# Start the crash reporter before anything else. require('crash-reporter').start(productName: 'Atom', companyName: 'GitHub') path = require 'path' # Swap out Node's native Promise for Bluebird, which allows us to # do fancy things like handle exceptions inside promise blocks global.Promise = require 'bluebird' try require '../src/window' Atom = require '../src/atom' window.atom = Atom.loadOrCreate('spec') # Show window synchronously so a focusout doesn't fire on input elements # that are focused in the very first spec run. atom.getCurrentWindow().show() unless atom.getLoadSettings().exitWhenDone {runSpecSuite} = require './jasmine-helper' # Add 'exports' to module search path. exportsPath = path.join(atom.getLoadSettings().resourcePath, 'exports') require('module').globalPaths.push(exportsPath) # Still set NODE_PATH since tasks may need it. process.env.NODE_PATH = exportsPath document.title = "Spec Suite" runSpecSuite './spec-suite', atom.getLoadSettings().logFile catch error if atom?.getLoadSettings().exitWhenDone console.error(error.stack ? error) atom.exit(1) else throw error