragEnd={this._onDragEnd} /> ); } _threadPropsProvider(item) { let left; let classes = classnames({ unread: item.unread, }); classes += ExtensionRegistry.ThreadList.extensions() .filter(ext => ext.cssClassNamesForThreadListItem != null) .reduce((prev, ext) => prev + ' ' + ext.cssClassNamesForThreadListItem(item), ' '); const props = { className: classes }; props.shouldEnableSwipe = () => { const perspective = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); const tasks = perspective.tasksForRemovingItems([item], 'Swipe'); return tasks.length > 0; }; props.onSwipeRightClass = () => { const perspective = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); const tasks = perspective.tasksForRemovingItems([item], 'Swipe'); if (tasks.length === 0) { return null; } // TODO this logic is brittle const task = tasks[0]; const name = task instanceof ChangeStarredTask ? 'unstar' : task instanceof ChangeFolderTask ? : task instanceof ChangeLabelsTask ? 'archive' : 'remove'; return `swipe-${name}`; }; props.onSwipeRight = function(callback) { const perspective = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); const tasks = perspective.tasksForRemovingItems([item], 'Swipe'); if (tasks.length === 0) { callback(false); } Actions.closePopover(); Actions.queueTasks(tasks); callback(true); }; const disabledPackages = (left = AppEnv.config.get('core.disabledPackages')) != null ? left : []; if (disabledPackages.includes('thread-snooze')) { return props; } if (FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().isInbox()) { props.onSwipeLeftClass = 'swipe-snooze'; props.onSwipeCenter = () => { Actions.closePopover(); }; props.onSwipeLeft = callback => { // TODO this should be grabbed from elsewhere const SnoozePopover = require('../../thread-snooze/lib/snooze-popover').default; const element = document.querySelector(`[data-item-id="${}"]`); const originRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); Actions.openPopover(, { originRect, direction: 'right', fallbackDirection: 'down', }); }; } return props; } _targetItemsForMouseEvent(event) { let needle; const itemThreadId = this.refs.list.itemIdAtPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY); if (!itemThreadId) { return null; } const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); if (((needle = itemThreadId), dataSource.selection.ids().includes(needle))) { return { threadIds: dataSource.selection.ids(), accountIds: _.uniq(_.pluck(dataSource.selection.items(), 'accountId')), }; } else { const thread = dataSource.getById(itemThreadId); if (!thread) { return null; } return { threadIds: [], accountIds: [thread.accountId], }; } } _onSyncStatusChanged = () => { const syncing = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().hasSyncingCategories(); this.setState({ syncing }); }; _onShowContextMenu = event => { const data = this._targetItemsForMouseEvent(event); if (!data) { event.preventDefault(); return; } new ThreadListContextMenu(data).displayMenu(); }; _onDragStart = event => { const data = this._targetItemsForMouseEvent(event); if (!data) { event.preventDefault(); return; } event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; event.dataTransfer.dragEffect = 'move'; const canvas = CanvasUtils.canvasWithThreadDragImage(data.threadIds.length); event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(canvas, 10, 10); event.dataTransfer.setData('nylas-threads-data', JSON.stringify(data)); event.dataTransfer.setData(`nylas-accounts=${data.accountIds.join(',')}`, '1'); }; _onDragEnd = event => {}; _onResize = event => { const current =; const desired = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetWidth < 540 ? 'narrow' : 'wide'; if (current !== desired) { this.setState({ style: desired }); } }; _threadsForKeyboardAction() { if (!ThreadListStore.dataSource()) { return null; } const focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread'); if (focused) { return [focused]; } else if (ThreadListStore.dataSource().selection.count() > 0) { return ThreadListStore.dataSource().selection.items(); } else { return null; } } _onStarItem = () => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } Actions.queueTask( TaskFactory.taskForInvertingStarred({ threads, source: 'Keyboard Shortcut', }) ); }; _onSnoozeItem = () => { let left; const disabledPackages = (left = AppEnv.config.get('core.disabledPackages')) != null ? left : []; if (disabledPackages.includes('thread-snooze')) { return; } const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } // TODO this should be grabbed from elsewhere const SnoozePopover = require('../../thread-snooze/lib/snooze-popover').default; const element = document.querySelector('.snooze-button.btn.btn-toolbar'); if (!element) { return; } const originRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); Actions.openPopover(, { originRect, direction: 'down' }); }; _onSetImportant = important => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } if (!AppEnv.config.get('core.workspace.showImportant')) { return; } Actions.queueTasks( TaskFactory.tasksForThreadsByAccountId(threads, (accountThreads, accountId) => { return new ChangeLabelsTask({ threads: accountThreads, source: 'Keyboard Shortcut', labelsToAdd: important ? [CategoryStore.getCategoryByRole(accountId, 'important')] : [], labelsToRemove: important ? [] : [CategoryStore.getCategoryByRole(accountId, 'important')], }); }) ); }; _onSetUnread = unread => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } Actions.queueTask( TaskFactory.taskForInvertingUnread({ threads, unread, source: 'Keyboard Shortcut' }) ); Actions.popSheet(); }; _onMarkAsSpam = () => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } const tasks = TaskFactory.tasksForMarkingAsSpam({ source: 'Keyboard Shortcut', threads, }); Actions.queueTasks(tasks); }; _onRemoveFromView = ruleset => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (!threads) { return; } const current = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); const tasks = current.tasksForRemovingItems(threads, 'Keyboard Shortcut'); Actions.queueTasks(tasks); Actions.popSheet(); }; _onArchiveItem = () => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (threads) { const tasks = TaskFactory.tasksForArchiving({ source: 'Keyboard Shortcut', threads, }); Actions.queueTasks(tasks); } Actions.popSheet(); }; _onDeleteItem = () => { const threads = this._threadsForKeyboardAction(); if (threads) { const tasks = TaskFactory.tasksForMovingToTrash({ source: 'Keyboard Shortcut', threads, }); Actions.queueTasks(tasks); } Actions.popSheet(); }; _onSelectRead = () => { const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); const items = dataSource.itemsCurrentlyInViewMatching(item => !item.unread); this.refs.list.handler().onSelect(items); }; _onSelectUnread = () => { const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); const items = dataSource.itemsCurrentlyInViewMatching(item => item.unread); this.refs.list.handler().onSelect(items); }; _onSelectStarred = () => { const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); const items = dataSource.itemsCurrentlyInViewMatching(item => item.starred); this.refs.list.handler().onSelect(items); }; _onSelectUnstarred = () => { const dataSource = ThreadListStore.dataSource(); const items = dataSource.itemsCurrentlyInViewMatching(item => !item.starred); this.refs.list.handler().onSelect(items); }; } module.exports = ThreadList;