version: '{build}' platform: - x86 pull_requests: do_not_increment_build_number: true branches: only: - master - ci-test - stable - /ci-build\/.*/ # We need to only clone the main module because our submodule requires the # encrypted ssh key to access submodules clone_depth: 1 build: verbosity: minimal install: - ps: Install-Product node $env:NODE_VERSION $env:PLATFORM - ps: nuget install secure-file -ExcludeVersion - ps: npm config set msvs_version 2013 # We need to extract the encrypted private ssh key to clone the submodule. - ps: | if ($env:DECRYPTION_PASSWORD) { secure-file\tools\secure-file -decrypt build\resources\ssh\nylas-n1-ci-ssh-secure-file.enc -secret $env:DECRYPTION_PASSWORD mv -Force build\resources\ssh\nylas-n1-ci-ssh-secure-file c:\users\appveyor\.ssh\id_rsa # Start-Process -FilePath git.exe -ArgumentList 'submodule update --init --recursive' -Wait -NoNewWindow secure-file\tools\secure-file -decrypt src\pro\encrypted_certificates\appveyor\win-nylas-n1.p12.enc -secret $env:DECRYPTION_PASSWORD secure-file\tools\secure-file -decrypt src\pro\encrypted_certificates\appveyor\set_win_env.ps1.enc -secret $env:DECRYPTION_PASSWORD . src\pro\encrypted_certificates\appveyor\set_win_env.ps1 } build_script: - ps: script\bootstrap.cmd test_script: - ps: npm test deploy_script: - ps: script\grunt.cmd ci --stack --no-color environment: matrix: - NODE_VERSION: 6.9 PUBLISH_BUILD: true global: CERTIFICATE_FILE: .\src\pro\encrypted_certificates\appveyor\win-nylas-n1.p12 DECRYPTION_PASSWORD: secure: 48VSzDtdBd52Xlo3TZ1NeR1yRRrZ3AU6Px5XjD5RDp44cFU5GYVspecGqX6DGCV7i0D7nldGMyEbXNrjM1t1Kw== cache: - node_modules - apm\node_modules - build\node_modules - '%USERPROFILE%\.nylas\.apm' - '%USERPROFILE%\.npm'