const Joi = require('joi'); const {DatabaseConnector} = require(`nylas-core`); module.exports = (server) => { server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/syncback-requests/{account_id}', config: { description: 'Get the SyncbackRequests for an account', notes: 'Notes go here', tags: ['syncback-requests'], validate: { params: { account_id: Joi.number().integer(), }, }, response: { schema: Joi.string(), }, }, handler: (request, reply) => { DatabaseConnector.forAccount(request.params.account_id).then((db) => { const {SyncbackRequest} = db; SyncbackRequest.findAll().then((syncbackRequests) => { reply(JSON.stringify(syncbackRequests)) }); }); }, }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/syncback-requests/{account_id}/counts', config: { description: 'Get stats on the statuses of SyncbackRequests', notes: 'Notes go here', tags: ['syncback-requests'], validate: { params: { account_id: Joi.number().integer(), }, query: { since:, }, }, response: { schema: Joi.string(), }, }, handler: (request, reply) => { DatabaseConnector.forAccount(request.params.account_id).then((db) => { const {SyncbackRequest} = db; const counts = { 'new': null, 'succeeded': null, 'failed': null, } const where = {}; if (request.query.since) { where.createdAt = {gt: request.query.since}; } const countPromises = []; for (const status of Object.keys(counts)) { where.status = status.toUpperCase(); countPromises.push( SyncbackRequest.count({where: where}).then((count) => { counts[status] = count; }) ); } Promise.all(countPromises).then(() => { reply(JSON.stringify(counts)); }) }); }, }); };