_ = require 'underscore' MailspringStore = require 'mailspring-store' {Rx, Thread, Message, Actions, DatabaseStore, WorkspaceStore, FocusedContentStore, TaskQueue, FocusedPerspectiveStore} = require 'mailspring-exports' {ListTabular} = require 'mailspring-component-kit' ThreadListDataSource = require('./thread-list-data-source').default class ThreadListStore extends MailspringStore constructor: -> @listenTo FocusedPerspectiveStore, @_onPerspectiveChanged @createListDataSource() dataSource: => @_dataSource createListDataSource: => @_dataSourceUnlisten?() @_dataSource = null threadsSubscription = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().threads() if threadsSubscription @_dataSource = new ThreadListDataSource(threadsSubscription) @_dataSourceUnlisten = @_dataSource.listen(@_onDataChanged, @) else @_dataSource = new ListTabular.DataSource.Empty() @trigger(@) Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null) selectionObservable: => return Rx.Observable.fromListSelection(@) # Inbound Events _onPerspectiveChanged: => @createListDataSource() _onDataChanged: ({previous, next} = {}) => # This code keeps the focus and keyboard cursor in sync with the thread list. # When the thread list changes, it looks to see if the focused thread is gone, # or no longer matches the query criteria and advances the focus to the next # thread. # This means that removing a thread from view in any way causes selection # to advance to the adjacent thread. Nice and declarative. if previous and next focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') keyboard = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursor('thread') viewModeAutofocuses = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode() is 'split' or WorkspaceStore.topSheet().root is true matchers = next.query()?.matchers() focusedIndex = if focused then previous.offsetOfId(focused.id) else -1 keyboardIndex = if keyboard then previous.offsetOfId(keyboard.id) else -1 nextItemFromIndex = (i) => if i > 0 and (next.modelAtOffset(i - 1)?.unread or i >= next.count()) nextIndex = i - 1 else nextIndex = i # May return null if no thread is loaded at the next index next.modelAtOffset(nextIndex) notInSet = (model) -> if matchers return model.matches(matchers) is false else return next.offsetOfId(model.id) is -1 if viewModeAutofocuses and focused and notInSet(focused) Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: nextItemFromIndex(focusedIndex)) if keyboard and notInSet(keyboard) Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: nextItemFromIndex(keyboardIndex)) module.exports = new ThreadListStore()