path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs-plus' _ = require 'underscore-plus' donna = require 'donna' tello = require 'tello' moduleBlacklist = [ 'space-pen' ] module.exports = (grunt) -> getClassesToInclude = -> modulesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'node_modules') classes = {} fs.traverseTreeSync modulesPath, (modulePath) -> return false if modulePath.match(/node_modules/g).length > 1 # dont need the dependencies of the dependencies return false if path.basename(modulePath) in moduleBlacklist return true unless path.basename(modulePath) is 'package.json' return true unless fs.isFileSync(modulePath) apiPath = path.join(path.dirname(modulePath), 'api.json') if fs.isFileSync(apiPath) _.extend(classes, grunt.file.readJSON(apiPath).classes) true classes sortClasses = (classes) -> sortedClasses = {} for className in Object.keys(classes).sort() sortedClasses[className] = classes[className] sortedClasses grunt.registerTask 'build-docs', 'Builds the API docs in src', -> docsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('docsOutputDir') metadata = donna.generateMetadata(['.']) api = tello.digest(metadata) _.extend(api.classes, getClassesToInclude()) api.classes = sortClasses(api.classes) apiJson = JSON.stringify(api, null, 2) apiJsonPath = path.join(docsOutputDir, 'api.json') grunt.file.write(apiJsonPath, apiJson)